Gary Kraftsow – Dissolve the Knot of the Heart & Connect to the Divine With Tantric Laya Yoga
Gary Kraftsow – Dissolve the Knot of the Heart & Connect to the Divine With Tantric Laya Yoga
During this journey to dissolve the knot of the heart through ancient Tantric Laya Yoga, you’ll:
- Liberate yourself from suffering, connect to deep sources of revelation, and forge a life that is aligned with your greatest potential
- Discover the knots of ignorance, desire, action — the Brahmā granthi, Viṣṇu granthi, and Rudra granthi — that bind you to suffering through attachment, the ego, and a false sense of separateness
- Learn the deeper symbolism of the cakra-s — and how your innate bio-imperatives such as survival, reproduction, competition, connection, communication, and more — influence your desires, feelings, thoughts, and behavior
- Cultivate living relationships with the Vedic gods and goddesses and their transformational attributes — through chanting, āsana, prāṇāyāma, and meditation
- Set intentions to eliminate attachment to things that will never be true sources of safety, empowerment, nourishment, vitality, and joy in your life
- Attune to your intuition, open to receive inspiration, and connect to sources of revelation
- Learn to chant the Sāvitrī gāyatrī mantra in the way it has been chanted traditionally for thousands of years, as recorded in the ancient Yajur Veda
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing, bringing the meaning of Sāvitrī gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā and meditate in the “cave of the heart”
- Uncover a sense of purpose and deeper meaning in your life — and commit to making choices that are guided by that sense of purpose and aligned with that deeper meaning
- Explore the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi — designed to purify your dysfunctional patterns — in relation to the three granthi-sand the cakra-s
- Explore the sahasrāra as a gateway between the three planes of existence — causal, subtle, and physical
What You’ll Discover in These 14 Modules
In this 14-part transformational intensive, Gary will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to liberate yourself from suffering, connect to deep sources of revelation, and forge a life that is aligned with your greatest potential through ancient Tantric Laya Yoga practices such as chanting, āsana, prāṇāyāma, and meditation.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Gary. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to dissolve the knot of the heart and activate your innate power to heal and direct your life using ancient Tantric Laya Yoga practices.
Part I: Microcosmic Living Symbols
Module 1: Brahmā Granthi & the Mūlādhāra Cakra — for Sourcing True Safety & Stability

The Brahmā granthi, the “knot of desire,” binds you to the physical world of name and form through the mechanism of desire.
Relating to how we perceive safety, stability, and trust, the mūlādhāra cakra is associated with the bio-imperative of survival — a profound and instinctive impulse that underlies your desires and influences your feelings, thoughts, and behavior.
During the opening class, you’ll explore your sense of safety and stability, and set an intention to eliminate attachments to things that will never truly support safety and stability in your life.
You’ll also use breath-centric āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, and chanting to support your meditation, while working with the Tantric Laya Yoga methods of bhūta śuddhi and cakra sādhana.
You’ll also:
- Discover the “knot of desire” — the Brahmā granthithat binds you to the world of name and form, perpetuating entanglement and suffering
- Learn the deeper symbolism of the mūlādhāra cakra — and how your innate bio-imperative of survival influences your desires, as well as your feelings, thoughts, and behavior
- Explore the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi — designed to purify your dysfunctional patterns — in relation to the brahma granthiand your cakra-s
- Surface and reflect on why you want or need the things, or people, you desire or are attached to — and on whether or not they will truly help you feel safe
- Set an intention, or saṅkalpa, to eliminate attachment to things that will never be true sources of safety and stability in your life
Module 2: Brahmā Granthi & the Svādhiṣṭhāna Cakra — to Find True Sources of Joy, Inspiration & Creativity

