Felix Economats – 4Rs Model
Felix Economats – 4Rs Model
Meet Felix Economakis
Felix He is a chartered psychologist and clinical hypnotherapist, as well as a Master Practitioner of NLP. He has demonstrated amazing results using his 4R’s model with hyper-phobics on BBC3’s “The Panic Room”You can also watch it on TV “Freaky Eaters”.
Felix His belief in leading by example is what he does so he has walked across burning coals, jumped off a plane, cut through 2 inches of wood with his palm, and held all manners of snakes, tarantulas, and huge hissing cockroaches as a way to show how we can all manage our anxiety.
These are not the only types of therapy that can be used to treat fears and phobias. Felix It has been Interview on radio, dozens of articles Here are the top psychological problems that plague modern society today: anxiety, stress and depression, addictions, relationships conflicts, and the feeling of missing something in life. (Images are stills from “The Wright Stuff” BBC Beyond 100 days)
He is passionate about the benefits of modern integrative therapies in all these areas. He has also written a book about how the relationship between conscious and unconscious minds determines our mental and emotional health.
Imagine you knew how to sequence your sessions in way that helped the client to create change… without the need to formally hypnotise them?
Imagine You can find more information at ‘cut to the chase’ Therapy that helps the client move away ‘intellectually talking about the issue’ Instead, it helps the client quickly get to the core of the problem.
Imagine if it were easy to help clients change. Checking off a variety of boxes in their minds… and… once they were ticked… the results appeared… regardless of whether hypnosis had happened!
This is what the 4R’s are all about!
Rapport, Reconciliation, Responsibility & Rewire.
In it’s simplest form… this is a complete framework you can apply to your client sessions that WILL take your results to the next level.
A premier framework for phobias, trauma and anxiety based issues… that is ALSO applicable to other approaches!
Tried, tested and then refined over 20 years, the 4R’s model is the reason why Felix The most sought-after change-worker in the treatment of Selective Eating Disorder (Now called ARFID), and has helped over 2500 people change their behaviour patterns.
This is a complete, well-honed framework that he is willing to share with you!
Download it immediately Felix Economats – 4Rs Model
Dear Hypnotist/Change-worker,
My name is Howard Cooper and I’m the Rapid ChangeWorks was founded by founder… and for well over 2 years I have been interviewing leading therapists and ‘agents of change’ Part of a podcast which is currently growing that explores the theme of rapid change being possible over 25,000 people tune in!
What makes me passionate about getting there? Felix’s model out?
This was the first interview I recorded for this project. FELIX ECONOMAKIS After that, he introduced me to many other potential podcast hosts and so the podcast was created.
As a way of saying thank you for helping me with this project, I offered to take him out for dinner. He graciously accepted.
Over dinner we ‘hit it off’ and got chatting about all things change… (I myself have been working for over 15 years helping people to create rapid shifts in their thinking too).
Anyway, half way through dinner I said to him…
“So tell me Felix, give me the detail… what are you actually doing with people that’s generating these consistently good results?”
He leaned forwards and replied…
“Well I like you Howard… and there IS A SECRET… a kind of process that I have refined that I haven’t come across or seen done anywhere else… BUT if I’m honest… I’m just not ready to share yet.”
SERIOUSLY!!! Imagine how I felt. I’m about to receive the “golden information” You will be left empty handed!
Cutting a long story short… we became good friends but it was another 2 years before I finally learnt the secret (whilst filming some live demos as part of an online training I was helping him put together).
Was there a secret formula?
It was! The 4Rs. His secret is essentially simple His entire model of change From the moment the client arrives to the moment they depart with the result, and often without any formalities “close your eyes” hypnosis.)
If I’m totally honest… my response on seeing it in action (after almost 2 years of waiting) was one of UNDERWHELM!
I had been gearing up to see the MAGIC SECRET… see the LIGHTENING shoot from his eyes… THE BOLTS OF POWER emanating… but INSTEAD what I saw was something that didn’t seem like magic…
It was actually very easy to learn, almost like it could be sequenced, processed, and replicated!
HOWEVER, never the less… it seemed to yield staggering results
Once you have learned the 4Rs it became a mainstay of my client work and to this day continues to surprise me with how easy it is to use, how flexible it is… AND how great the results are.
The delivery and the framework are however, disappointing. SO if you are the sort of change-worker that wants to BEND someone to your will… demonstrate the latest POWER trance or have them thinking that YOU have magic powers and can MAKE them change… This is not the right place for you.
