George Hutton – Seductive Eye Contact


George Hutton – Seductive Eye Contact

“George Hutton’s ‘Seductive Eye Contact’ explores the powerful impact of eye contact in building attraction and influence. This course offers techniques and insights into mastering eye contact to create deeper connections, enhance communication, and boost confidence in social and romantic interactions.”

For complete strangers, create deep feelings of love

Most of us find eye contact frightening.

It’s just one step on a long road to social anxiety.

Towards social comfort.

Only a few people can do this.

Two things have been proven to be true of extended eye contact:

Violence or sex.

You wouldn’t need words if you were a sociopath and wanted to pick a fight.

You can just find someone to gaze at and you don’t have to look long enough.

The short summary is, in fact: “look at me when I’m talking to you” This is a statement about dominance.

The idea of not making contact feels almost like an escape.

Particularly for sexual eye contact.

Even boardroom leaders are not able to make sexual eye contact.

They stare at an office worker who is speaking to somebody.

Feeling a deep and almost unconscious feeling of attraction.

The lady then looks at the man, and the man feels like he has his hands in the cookie jar.

Even the phrase “take a picture, it will last longer” is used when unwelcome contact with the eyes is made

Eye Contact can be both frightening and wonderful.

Imagine, for example, that you have finally found your perfect partner.

You are finally done with the sex marathon.

Both of you are FILLED with rare and beneficial chemicals, neurological impulses, and hormones.

The best way to find happiness is to look into each other’s eyes softly and openly.

This idea alone presupposes many wonderful experiences.

To enjoy eye contact, you must believe all the following.

We fear the famous most of all. “you lookin at me?” response.

We now need to discuss something that is uncomfortable.

This is an uncomfortable truth, but it’s not something we should accept as truth.

The truth is that people do not like attention from certain people, but they crave attention from others.

This idea can lead to anger at other people who aren’t allowing us to pay attention.

This feels great, but it’s not very helpful.

Try a different approach.

To be more like those whose attention is CRAVED.

To be the guy or girl who gets attention and, more importantly, EYE CONTACT.

Even between strangers.

How is that possible?

This is possible!


First, let’s get rid of the instinctive fight or flight that most people feel from unintentional eye contact.

This is a quick and unconscious assumption.

It comes from a long, long ago when life was extremely dangerous.

It was believed that any eye contact with a STRANGER meant DANGER.

This is a very old instinct.

But it is easy to lose.-couple.

Not by force, but through inner meditation.

A meditation practice that will help you to let go of all IRRATIONAL fears.

It is important to be cautious

If all our fear is gone, we may be able jump off buildings.

Be afraid, it is a very, very helpful reaction.

It keeps us from getting into fights.

It helps us make enough money to pay rent.

It reminds you to keep your mouth shut when you want to reach someone’s face.

But eye contact?

There’s no reason to believe that eye contact should ALWAYS create fight or flight.

It’s okay to be stared at by an angry man, but it is best to avoid staring contests.

What about an ATTRACTIVE person?

Not dangerous.

We don’t want you to look creepy.

We desire to gaze softly in a manner that will show the IDEAL frame.

Some people don’t like being inspected, especially women. This is why some ladies don’t enjoy nice guys.

The most beautiful men have deep, non-judgemental qualities.-Congruent emotional issues

Men who secretly stare at each other but then turn their backs as soon as they see them. “caught” These same deep and non-existent feelings are yours.-Congruent emotional issues

But you can make a profound connection with meditation by doing some very powerful exercises.

You will feel the same level of congruence if you have extended eye contact after a marathon sex session.

Normal people will only make eye contact after they have slowly become friends.

Only after you have carefully and slowly passed each other’s tests.

Only after you have had a few of each other’s orgasms.

What if you could have the same effect before you even talk to them?

This requires a DEEP ACCEPTANCE at all levels.

A deep acceptance at all levels.

This is a far cry from the ordinary. “Wow, she’s hot, I’d like to have sex with her!”

This is a rare and attractive eye contact that can be very powerful. It’s one person reaching out in mutual acceptance on ALL levels.

No judgment on yourself.

You can’t judge them.

One second of this type of eye contact will send a very rare and extraordinary feeling to your partner.

Accept yourself fully and completely.

Accept them wholeheartedly and completely.

It does not mean that you have to form a friendship with them.

It doesn’t mean you have to even talk to them.

Only if you can see them in a group and decide to make the connection.

This is what most people see in romance novels or movies.

They are so sure of themselves that they stare unwaveringly at the world with a calm, honest smile.

It will be you.

This program will make you feel great with enough of the energetic and deep meditations that you’ll be learning.

Once you de-Eye contact can be very powerful. It will help you to communicate your fight or flight response.

Although it looks almost like a weapon it will not cause harm.

It will be a weapon for love.

You will be able give people the gift of love at the first sight.

Most people approach with timidity, making only fleeting eye contact and nervousness.

Words are used to make the case WHY the conversation should continue.

What might make a relationship possible?

Words won’t be needed if you have deep inner acceptance and love powers that allow for eye contact.

They will only be astonished at who you really are.

Their mind will stop.

Temporarily, their throats will freeze.

They will feel a rush of something that most people never experience.

It’s not the one we recall.

It’s not unusual to see BABIES as this.


Children do not make anyone feel threatened.

No one worries about being judged in the eyes of children.

Everyone, except sociopaths and neo-paths, sees children with pure self acceptance.

Pure kindness.

Adults will melt if you look at them this way.

Take a look at adults in this manner. They will do whatever it takes to stay within your sphere.

What’s included?

The program includes a coaching session.

This coaching session explains why most people are afraid of eye contact with attractive people.

These exercises will help you to get rid of this fear.

Accept everything you find within yourself.

When you can do this, you will be able look at EVERYBODY as normal people see happy children.

Openness, love and appreciation.

Adults will respond well to this type of eye contact.

The course includes a deep hypnosis session.

This session combines guided visualization with a dual mind-training session.

Your subconscious mind can be trained to accept and love anyone you wish.

Combining these two will make you adore eye contact with attractive strangers, much like children who love playgrounds.

The existing relationships will be stronger.

Conversations will be deeper.

Automatically, new friends will be made.

It’s possible to meet new partners whenever you like.

This is just the start.

You will be a different person after you have learned and put into practice the key exercises in this course.

This is your chance to get it nowRemove any ancient programming that is affecting your life.

This is your chance to get it nowGifts that last a lifetime are a great way to show your appreciation.

This is your chance to get it nowMake attractive people fall in love with your personality in a matter of seconds.

This is the best way to get rid of social anxiety.

This is your chance to get it nowBe a fearless assassin, creating deep feelings and acceptance in all you meet.

This is your chance to get it nowYou can instantly create a post-sexual, mutually blissful gaze of love in anyone, anywhere, at any time.

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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