Holly Perkins – ACTIVATE

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Holly Perkins - ACTIVATEHolly Perkins – ACTIVATE


And If They’re Not…

It’s Time to Change That

          • Weak Muscles Contribute To A Weak Metabolism
          • Low Muscle Mass Means Higher Body Fat
          • Underdeveloped Glutes Increase Your Risk of Injuries
          • Knee and Hip Problems Begin With Weak Glutes
          • Sluggish Glutes Create Sluggish Energy



            • Build better Glutes
            • Supercharge your metabolism
            • Create a lifted, rounded and strong butt
            • Reduce cellulite
            • Look more athletic
            • Reduce aches and pains
            • Protect your joints (hip, knees and back)
            • Improve stamina and reduce fatigue
            • Balance hormones
            • Feel STRONG
            • Improve bone density and health


Is The First Step In Creating Your Best Butt Ever

Before you can strengthen and build your Glutes, it’s important to first improve the neuromuscular facilitation of your Glute muscles.

You see, weak muscles are sleepy muscles. And nearly every client I have ever worked with has had substantially weak glutes. A common mistake I see is people trying to build their butt when the muscles aren’t activated yet.

The first step in transforming your butt is to improve the communication between your brain and your muscles. This is called neuromuscular facilitation and it’s everything.

The GLUTES Project | ACTIVATE is the first step in changing how your Glutes look, feel and function.

The GLUTES Project features three phases for comprehensive transformation:

The GLUTES Project | ACTIVATE (also known as Phase 1) is where you will wake up your Glute muscles to prepare them for strengthening.

The GLUTES Project | ULTIMATE features Phase 2 (strengthen) and Phase 3 (build) and is where you will truly transform your butt.



Strength training for your Glutes is EXTRA important.

Your muscles are literally your engine, being largely responsible for fat burning, hormone regulation and overall metabolism.

This has profound implications for your entire body, and your health overall.

Imagine, your most powerful calorie-burning engine (your Glutes) underworking. In my experience over the past 25 years, I know first-hand that 90% of people have weak and underdeveloped glute muscles. Often, women’s Glutes are far weaker than men’s.

When your muscles are weak, your entire body is weakened.

Weak and under-developed muscles mean slower metabolism, improperly supported joints, misalignments, increased risk of injury, and fatigue.

Because your Glutes are designed to be the largest muscle of them all, it’s critical to your overall health to make them strong, powerful and influential.

Being active and working out isn’t enough to make your Glutes as strong as they need to be in order to support your life. If you aren’t specifically addressing the strength and function of your Glutes every week, it is highly likely that yours are limiting your health, performance, and appearance.

Your muscles are an incredibly important organ as they literally drive your entire body.

Strong GLUTES mean:

  • A faster, more powerful metabolism
  • Enhanced fat burning 24/7
  • Improved hormone balance
  • Better support for your hips, pelvis and spine
  • Improved performance for sport and life
  • Optimzed body mechanics
  • Reduced risk of injuries
  • Enhanced hip flexibility
  • A better looking butt
  • Well-fitting jeans!


This 2 week program features 8 exercises that you can do anywhere with minimal equipment and is designed to be completed before beginning The GLUTES Project | ULTIMATE.

ACTIVATE is for you if…

  • You have been away from workouts for more than 1 month
  • You sit for more than 4 hours per day
  • Want to ensure glute activation prior to any workout
  • You want to get the most from your lower body strength workouts
  • You need a pre-workout preparatory series for better muscle activation

For this program, you’ll need a circular resistance band and ankle weights.

The GLUTES Project | ACTIVATE Includes…

  • An 8-exercise sequence that you’ll complete 3 times each week
  • Video tutorials for all exercises so you can master technique
  • Proven exercises that specifically target the activation of all three glute muscles

Your Instructor

Holly Perkins

Holly Perkins

A childhood love of fitness led Holly to Penn State University where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology with an emphasis in Nutrition. Her love of big city culture led her to New York where she started her career as a personal trainer. 25 years later, a love for helping people turned into a deep passion, and Holly thrives on watching her clients get smaller, tighter and leaner than they ever thought possible.

A bona fide industry expert, Holly’s credentials far surpass nearly every other fitness expert you’ve met. This isn’t bravado; it’s truth. Simply Google search, “Holly Perkins” and pull up a chair – you’ll be reading for a while. She is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, which is the gold standard for certification, and requires a college-level diploma just to take the test. Women’s Health magazine hand-picked Holly to write Lift to Get Lean, the strength training bible for women.

Holly is the go-to expert for women’s fitness and strength training, and is a regular contributor to Women’s Health, Prevention, LIVESTRONG, Shape, SELF, Fitness, Redbook, Buzzfeed and more. She has consulted for many companies including New Balance, Westin, Komen, and Promax.

Holly has worked with Karlie Kloss, Adrian Grenier, Howard Stern, Carole Radziwill, Billy Crystal, Petra Ecclestone, and even a presidential candidate. Holly has created many best selling fitness DVD’s including Slim Sexy Strong, 20 Minute Sweat, Fitness 360 and baladea.

The GLUTES Project is Holly’s latest training program, bringing together her proven methods from 25 years of high level experience. Every element of this program was scrutinized by Holly to ensure the most effective path to body transformation. Holly has proven over and over that she knows what it takes to bring out your best body ever. And it starts with your glutes.

While we compile images that reflect the specific results from The GLUTES Project, check out these incredible transformations from Holly’s other programs.

Course Curriculum


GLUTES on Fire Challenge
Module 1 – The GLUTES Project | ACTIVATE

Get Download Holly Perkins – ACTIVATE


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