John Jonas – ReplaceMyself (Re-arranged & Updated)

$79.00 $997.00 Sale

John Jonas – ReplaceMyself (Re-arranged & Updated)

57,000+ People Have Learned What Filipino Workers Are Capable of From Us.
It’s Your Turn.

What can Filipino virtual assistants do for you?
Imagine What You Could Accomplish With Intelligent English Speaking Workers for $250/month…Full-Time (they work ONLY for you)

Never deal with WordPress again

– from $2.04/hr

Design work…done

– from $2.46/hour

Custom PHP programming…Easy

– from $3.12/hr

Real Estate Virtual Assistant

– from $1.97/hr

Native english content writers

– from $2.18/hr


– from $2.20/hr

Design and Build your website

– from $2.50/hr

Bookkeeping? Ton’s of experience

– from $1.87/hr

Filipinos Hired
questions answered
live trainings held
book downloads

Implement everything…
no really!

Our Filipino workers do everything from copywriting to programming to SEO. They also write content, build websites, post on Facebook and Twitter, do data entry work, and do customer service. You can implement all kinds of systems with a Filipino VA.
Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how.

Wait…Competent workers?

Yep. They built this website.
Yep. They designed and laid out this page you’re reading.
Yep. They created our SEO and Social Media plan (and are carrying it out).
Yep. They built…and did the marketing for it!
Filipino workers can be super competent…if you allow them to be.
If you’re tired of incompetent outsourcers, we’ll make you happy.

Get immediately download John Jonas – ReplaceMyself (Re-arranged & Updated)

Honest, Talented, and Motivated Workers

Amazing attributes exist in the culture in the Philippines that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. Not that you can’t find honest, talented, and motivated workers elsewhere, it’s just easier in the Philippines. Not to mention the 4 other cultural traits that really make this good. We’ll teach you what they are, and how to use them to make your life easier.

“Americanized” People.
No more communication issues.

In the Philippines, street signs are in english. So are billboards. They watch American and Australian movies and TV. Culturally, they’re westernized. Typical “outsourcing communication problems” don’t exist with Filipino virtual assistants.
You’ll be blown away after you hire someone.

We don’t just teach you how to find and hire and manage your Filipino virtual assistants, We teach you how to get the best ROI from their work.
Retina Graphics
Your success is important to us.
*After we teach you how, we offer our training to give to your VA, to make them more productive for you.*
Responsive Layout
We don’t recruit VA’s and mark them up for you. Thousands of other companies do that
Retina Graphics
We don’t own an office in the Philippines (or in the USA for that matter). We practice what we preach.
Powerful Performance
We own the largest Philippines hiring marketplace. We can give you free access to it.

Full-Time vs Contract Work – One is definitely better!

Most people get frustrated with outsourcing because they hire contract workers creating 100% turnover in their businesses. Turnover stinks! Hire full-time workers, virtual assistants, who’s skills stay with your business through the years. Hire once. Benefit 1000x.
Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how
An outsourcer capable of THINKING??? Imagine that!

We’ve grown accustomed to outsourcers who can only follow specific step-by-step directions, no thinking allowed. BREAK THE MOLD! Filipino virtual assistants are very capable of thinking through your projects. Solving problems! Just motivate them properly and change your (and their) way of thinking about work.
Don’t worry, It’l be easy for you.
Creating Systems Is Easy With Filipino Virtual Assistants

Because you’ll hire them full-time (or…it could be part-time), It’s easy to have them implement entire systems in your business. Imagine what you accomplish when someone else does the process from start to finish
…and you’re NOT involved!

13 Month’s in a year?

Well, there aren’t 13 months, but you do need to know about the “13th Month” custom in the Philippines…as well as 3 others which could make it difficult. Don’t worry, it’l be easy for you

Look, this isn’t India

The typical “Yes Man” doesn’t exist in the Philippines. “Yes Men” come from India. You’re gonna have a very different experience here.
And at 1/3 the cost…
Affordable Was Never So Real

A full-time helper for $250/month. This is what the word “affordable” was invented for.
Outsourcing without the Middle-Man Markup

Everyone hates the middle-man. We do too. That’s why we didn’t become one. We teach you how to find and recruit them directly…without salary markups.

Get immediately download John Jonas – ReplaceMyself (Re-arranged & Updated)

What Makes Us Different?
It’s built in to the name: ReplaceMyself

Yes, we teach outsourcing to the Philippines…
Yes, we want you to get the best ROI from your outsourced workers…
But, our philosophy is more about getting your life back from the rat race.
Free your time…even if it’s just a little.

How We Make Outsourcing Easy For You
Outsourcing Can Be Complicated. Our Process Makes It Easy

Step 1:

Sit Back and Learn to Find, Hire, and Manage Filipino Virtual Assistants. Become a Pro Outsourcer in an hour and a half. Enjoy »

Step 2:

Instant Access to Over 150,000+ Filipino Virtual Assistant Workers. View their resumes or post a job. We’ll make it easy for you with examples and templates.

Step 3:

Hand Off Training To Your Workers In The Philippines. Make productivity shoot through the roof. Train your workers with our training. Nobody likes creating training. We’ve done it for you. View our library of training you can hand off to your new Filipino VA.

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!