The svādhiṣṭhāna cakra relates to pleasure and creativity and is associated with the bio-imperative of reproduction… a profound and instinctive impulse that underlies desire and influences your feelings, thoughts, and behavior.
In this module, you’ll explore how the Brahmā granthi works through the svādhiṣṭhāna cakra — and set an intention to seek true sources of joy, inspiration, and creativity.
You’ll use breath-centric āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, and chanting to support your meditation, while working with the Tantric Laya Yoga methods of bhūta śuddhi and cakra sādhana.
You’ll also:
- Learn the deeper symbolism of the svādhiṣṭhāna cakra — and how your innate bio-imperative of reproduction influences your desires and your feelings, thoughts, and behavior
- Discover how the Brahmā granthi works through the svādhiṣṭhāna cakra
- Explore the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi — designed to purify dysfunctional patterns — in relation to the Brahmā granthi and the svādhiṣṭhāna cakra
- Consider the things (including projects) and people that you feel truly enthusiastic about that bring you joy and inspire your creativity
- Set an intention, or saṅkalpa, to seek true sources of nourishment, vitality, and joy in your life — and those things or people who inspire your creativity
Module 3: Brahmā Granthi & the Maṇipūra Cakra — to Boost Self-Esteem & Personal Empowerment

The maṇipūra cakra is associated with the bio-imperative of competition and territorialism — profound and instinctive impulses that underlie your desires and influence your feelings, thoughts, and behavior — and how you establish your status within your family and community.
This cakra relates to transformation and your sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and personal empowerment.
You’ll explore how the brahma granthi works through the maṇipūra cakra — and set an intention to seek things and relationships that boost your self-esteem and sense of personal empowerment.
You’ll also use breath-centric āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, and chanting to support your meditation, while working with the Tantric Laya Yoga methods of bhūta śuddhi and cakra sādhana.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the deeper symbolism of the maṇipūra cakra — and how your innate bio-imperative of competition and territorialism influence your desires, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
- Discover how the brahma granthi works through the maṇipūra cakra
- Explore the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi in relation to the brahma granthi and the maṇipūra cakra
- Consider what kinds of experiences and relationships boost your self-esteem, increase your sense of personal empowerment, and fulfill your desires
- Set intentions, or saṅkalpa, to seek those things and relationships that will be truly nourishing, empowering, and fulfilling as you move forward in life
Module 4: Viṣṇu Granthi & the Anāhata Cakra — for Deepening Connections Through Self-Acceptance, Self-Love & Belonging

The Viṣṇu granthi, the “knot of action,” binds us in an ongoing effort to fulfill desires through the mechanism of action.
Relating to love, compassion, generosity, and selflessness, the anāhata cakra is associated with your innate impulse for group formation, connections, and relationships — and to how they manifest within a family and community.
You’ll explore the ways in which you seek acceptance, connection, and love — and set an intention to recognize the behaviors that will truly deepen your sense of belonging and connection.
You’ll also use breath-centric āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, and chanting to support your meditation, while working with the Tantric Laya Yoga methods of bhūta śuddhi and cakra sādhana.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn about the “knot of action” — the Viṣṇu granthi, which propels you to fulfill your desires
- Explore the deeper symbolism of the anāhata cakra — and how your innate impulse to connect and establish relationships influences your thoughts, feelings, and behavior
- Discover how the Viṣṇu granthi works through the anāhata cakra
- Explore the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi — designed to purify your dysfunctional patterns — in relation to the viṣṇu granthi and the anāhata cakra
- Recognize how you seek acceptance, connection, love, and fulfillment through your behavior
- Set an intention, or saṅkalpa, to recognize the behaviors that will truly deepen your sense of connection and belonging — and help you feel accepted and loved
Module 5: Viṣṇu & the Viśuddhi Cakra — to Activate Clear & Meaningful Communication

Relating to issues of self-expression, creativity, and meaningful communication within family and social groups, the viśuddhi cakra is associated with speech and the impulse to communicate through language.
In this module, you’ll learn how the Viṣṇu granthi, “knot of action,” works through the viśuddhi cakra… and explore how you listen to, speak, and communicate with others.
You’ll also learn about setting intentions to listen more deeply to those around you — and to express yourself meaningfully.
Then Gary will guide you on how to use breath-centric āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, and chanting to support your meditation, while working with the Tantric Laya Yoga methods of bhūta śuddhi and cakra sādhana.
During the fifth class, you’ll also:
- Explore the deeper symbolism of the viśuddhi cakra — and how your innate impulse to communicate through language and speech influences your desires, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
- Discover how the Viṣṇu granthi works through the viśuddhi cakra
- Explore the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi — designed to purify your dysfunctional patterns — in relation to the Viṣṇu granthi and the viśuddhi cakra
- Recognize the patterns that characterize how you listen to, speak, and communicate with others
- Set an intention, or saṅkalpa, to listen more deeply to those around you — and to express yourself meaningfully in a clear and appropriate way
Module 6: Rudra Granthi — for Dissolving Separateness & Purifying Dysfunctional Patterns Through the Ājñā Cakra

