John E Sarno – Healing Back Pain DVD
John E Sarno – Healing Back Pain DVD
Dr. John E. Sarno’s groundbreaking research on Tension Myositis Syndrome reveals how stress and other psychological factors can cause back pain-and how you can be pain free without drugs, exercise, or surgery.
Dr. Sarno is a medical pioneer whose program has helped thousands of people find relief from chronic back conditions without drugs, physical therapy, or dangerous surgery. In this bestselling guide to overcoming back pain, you’ll find out:
* Why self-motivated and successful people are prone to Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS)
* How anxiety and repressed anger trigger muscle spasmsHow people “train themselves” to experience back pain
* How you may get relief from back pain within two to six weeks by recognizing TMS and its causes
With case histories and the results of in-depth mind-body research, Dr. Sarno describes how patients recognize the emotional roots of their TMS and sever the connections between mental and physical pain… and how, just by reading this book, you may start recovering from back pain today.
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