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Dr. Robert Glover – All The Way In – Relationship Essentials for Men
Dr. Robert Glover – All The Way In – Relationship Essentials for Men
8-Week Online Course
Instructor, Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy
All The Way In
In this eight week online class, Dr. Glover presents a radical paradigm in which men are encouraged to take an active leadership role in their relationship by becoming more conscious, honest, and transparent.
By becoming more present and conscious in their intimate relationship, men can act with love and integrity in setting a tone that promotes open communication, problem resolution, reciprocity, trust, and sexual passion.
In other words, this class is aimed at showing men how to show up and take responsibility for creating a great relationship.
Bonus Material
Download a Free Podcast Now!
“Inviting a Woman to be the Icing on Your Really Great Cake”
What You Will Learn
How to become conscious and present in their intimate relationship.
How to become a good “Ascertainer”.
How to become honest and transparent.
How to set healthy boundaries.
How to create a great life and invite their partner to be the “icing” on top.
How to set the tone and take the lead with love and integrity.
How to do what is challenging rather than what is expedient.
How to unleash the sexual potential of their relationship.
Take Your Relationship to The Next Level
Who Will Benefit From the Class?
A relationship is like a shark. It has to constantly move forward or it dies.” – Woody Allen from Annie Hall
This eight-week online class is open to straight, gay, and lesbian men and women. Even though some of the content focuses on “male” and “female” roles in heterosexual relationships, the principles taught in All The Way In can be powerfully applied by men and women in non-traditional relationships.
It doesn’t matter if you are straight or gay someone has to lead and someone has to follow. Someone has to pitch and someone has to catch. While these roles can be flexible and fluid, someone has to step up and get the ball rolling and keep things on track. Regardless of sexual orientation, I have found that relationships work best when the “guy” steps up and takes the lead in an integrated and loving way.
MEN – If you aren’t the one moving your relationship forward, it is dying.
No matter what your current relationship looks like, you can step up and give it the chance to be all that it can be.
- You have a good relationship with your partner and you are committed to making it all it can be.
- You are in a relatively new relationship and you want to take the lead in finding out if the person is the best possible match for you.
- You are having some struggles in your relationship. You know your Nice Guy traits are contributing the difficulties you are having. You want to challenge yourself and give your relationship a chance to flourish.
- Your relationship is on the brink but you believe there is something worth working to save. You want to make sure you have done all you can do to give it one last chance before throwing in the towel.
All The Way In Lessons
Lesson 1: Why Women and Men Tend to be Equally Bad at Intimacy, and Why the Health of Your Relationship Is In Your Hands
Lesson 2: Why You and Your Partner Worked Together to Create the Relationship You Have
Lesson 3: Turn Your Relationship into a Powerful Personal Growth Machine
Lesson 4: The “Ascertainer:” How to Become the Kind of Man You And Your Partner Both Want You to Be
Lesson 5: Masculine and Feminine: Or, Why do Women do That?
Lesson 6: From Salsa to the Dog Whisperer: How to Set the Tone and Take the Lead With Integrity and Love
Lesson 7: Love Your Partner Enough to Not Let Her Treat You Badly
Lesson 8: Transform your Sex life in 24 hours or less by following Three Simple Rules
Additional Free Podcasts When you Register for “All The Way In”
- Opening Up a Woman Sexually
- Creating Positive Emotional Tension
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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