The Rudra granthi, the “knot of ignorance,” binds you to the sense of yourself as a separate time- and space-bound being, through the mechanism of being ignorant of your true nature, that of others, and the greater reality.
This causes attachment to the consciousness of “me” (aham) and “mine” (māmaka).
As the part of you that balances your impulses with your higher aspirations, the ājñā cakra is associated with intelligence and your capacity to perceive, understand, discern, decide, and choose.
You’ll explore how the Rudra granthi is influencing your capacity to perceive, understand, discern, learn, imagine, recall, decide, and choose — and commit to making choices that are guided by your higher sense of purpose.
You’ll also use breath-centric āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, and chanting to support your meditation, while working with the Tantric Laya Yoga methods of bhūta śuddhi and cakra sādhana.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn about the “knot of ignorance” — the Rudra granthi that ties you to a sense of yourself as a separate, time- and space-bound being, causing attachment to the consciousness of “me” (aham) and “mine” (māmaka)
- Explore the deeper symbolism of the Ājñā cakra — associated with intelligence and your capacity to perceive, understand, discern, learn, imagine, recall, decide, and choose
- Discover an adaptation of the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi — designed to purify our dysfunctional patterns — in relation to the Rudra granthi and the Ājñā cakra
- Reexamine and reevaluate what you believe to be true about yourself and the world around you
- Uncover a sense of purpose and deeper meaning in your life — and commit to making choices that are guided by that sense of purpose and aligned with that deeper meaning
Module 7: Rudra Granthi — to Access the Sahasrāra, a Portal Between the Three Planes of Existence

Technically not a cakra, sahasrāra is associated with pure awareness or consciousness itself, or cetanā…
… and is also understood to be the gateway from the physical to the subtle and causal planes — the dimension of the sacred and what many think of as the transcendent or the Divine.
You’ll attune to your intuition, open to receive inspiration — and connect to sources of revelation through the sahasrāra.
You’ll also use breath-centric āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, and chanting to support your meditation, while working with the Tantric Laya Yoga methods of bhūta śuddhi and cakra sādhana.
During the final class of Part I of this course, you’ll:
- Explore the deeper symbolism of the sahasrāra — which, according to the tradition, is not a cakra, but a gateway between the three planes of existence: causal, subtle, and physical
- Discover how the Rudra granthi, the “knot of ignorance,” influences your ability to access sahasrāra
- Learn an adaptation of the ancient method of bhūta śuddhi — designed to purify your dysfunctional patterns — in relation to the rudra granthi so that we can open to receive inspiration through the sahasrāra
- Attune to your intuition, open to receive inspiration — and connect to sources of revelation
- Commit to listening to, reflecting on, and living from the guidance offered by intuition, inspiration, and revelation
Part II: Macrocosmic Living Symbols
Module 8: Sāvitrī — to Dispel the Darkness of Ignorance

In Module 8 of this course, you’ll focus on Sāvitrī and the famous Sāvitrī gāyatrī — the original, most revered, and most widely recited gāyatrī mantra.
You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the symbolic meaning contained in and revealed by the Sāvitrī gāyatrī, dispelling the darkness and cultivating a living relationship with its power…
… and activating its transformational potential by consistent repetition of and meditation on the Sāvitrī gāyatrī mantra in your personal practice.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to chant the Sāvitrī gāyatrī mantra in the way it has been chanted traditionally for thousands of years, as recorded in the ancient Yajur Veda
- Explore the deeper symbolic meaning of Sāvitrī, who illuminates all that is, including our minds — and her practical relevance to your own life
- Experience the power of an integrated practice that weaves mantra chanting with āsana and prāṇāyāma to support meditation
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing, bringing the meaning of Sāvitrī gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā, meditate in the “cave of the heart,” and cultivate a living relationship with Sāvitrī and her transformational power to dispel the darkness of ignorance
Module 9: Brahmā — Connect to Source & Fill Your Life With Deep Meaning & Purpose

