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Joe Polish & Dr. Ned Hallowell – Success With Sanity
Joe Polish & Dr. Ned Hallowell – Success With Sanity
Discover how to earn more money than you ever dreamed possible by “unlocking” a little-known “secret” that will simplify your life and have you efficiently dealing with all the relentless “crazy busy” annoying, never-ending distractions that constantly “pop-up” in both every day “life” and in your business. Discover how to forever rid yourself of all the time-wasting “clutter” that’s sucking the “productivity” out of your workdays and that has you feeling like you’re “swimming in quicksand”! This is it… this is your chance to discover…
Wealthy Entrepreneurs Rely On
To Keep Their Life “Simple”
& Their Businesses Making
“Obscene” Amounts Of Money!
Tempe, Arizona
March 14th, 10:47 a.m.
Dear Overworked, Overwhelmed, Overstressed & “Under-Compensated” Entrepreneur:
Do you wish you possessed full, “nothing-held-back” knowledge of the “Success Secret” that separates the everyday, average, stressed-out, “workaholic” $100,000/yr. entrepreneur… from the entrepreneurs who, almost effortlessly… and “nonchalantly” rake in…
One Million… Ten Million… Even…
One Hundred Million Dollars A Year…Or More!!!
You know who I’m talking about… those people who seem to have the “Midas Touch”.
Yes… those people who… with seemingly little effort… somehow manage to earn millions… sometimes even billions of dollars… year… after year… after year.
Do you know what their “secret” is?
I bet you don’t.
My name is Joe Polish. I am a self-made millionaire & the President of Piranha Marketing, Inc. in Tempe, Arizona. I love marketing!!! I live marketing!!! “Marketing” is my life!!! Over the past 16 years I have worked with, consulted with and/or have interviewed nearly 100 of the world’s top marketing minds on the planet… including people like Mega-Billionaire Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Records / Virgin Atlantic Airlines fame. (See below).
Branson 01 Branson 01 Branson 01
Respected, Multi-Million Dollar corporations including Nightingale Conant, Vericomm, Wells Fargo Mortgage, Envision Corporation, N.Y. Times Bestselling Author and Founder of EAS (Bill Phillips), Pinnacle Care International and Esselte of the Pendaflex Corporation are among the many firms that have gladly paid up to $3,000.00/hr. just to consult with me. (Below you’ll see a Marketing Program which my company and I authored and created for Nightingale Conant… the largest manufacturer & seller of business-related self-help courses on the planet.)
Many of my peers consider me to be a “marketing genius”. And… heck… on at least a half dozen occasions… I’ve heard a number of well-respected mega-millionaire tycoons refer to me as…
A “Marketing God”!
Whether or not that’s true is “subjective”… and in this case… “irrelevant”… because… the #1 “Success Secret” which I am about to share with you… has… well…
It Has Absolutely NOTHING Whatsoever
To Do With Marketing !!!
Now pay close attention… because I need you to focus on what I am about to say here…
As entrepreneurs… collectively… we really have just one thing in common…
Each & Every One Of Us
Have Only 24 Hours In A Day!
And for some of us… what we choose to do with those 24 hours we’re allotted each day… what we elect to do with that time… unfortunately…
Is Literally Killing Us!!!
Well… at least some of us. Take a look below and give some serious thought as to whether or not headlines like the following could “ring true” and maybe, perhaps even apply to a person like yourself some day.
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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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