Ellen Meredith – Activate Your Body’s Miraculous Ability to Heal & Thrive Using the Language of Subtle Energy 2022
Ellen Meredith – Activate Your Body’s Miraculous Ability to Heal & Thrive Using the Language of Subtle Energy 2022
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Ellen will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to develop a rich, personalized vocabulary of energy medicine — and activate your body’s miraculous ability to heal.
This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Ellen. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to speak your body’s language for self-healing and deeper wellbeing.
Module 1: Diving Into the Language of Energy

Your body (The Earth Elemental Self), mind (The Talking Self), and spirit (The Wiser Self) are constantly talking with one another — using a rich vocabulary of sound, light, vibration, imagery, sensations, and more.
Imagine what it would mean to speak the lingo — and to be able to participate, moment by moment, in your creation of self. In this opening session, you’ll discover that the language of energy is not a metaphor! Nor is it a foreign language — you knew how to speak it as an infant.
Using Ellen’s simple energy dialogue technique, you’ll start communicating with your body , mind, and spirit from day one.
Ellen will share how ongoing energy dialogue will help you access inner guidance — and activate the amazing built-in powers of your body to heal.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to recognize, and dialogue with, the full spectrum of your being
- The ways your pain and symptoms communicate so you can respond in language they understand
- Methods for rewiring your nervous system using energy dialogue
- How to set up a total-immersion experience for yourself to relearn this first language
- An energy exercise to tune in to, shift, and enhance your energy
Module 2: Sensing Subtle Energies

You likely already sense subtle energies within and around you… but you might not always recognize the messages you’re receiving.
In this class, you’ll explore your built-in equipment for sensing energy and perceiving messages.
You’ll get hands-on experience with using your everyday senses to enter into dialogue with your body — and to become better acquainted with your extended senses.
Come ready to play, to dialogue with “owies” — and to listen for the inner guidance system that activates as you turn on your capacity to perceive and recognize subtle messages of the body, mind, and spirit.
In this module, you’ll explore how to:
- Recognize which unique perceptions work best for you
- Use both everyday perceptions and inner senses to read energies
- Use extended senses in ways that are grounded and illuminating
- Train your mind to learn from your body and spirit
- Clear fear, ease ego, and welcome your Wiser Self — with an energy exercise that helps you open to explorations
Module 3: Your First Words as You ‘Speak Energy’

How do you build meaning in life? As you’ll explore this week, it’s a process that walks hand-in-hand with learning a language.
As an infant you learned to codify and express your experience in multidimensional ways — in words, gestures, sounds, movements, touch, imagery, and more.
Now, to “speak energy” as an adult, you can work with the same kinds of building blocks you used as a kid.
You’ll discover why it’s so essential to not just decode the meanings held in your body, but to also use energy communication to encode NEW meanings.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
- Use holophrases (the right energy vocabulary for the job) to shift your energy
- Develop an effective private code, using personalized vocabulary that’s unique to you
- Use touch, gesture, imagery, light, and color to communicate with your body, mind, and spirit
- Open what Ellen calls your “cabinets of wonders”
- Create an energy unity to shift your physical energies easily toward a more healthy configuration (such as lowering blood pressure, clearing chronic symptoms, and more)
Module 4: Exploring Energy Patterning — Including Sound, Rhythm, Movement & Breath

Energy moves in patterns.
Just as language gets richer and more meaningful when you combine words into phrases, the language of energy gets more effective when you work with the ways in which energy organizes itself in the body, mind, and spirit.
Ellen will guide you to dive deeper into exploring energy patterns — including sound, rhythm, movement, and breath.
As you’ll see, this work can be liberating, joyous, and amazing — as you experience your body and mind responding more and more to your evolving ability to speak their language!
In this class, you’ll learn how to use:
- Baseline patterns of energy movement (and methods to work with them in meaningful ways)
- Sound and rhythm to activate your core and support energies to move the way they are designed to move
- Your core note to strengthen your deepest energy foundation
- Various basic patterns of energy movement to influence your body’s and mind’s energies
- A simple energy self-test
Module 5: Working With Context to Influence Your Health & Wellbeing

Have you ever said something out of the blue, only to be met with a blank stare?
Have you shared some hard-won insight gleaned from your experience, only to have someone argue with you as if it’s just an abstract thought?
You’ll explore why it’s so helpful to choose the right place and time when expressing yourself. With energy, context matters…
Ellen will share how subtle energies are influenced by and derive meaning from environment and placement. They’re organized, anchored, and contained by shapes.
You’ll experience the art of working with context to influence your health and wellbeing.
Just like choosing the right place and time to say something, your energy dialogue will be more effective when you tap into the power of shapes and placement — as well as important aspects of your inner guidance system: instinct and intention.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the influence of shapes on your subtle energies and health
- Find your core shape
- Learn to work with your animal instincts, including scent and taste
- Discover how to adjust the flames that fuel hormonal communications — and tell the body what to fund energetically
- Play with placement as it affects your web of meaning
Module 6: Constructing a Self

The “self” in self-healing is important.
The self is your ongoing composition in the language of energy: your body is made of energy… energy fuels the self, and energy organizes its operations.
You’ll explore how part of your work in this life is to create a self and assign meaning to your experience.
That creation (body, mind, and spirit) has built-in protections and learns from experience. It stores these learnings as templates that basically operate your physical, mental, and emotional autopilots.
As Ellen will share, creating a self and assigning meaning to your experience is a practical way to understand the workings of your energetic being — so you can recognize why your body and mind behave the way they do… and evolve a more fruitful, healthy, and loving communion with them.
In this class, you’ll:
- Get to know your gatekeeper — your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic immune system
- Learn to access and bring in radiance, the cosmic partner of your gatekeeper
- Clear templates of stored experience that are running your autopilot and steering your ship awry
- Find balance between radiance and gatekeeping
Module 7: Energetic Truths of Your Nature

What feeds you? What guides your choices, moment by moment and day by day?
On one hand, you’re a creature of nature — and so nature provides the grammar for your creation of self.
You’re composed of elements. Like all the physical world, you’re subject to cycles, and you’re guided by creature instincts.
Ellen will explain how you’re also a being that spans a spectrum of body, mind, and spirit — AND you’re fed from multiple dimensions… including the realms of spirit.
In this class, you’ll discover:
- Ways to use spirit feeds to enrich your ability to communicate with mind and body
- How the elements of water, wood, fire, earth, metal, and air can be harnessed to support healing, balance, and wellbeing
- The ways cycles work to support your evolution and growth
- Methods to help you know yourself more fully, based on deeper truths of your nature
- How to appreciate and trust the internal authority that arises from listening to your energies and speaking their language
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