Brahmā is considered to be the Source and primary cause of all existence — and the ultimate and all-pervading reality.
Brahmā is said to have emerged from Brahmān at the moment time and space were born…
… and then created the world of name and form. In the Trimūrti, as Creator, Brahmā represents rajo guṇa, the quality of energy.
You’ll learn the Brahmā gāyatrī and gain a deeper understanding of the symbolic meaning contained in and revealed by Brahmā, cultivating a living relationship with his power — and activating his power to fill your life with meaning and purpose.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to chant the Brahmā gāyatrī
- Explore the deeper symbolic meaning of Brahmā, who is both the Source and ultimate destination of life, and his relevance to your life
- Experience the power of an integrated practice that weaves mantra chanting with āsana and prāṇāyāma to support meditation
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing, bringing the meaning of Brahmā gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā, meditate in the “cave of the heart,” and cultivate a living relationship with Brahmā and his transformational power to fill your life with a deep sense of meaning and purpose
Module 10: Sarasvatī — to Inspire Creativity & the Deepest Longings of Your Heart

Tradition says that Brahmā created the universe through the agency of his Śakti, Sarasvatī, considered to be the goddess of language, knowledge, and wisdom.
You’ll learn how to chant the Sarasvatī gāyatrī — and gain a deeper understanding of the symbolism contained in and revealed by Sarasvatī…
… cultivating a living relationship with her power and activating her potential to inspire your creativity within your own life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to chant the Sarasvatī gāyatrī
- Consider the deeper symbolic meaning of Sarasvatī, who illumines our desires and inspires our creativity, and her living presence in your life
- Experience the power of an integrated practice that weaves mantra chanting with āsana and prāṇāyāma to support meditation
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing — bringing the meaning of Sarasvatī gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā, meditate in the “cave of the heart,” and cultivate a living relationship with Sarasvatī and her transformational power to inspire your creativity and empower you to fulfill the deepest longings of your heart
Module 11: Viṣṇu — to Awaken Unconditional Love & the Bliss of Communion With the Divine

In one of the earliest texts, the Ṛg Veda, Viṣṇu is identified as the personification of light. In the Yajur Veda, Viṣṇu as Nārāyaṇa is identified as the Supreme Being who is the foundation for and ultimate destination of all souls.
In the Trimūrti, as Preserver and Sustainer, Viṣṇu represents sattva guṇa, the quality of purity and wisdom.
This week, you’ll learn how to chant the Viṣṇu gāyatrī — and gain a deeper understanding of the symbolic meaning contained in and revealed by Viṣṇu…
… cultivating a living relationship with his power and activating his power to activate unconditional love within our own life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to chant the Viṣṇu gāyatrī
- Consider the deeper symbolic meaning of Viṣṇu, the all-pervasive yet indwelling presence of the Divine, and his living presence in your life
- Experience the power of an integrated practice that weaves mantra chanting with āsana and prāṇāyāma to support meditation
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing — bringing the meaning of Viṣṇu gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā, meditate in the “cave of the heart,” and cultivate a living relationship with Viṣṇu and his transformational power to awaken unconditional love (bhakti) — and the bliss of communion with the Divine
Module 12: Lakṣmī — to Manifest Health & Prosperity by Living in Alignment With Dharma

Known as the Śakti of Viṣṇu, Lakṣmī is identified with auspiciousness, health, wealth, and good fortune… as well as compassion and mercy.
You’ll learn how to chant the Lakṣmī gāyatrī — and gain a deeper understanding of the symbolic meaning contained in and revealed by Lakṣmī…
… cultivating a living relationship with her power and activating her alignment with dharma within your own life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to chant the Lakṣmī gāyatrī
- Consider the deeper symbolic meaning of Lakṣmī, the source of all that is auspicious, including health, wealth, and good fortune
- Experience the power of an integrated practice that weaves mantra chanting with āsana and prāṇāyāma to support meditation
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing — bringing the meaning of Lakṣmī gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā, meditate in the “cave of the heart,” and cultivate a living relationship with Lakṣmī — who draws us towards living in alignment with dharma, from which auspiciousness will manifest in our lives
Module 13: Rudra — to Find Freedom From a Cyclic Existence & Attachment to the World of Name & Form

