Eldon Taylor – Your Personal Best: Prosperity Power

$39.00 $399.00 Sale

Eldon Taylor – Your Personal Best: Prosperity Power

Your Personal Best: Prosperity Power

— Success is planned. To be successful, one must engage their very best skills and abilities. Many say they wish to be successful, but they never act. The tools for success come from inner strengths more than any other thing. Fortunes have been built from nothing more than personal best!

Rid yourself of self-limiting beliefs with these 28 amazing programs on 24 compact discs.

Do your best in every endeavor and success will be yours. This is the perfect tool for those involved in sales, marketing, entrepreneurship and leadership. This greatly enhances your ability to prosper in all that you do. Athletes to millionaires have praised this Prosperity Power library. When you’re ready, it’s the next step.

Prosperity Power consists of 28 programs with four different technologies to facilitate rapid learning and two lecture programs to instill motivation and success thinking patterns. Learn how the best of the best and do it, day in and day out. Feel the energy as you are guided to become your very best at everything you do! Sense the power of ideas flowing through you as your creative juices are turned on with confidence and a real “do it now” attitude.

Titles Include

  • Lectures: The Inner Game;
  • Echo-Tech: Self-Esteem and Have It All;
  • OZO: Soaring Self-Confidence, Motivated Now, Success, Joy and Self-Peace;
  • Power Imaging: Well Being and Esteem, Creativity, Relax Now and Power Learning and Memory;
  • InnerTalk: Successful Networking, Confidence, Motivated Now, Unlimited Personal Power, Optimism Plus, I Visualize Successfully, I Am Creative, Freedom from Stress, Prosperity and Abundance, Millionaire Orbit, Money Manager, Time Manager, Goal Power, Have It All and Organized and Efficient.

For sample affirmations for each of these programs, please see the individual titles. For greatest ease and flexibility of use, all of the subliminal titles come in the nature format only.


Booklets: The Inner Game: The Pathway to Success and Quick Start/Affirmation Guide Book

Featured Testimonial
“I ordered the Prosperity Power program, and in a short time, I found myself able to see a clearer path to the future I will have. Prosperity Power is the most well rounded set, dealing with all issues from esteem to ultimate prosperity and gently opens those doors that for most people remain forever locked. Also the staff at PAR are the most knowledgeable, kind, and patient people I’ve ever dealt with. Eldon Taylor, ‘God Bless You!’”
L.A., CA

When your self-talk changes, so does the reality you experience!

*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.

OZO and Echo-Tech brain entrainment programsOZO and Echo-Tech programs are designed for headphone use only. They consist of the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, tones and frequencies (a mechanical way to get you into a more relaxed state and therefore more open to the affirmations) and audible coaching. On OZO the audible coaching is forceful and authoritarian whereas on Echo-Tech the audible coaching is soothing and supportive.
OZO and Echo-Tech programs should not be used when conscious attention is required, like with driving and operating machinery….

Power Imaging programs combine guided imagery (hypnosis) with subliminal affirmations. These hypnosis programs assume there is a cause for your issue and are designed to assist you in discovering this cause, along with the solution.

Power Imaging programs should not be used when conscious attention is required, like with driving and operating machinery….

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