Donald Meichenbaum – Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop

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Donald Meichenbaum – Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Presents: Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 2 Day Intensive Workshop

Donald Meichenbaum
11 Hours 51 Minutes
Audio and Video
Oct 03, 2019


Don’t miss this opportunity learn from Dr. Donald Meichenbaum, one of the world’s leading psychotherapists and co-founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Voted “one of the 10 most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century” and a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Psychological Association for his work on suicide prevention, Dr. Meichenbaum remains one of the most notable leaders in the field of psychotherapy today.

In this compelling recording, Dr. Meichenbaum will offer you the “untold” story of how CBT evolved, what it means for today’s clinician and considerations every therapist should contemplate when conducting psychotherapy.

He’ll then allow you access into decades’ worth of clinical knowledge and experience as he walks you through CBT-informed case conceptualization, treatment and management of some of the most difficult diagnoses on your caseload, including PTSD, substance abuse, personality disorders, depression, suicidality, and severe anger and aggression.

Under his expert guidance, you’ll gain skills and knowledge to:

  • Expand your CBT-informed intervention toolbox to engage and treat even your “toughest” clients
  • Develop “expert” level clinical skills and techniques that elicit lasting change in clients
  • Implement an easy-to-follow case conceptualization model that informs assessment and treatment decisions
  • Increase your clients’ ability to generalize their in-session skills to life outside your office
  • Anticipate and address treatment non-adherence to increase the likelihood of success

Dr. Meichenbaum will not only give you invaluable concrete interventions to take back to your office the next day, he’ll do it in a way that reminds you of why you became a clinician in the first place.

Known for giving critically-minded, clinically astute and humorous lectures, Dr. Meichenbaum demonstrates the art and science of psychotherapy in a way only he can – you don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from a legend in the field of psychotherapy!


Manual – Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (9.66 MB) 111 Pages Available after Purchase
Manual (part 2) – Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (10.99 MB) 119 Pages Available after Purchase


The Evolution of CBT: What It Means for Today’s Clinician

  • Theoretical and empirical progression of CBT
  • The emergence of a Constructive Narrative Perspective (CNP) of psychotherapy
  • Evidence-based v. relationship-based therapy
  • Limitations of the research and potential risks

Setting the Stage for “Expert” Level Therapy: How to Achieve Lasting Change with Your Clients

  • Dr. Meichenbaum’s core tasks of psychotherapy – how regularly are you utilizing these?
  • The critical role of the therapeutic alliance as a catalyst for change
  • How to utilize client-informed feedback on a session-by-session basis
  • Strategies that bolster resilience in clients Integration of spiritually-based and CBT interventions

CBT-Informed Case Conceptualization: Strategies for Comprehensive, Ongoing Assessment & Treatment Planning

  • How to implement the Case Conceptualization Model
  • Risk and protective factors – why you need both
  • How to use the “art of questioning” to avoid becoming the client’s “surrogate frontal lobe”
  • Never leave a session without identifying this
  • How to conduct collaborative, SMART goal setting procedures that elicit hope for the client

Advanced CBT Interventions: Empower Clients to Identify Triggers, Unhook Schemas, Develop Coping Skills, and Make Healthier Decisions

  • Psychoeducation
    • The CLOCK metaphor: a new, concrete way to illustrate thoughts, feelings, behavior and consequences
    • Multi-tiered timelines: unfreeze beliefs, discover the impact of developmental schemata, and nurture hope
    • Strategies to help your client re-conceptualize the problem
  • Advanced Implementation of Classic CBT Interventions, Including:
    • Self-monitoring Exposure-based interventions
    • Cognitive restructuring And more!
  • Other CBT-Informed Treatment Techniques
    • Constructive Narrative interventions, including Gestalt’s “Empty Chair”
    • Contextualize memories: “here and now” versus “then and there” interventions
    • Strategies for addressing treatment noncompliance
    • Techniques to increase generalization of skills outside of session
  • Diagnosis-Specific Interventions For:
    • PTSD, Complex PTSD Prolonged and complicated grief
    • Depression
    • Suicidal behavior/ideation
    • Borderline Personality Disorder
    • Substance Abuse
    • Extreme anger and aggressive behavior
    • Victims of intimate partner violence


Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.'s Profile

Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Related seminars and products: 7

Research Director

The Melissa Institute

Don Meichenbaum, Ph.D. is Distinguished Professor Emeritus from the University of Waterloo. Ontario from which he took early retirement 20 years ago. He is presently Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention in Miami (Please see He is one of the founders of Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

In a survey of clinicians reported in the American Psychologist, he was voted “one of the ten most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century.” He has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Clinical Division of the American Psychological Association and he was Honorary President of the Canadian Psychological Association.

He has presented in all 50 U.S. states and internationally. He has published extensively and most recently published Roadmap to Resilience: A Guide for Military Trauma Victims and Their Families (visit www.roadmaptoresilience. org). His other books include Treatment of Individuals with Anger Control Problems and Aggressive BehaviorStress Inoculation TrainingFacilitating Treatment Adherence; and The Unconscious Reconsidered.

He has consulted for various populations including veterans’ hospitals, the National Guard, psychiatric treatment centers for children, adolescents and adults, treatment center for individuals with traumatic brain injuries, torture victims, Native populations, deaf populations and school boards. See papers by Dr. Meichenbaum on (go to home page and click on Author’s Index and scroll to Meichenbaum).

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Donald Meichenbaum is Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention and Treatment. He is the Distinguished Professor Emeritus for the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Meichenbaum receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Donald Meichenbaum has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.


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