Funnel Trader
Funnel Trader
For Funnel Trader
What do Netflix, Apple, And Amazon All Have in Common?
Hint: It can help make you a lot of money in less time!
- If you had invested in Netflix when they first went public on the stock exchange you would have had about a 20,361% profit (wow).
- If you had invested in Amazon when they first went public on the stock exchange you would have had about a 34,980% profit (crazy).
- If you had invested in Apple when they first went public on the stock exchange you would have had about a 31,590% profit (insane).
With these 3 big names, you would have had to wait years before you cashed out those massive profit wins (at least 15 to 20 years).
Now the same can be found in Forex, many systems that built massive accounts in even less time than Netflix, Amazon, and Apple!
Let’s take a look…
System #1: 2,592% profit in almost one year, not decades! |
System #2: 1,506% profit in six months, not decades! |
System #3: 12,923% profit in almost two years, not decades! |
Just like Apple, Amazon, and Netflix if you had got in at the beginner when these systems first started, you would have made a lot of money, but in rapid timing.
If you get in too late you miss the ride and make little profit, or possibly even lose money, maybe you have even experienced this before.
So let me ask you a question…
If you could get access to a system RIGHT BEFORE it blasted
accounts with tons of profit, what would this mean for you?
It would finally give you a chance to make money investing, right? Imagine what your friends and family would think?
They’d be shocked.
After all the doubts and negative comments, they made, they’ll be BEGGING you to show them how you did it.
Imagine the gratification of being able to say I told you so.
How To Get Access To The Right System At The Right Time
You know exactly what you need to make money investing. But where exactly do you find the right system at the right time?
Well, in Forex, unlike the Stock Market, you can find a system that works, is proven to work, and get in before the ride is over.
But you need to commit to taking action fast so you don’t miss out.
If I showed you right now a system that is…
- Proven to be profitable
- Just starting its profit trend
- And can easily be used by anyone
Would you JUMP on that opportunity instantly? I would.
Instead of having to figure this out all by yourself, let me introduce you to a system that meets all of the rules and you can get in right now while it’s still hot!
Presenting Funnel Trader…
Funnel Trader is a trading tool for the Forex markets. It’s completely automated and will analyze market patterns, open trades, watch the trades, and then close trades.
Click on the widget to see the verified live account I’m running with Funnel Trader, this is just the beginning!
You don’t have to do anything…
- No Market Analysis
- No Trade Management
- No Guessing or Confusion
More importantly if you have no investing experience and you are new to Forex, then you will have no problem with Funnel Trader.
It’s so easy to install that a child can set it up and have it running smoothly in less than 20 minutes.
And if you are an experienced trader or Forex robot user, then you’ll have no problems at all adding Funnel Trader to your trading portfolio.
The strategy behind Funnel Trader
Overall, the strategy that drives Funnel Trader is based on short term trends. It simply identifies the short term trend and trades in that direction.
That’s the simple version, it’s a little more advanced than that.
The system trades multiple pairs at a time, and coordinates all of it while balancing out the risk. What I mean is…
Let’s say we have 2 pairs with trades both in a profit, but 1 pair the trade went against us. The system will identify its mistake, close the profit trades and loser while actually profiting.
This adds a nice element of protection plus profit taking!
Example trades #1: Look at the red lines those are sells, and the blue
Example trades #2: Here we have a strong down movement; the
Example trades #3: Funnel Trader gets into a nice uptrend. It
Okay now that you understand how the system works, let’s take a look at how the system trades and the results it’s been getting so you can see what you can expect…
RESULTS: Trading Statement, 3rd Party Verification, Investor Access
I have a live account to show you that is running Funnel Trader. I’m going to show you 3 forms of proof for the accounts…
- Trading Statement – This is a detailed statement of each and every trade made by the system
- 3rd Party Verification – Utilizing MyfxBook, a third party verification service. I provide access to my account to them and they verify the results and that the account is mine
- Investor Access – It’s rare to find someone that will share investor access with you. If you are not familiar with this, it allows you to login directly to my account and verify the account is real, but doesn’t allow you to take trades
Live Account: Detailed trading statement
3rd Party Verified Service
The following is a clickable widget from MyfxBook. It takes you directly to the website to see that they have verified the account is real.
Also, a few notable screen shots are posted below.
Investor access is a popular request among traders. Essentially, I give you direct access to my Forex account by logging into my account using a special password.
This is the ultimate proof that the account is real and my own.
But I must warn you in order to prevent people from abusing this privilege, I plan to constantly change the password and some days will not provide the password.
Once your logged in you will be able to see any live trades going on and check out my history, you’ll have access into my account.
To login first you will need to download the Meta Trader 4 platform from my broker.
Click Here to Sign up and Download Meta Trader 4 (choose MT4 PRO ECN, then there will be an option to download Meta Trader 4, to install and login)
Next you will be prompted to login you can enter the details below…
Login With These Details
Account Number: 40185
Password: qXfXqEa4
Server: FXChoice-ECN Live
Now your logged in you can check the account history and trades.
Who am I? And why should you even listen to me?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Lance Hunter.
And no I’m not an actor and I’m not going to show you any fake pictures, because that would just be pointless.
I don’t have a story of struggling from rags to riches, but I’ve worked hard all my life and follow my passions which led me to trading Forex. Through my hard work I’ve discovered what works and more importantly what doesn’t work.
This took me years of trial and error to figure out, but today is your lucky day, because you get to skip the hard work and get the answers straight from my experience.
As you can already see I’ve taken every measure possible to prove to you my system plain and simple WORKS.
Now, like I said before if you had the chance to get in at the right moment would you take it?
Because I’m giving you that chance, my system is getting started on its profit movement and it has at least two more years of profits ahead without any intervention needed.
4 Reasons People Fail While Trading Forex
(Solutions Provided)
In order to generate a bucket load of money we need to address the 5 major reasons why most traders fail and lose most if not all of their money.
You are probably familiar with most, if not all of the list, but I have a solution for each of these problems for you so pay careful attention.
1. How do I know what works and what doesn’t? Almost everything I try is fake or fails after I start using it.
There are two issues here. The first is, if you are signing up for all the free offers that require you to deposit money into a brokerage, then it’s absolutely your fault that you are failing.
Those systems and offers just don’t work. There’s a reason they are free. Ever hear the saying you get what you pay for?
The second issue is the system does in fact work and is legit, but the issue is timing. You just happen to get in after it’s made its profits and now it’s either plateaued or just not doing as well.
With Funnel Trader you can use any Forex broker you want, demo or live, and switch anytime. You are also getting in at the right time, like I said before my system has at least 2 more years of strong growth left in it.
You can ride it up just like the big names, Apple, Netflix, and Amazon, but in a much shorter time period!
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!