Rudra/Śiva is considered the liberator of souls from the sea of cyclic existence or Saṁsāra… and traditionally worshipped in order to attain freedom, or mokṣa.
In the Trimūrti, as Destroyer, Śiva represents the tamo guṇa, the quality of inertia or laziness. In post-Vedic literature, Śiva is understood as possessing both destructive and constructive powers — seen not only as a destroyer but also as a rejuvenator of all of existence.
Rudra/Śiva is also understood to be the Lord of Yoga, the Lord of Tapas, and the teacher of yoga to the great sages.
You’ll learn how to chant the Rudra gāyatrī — and gain a deeper understanding of the symbolic meaning contained in and revealed by Rudra/Śiva…
… cultivating a living relationship with his power and activating his transformational potential to help you free yourself from identification with and attachment to the world of name and form.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to chant the Rudra gāyatrī
- Consider the deeper symbolic meaning of Rudra/Śiva, the Lord of Yoga, who liberates us from cyclic existence — and who is your true self
- Experience the power of an integrated practice that weaves mantra chanting with āsana and prāṇāyāma to support meditation
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing — bringing the meaning of Rudra gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā, meditate in the “cave of the heart,” and cultivate a living relationship with Rudra, your true spiritual heart, eternally free from identification with and attachment to the world of name and form
Module 14: Durgā — to Source the Courage to Face & Overcome All Challenges

In Vedic times, Durgā was revered as the Devī — the feminine nature of god. In post-Vedic literature, Durgā was worshiped as a warrior goddess who conquered evil and protected the innocent.
In the tradition known as śaivaism, Durgā is seen as another form of Pārvatī/Gaurī/Kālī.
Adherents of the tradition known as śaktism consider Durgā to be the combination of the Tri-Devī-s — Sarasvatī, Lakṣmī, and Pārvati/Gaurī/Kālī — in one form, the One Divine Mother of all, Mahā Devī.
You’ll learn how to chant the Durgā gāyatrī — and gain a deeper understanding of the symbolic meaning contained in and revealed by Durgā…
… cultivating a living relationship with her power and activating her transformational power to face all challenges as they come in your life.
During the final class, you’ll:
- Learn to chant the Durgā gāyatrī
- Consider the deeper symbolic meaning of Durgā — the warrior goddess who conquers evil and protects the innocent
- Experience the power of an integrated practice that weaves mantra chanting with āsana and prāṇāyāma to support meditation
- Practice the ancient art of central channel breathing — bringing the meaning of Durgā gāyatrī through the breath and into the deepest core of your being
- Explore manasa pūjā, meditate in the “cave of the heart,” and cultivate a living relationship with Durgā, who gives us courage to face and overcome all challenges and to conquer all sources of stress

The Dissolve the Knots of the Heart Bonus Collection
In addition to Gary’s transformative 14-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Reflections on Outer, Inner & Secret Orientations of Practice
PDF on the Secret Orientations of Yoga

What is the real orientation of your practice? In this PDF, you’ll read the succinct reflections of Master Yoga Teacher, Gary Kraftsow, who sums up the outer, inner, and secret orientations of yoga practice.
Living the Yoga Sūtra Samādhipāda I.23: Īśvara praṇidhānādvā
Video on Overcoming Suffering by Exploring Your Relationship to the Divine

Tradition reveres Patañjalias one of the greatest sages of ancient India who composed the Yoga Sūtra,the most ancient and authoritative text on the science of Yoga. This one-hour meditation is focused on Yoga Sūtra l.23, in which Patañjali introduces his teachings on Īśvara, a non-sectarian term used to describe Source or the Divine. This particular sūtra describes the nature of the relationship to the Divine that helps the faithful practitioner overcome sources of suffering and awaken to their highest potential. You’ll also learn the meaning and chanting of the sūtra, simple āsana and prāṇāyāma, and reflections by Gary Kraftsow — to support a deep and personal meditation on its meaning and relevance in your own life.
Awaken to the Spiritual Dimension of Life — Svādhyāya
PDF on Uncovering the Divine Through the Self

According to the ancients, svādhyāya develops tapas, tapas develops svādhyāya, and together they help us awaken to the spiritual dimension of life. This PDF offers a deep dive into the process of self-investigation and self-discovery. As you go deeper and deeper into Self, eventually you’ll also discover (or uncover) the Divine.
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