However, if you are serious change-worker… wanting to increase your client effectiveness… without the need for EGO… then KEEP READING!
Let me share a testimonial I got from the product. 4Rs An 11-year-old emetophobic. The father wrote this…
It’s hard to believe the change in my 11 year old son after seeing Howard. After years of severe vomitphobia, he no longer thinks about it after Howard’s intervention. Howard’s methods are lighthearted, funny and offbeat. It is hard to believe that they have any effect. My son’s mental health has improved tremendously to the point that he is able to enjoy his life like any other child without having to worry. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Howard. Carl, Hertfordshire
I love the line where he says… “the methods are relaxed, offbeat and funny… so much so that you find it hard to believe they will have any effect!”
I hear the same thing all the time. This is the power and potential of the 4Rs!
Imagine regularly receiving testimonials like this… Imagine being able to help more people… Imagine what effect that could have on your business and client numbers?
NO!!! It’s NOT JUST ‘another protocol!’
How many times have there been NLP or hypnosis trainings that claim to offer you a new way of thinking? “new” Protocol, “new” technique or a “new” method?
They use the expression, “Another tool for the toolbox”?
And maybe if it’s good “tool” you use it a few times after with real clients… BUT… it’s still a JUST ONE TOOL…
So many people end up being let loose after a bunch of training with a bunch of different tools… BUT still NOT sure what to say to a real client when they first walk in… OR how to sequence these tools, techniques and protocols in order to maximise results.
OR they are managing ok… BUT things “swerve of course” when someone seems resistant, doesn’t want to close their eyes or simply seems unresponsive.
What if, instead of giving you another tool for the toolbox… we gave you the WHOLE toolbox along with transcripts and details of what order to use everything in from start to finish?
What Felix wants to share with you GOES BEYOND a mere protocol or another technique…
It’s EVERYTHING he does from the moment the client walks in all the way through to them leaving the session HAPPY with the result.
Effective with the engaged client who WANTS a change… but also equally applicable to the stroppy unengaged teenager who is sitting with their arms folded being “unresponsive”.
This is NOT about giving away one more protocol or creating a group of protocol-pushers who are enthralled by it “new thing” The panacea for all your troubles! It’s about sharing the process with a select group of responsible, serious change-workers. This will transform not only their client’s lives but also their business.
Download immediately Felix Economats – 4Rs Model
What Can I Expect When I Invest In “The 4Rs Training Programme”?
How many times are you on a training day but you feel exhausted when you get home? “on your own”?
This is much more than just a 2-day live training. This includes everything you need to perfect your approach to deliver extraordinary results for clients.
The following are examples of investment:
2-Days Live Training
Enjoy 2-days of learning with other change-workers who are serious about making a difference. Felix Economakis’ entire system.
Live Demos – REAL Clients
Trainings often use audience members to demonstrate. While this is a useful teaching tool, we also know that some people who pay to be there may have an invested interest. “system” working. We also arrange for REAL clients, who have never met. Felix To attend (and not invested change-workers), for you to see Felix It’s in action.
Hand’s on Support
Through practice and exercises. Felix will guide and give you hand’s on support in applying the 4Rs model.
Full transcripts
Grab the entire 20+ page script for every metaphor, sequence process, strategy, and more Felix This is what you should do when you run it 4Rs model! This alone is worth the admission fee!
Private Access to an Ongoing Support Group
You will receive training and be able to join an elite facebook group only for people who are part this program. Felix You will continue to receive training on an ongoing basis.
INCLUDED: Online Access 4Rs Training
All the concepts broken down, Live demo’s filmed with accompanying detailed breakdowns, downloadable resources, areas to leave comments and discuss with fellow trainees. This course will teach you everything you need to know and practice this method of working, even after the two live training days.
Keep watching the LIVE Webinar
2 months from the end of the live days Felix A digital training session will be held to ensure that you have all the support you need in order to succeed. Essentially it’s an opportunity for Felix We are here to assist you with any questions or problems that may arise when actually using the system.
10 Hours CPD
Aside from the quality of the training and material covered, trainees can receive 10 hours of CPD validation by the Very Brief Therapy Foundation. Professor Windy Dryden has signed off.
LIMITED SPACE! Maximum tailored training experience
This is not a. “fill the room with 100’s of people” event. This event is only available to a select few so it can be enjoyed by everyone. Felix So that you get the most out of your learning experience,
Here’s What You Will Get In Felix Economats – 4Rs Model
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!