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Dipal Shah – Reclaim your Health and Power from Energy Vampires
Dipal Shah – Reclaim your Health and Power from Energy Vampires
Finally, Reclaim Your Health AND Your Life
By Removing Your Energy Vampires For Good!
Energy Vampires consume your precious time, attention and energy…
They create fatigue, hopelessness, doubt, fear, sadness and a lack of confidence…
They stand in the way of your joy, love, courage, good health and a full life.
So if you’re ready to have the energy, health and joy you really deserve then it’s time to untangle yourself from Energy Vampires for good!
Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?
- Does your life feel like a constant struggle because you are drained and have no energy?
- Are you sensitive and overwhelmed by other people’s energies – leaving you exhausted and tired?
- Have you lost your inner joy and happiness because your lack of energy prevents you from doing the things you love?
- Do you feel ashamed, abandoned, and guilty for trying to take care of yourself?
- Have you always attracted Narcissistic people in your life?
- Do you feel like you try to move forward but you are going backwards?
Are You Struggling with any of the
following Chronic illnesses or Diseases:
- Chronic Lyme
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- lupus
- Arthritis
- Chronic Inflammation
- Chronic Stress
- Diabetes
- Heart Problems
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Low Sexual Drive
- Thyroid Issues
- Hormone Imbalances
Doctor Amazed! Underactive Thyroid Brought Back To Normal And Medication Avoided!
“I went to the doctor for a one year follow-up. I had to have bloodwork done and I hate doing that. So far each year everything comes out normal except this time when the doctor says we may need to put you on thyroid medication because your thyroid is off. I said “no, my thyroid is just fine”.
Then I had a session with Dipal to see what she thought and she was so proud of me that I stood up for myself and didn’t let the doctor tell me what I intuitively knew was not right. However, she did mention that I had energy vampires that were throwing off the TSH count. So we worked on it and she gave me some things that I need to do as well as cleared many things on a spiritual level.
I went back 3 months later for another test exam and Whalla!!! Dipal was Right…MY TSH Levels were perfectly fine. Check out the results of before and after as Dipal worked on my thyroid for 3 months before my next blood test. Thank you so much Dipal my thyroid would not be the same without you. My thyroid thanks you!!! World’s most amazing Energy Healer!!”
Thyroid results: TSH Levels drop from 5.417uIU/ml to 4.285 in normal ranges within 3 months and only 2 sessions:
~ Deana
My name is Dipal Shah and I’ve been working with clients to eliminate Energy Vampires for many years.
I started this work because I’ve been controlled by other people ever since I can remember. I know how it feels to hold in your emotions and your power. To not be able to live your life.
I also know what it feels like when you do find your power, words, and joy but then someone else comes along and does the same thing and you are in this vicious cycle. When does the control and overpowering of others come to an end. With many of life’s experiences, I could see what this energy was doing to my body and my mind. I am finally FREE and have found my PLACE and JOY in life.
So now I’m here to help you create boundaries with your Energy Vampires so you can bring back the joy, power, and health in your life.
But most of all… to teach you to be in your power at all times.
Imagine feeling whole again.
Imagine living your purpose again.
Imagine speaking up.
Imagine releasing the suffering once and for all!
That’s what releasing your Energy Vampires will do for you.
Have You Experienced Any Of The Following Symptoms?
- Feeling a sudden nausea or stomach ache after or before an interaction with a person
- Feeling stabbing pains around the back, chest, neck and shoulders
- A throbbing headache or feeling “out of it”
- Feeling irritable, frustrated or angry for no real reason
- Being on edge or feeling like there is a heavy cloud over you
- Having nightmares about a person
- Anxiety, stress or guilt for no apparent reason
- Tightness in the chest or shortness of breath
- Feeling intuitively uncomfortable around a particular person or people
- Feeling like you are always on the defensive
Any one of these is a sign you’ve been attacked by Energy Vampires.
But don’t worry, I can support your healing journey by addressing the particular Energy and your physical health as well.
“My Childhood memories Finally Leaving..Able to breath in Life and Accept Life”
“I just wanted to thank you so much for our last session!! We worked on some really big issues I’ve had since childhood that have been keeping me safe & stuck…unable to move in the direction I want to go!! I’ve listened to the recording of our session many times now!!
Each time, I am able to go deeper into the emotion or memory & it loosens up more and more. Listening to it multiple times is very necessary for my complete healing. I feel like I can breathe a little deeper lately!! I love how you listen to every word I say.
I feel such a sense of love, acceptance and validation from you!! I appreciate so much when you share your experience to help me through mine!! Thank you dearly for your love & healing! I look forward to our next session! Sending you big warm hugs filled with love!! xoxoxo!”
~ Judy
“Calm and Improving Health Each Day”
“It has been way too long and I needed this healing for my mother. She lives with me and I can’t seem to get her out of my side. She is suffering from abdominal pain , depression, every test and dr says functional pain. Xrayed small bowel and CT scan and didn’t see anything.
all this has been happening for 3 years. No one can say anything. The pain comes all day long and at night goes away for a couple of hours. It’s like a morning sickness. later in day she can eat something.
After her session my mother, was strangely calm the rest of that day and continues to improve. You nailed it with her difficulty to digest life and her consequent stomach issues, and the HUGE fear she has about rejection and abandonment and non stop people pleasing.. Thank you”
~ Brian
“LYME Disease Detected and Cleared”
“I am 85 years old and I was having these awe-ful headaches and extreme fatigue out of nowhere, my joints would hurt some days really bad. I was in pain for weeks. I had a session with Dipal and she asked me if I had been bit by a tick. I told her I was but didn’t do anything about it.
She told me to go to the doctor and get tested, Low and behold I tested positive for LYME Disease. I was scared because of all the stories I have heard from my friends. I didn’t know what to expect. So I had another session with Dipal and she immediately worked on my body.
As she dove into my body and cleared the energy I could feel it leaving my body, I could actually feel the disease leaving my body and the resinence of the tick. I felt so much better within just 48 hours as the pain was gone and no more headaches. I felt like I immediately got my life back. Thank you so much Dipal for your kindness and sincerity. I love you very much and so grateful you are in my life”
~ Bethany
“Manifesting and Taking Steps Without Others Riding My Productivity and Talent”
“Thank you for a well needed session. I appreciate your work and talent. You are genuine! You targeted areas that absolutely needed immediate attention. I appreciate you don’t take the philosophy in your work that you need to suffer in order to heal.
So far I feel lighter, am thinking less thus freeing up energy to be more optimistic about what will manifest to give me a much better future. Today I am going to look at new, gorgeous housing by a quality home builder to further inspire me to walk deeper into abundance so the changes that are needed flow through and to me much easier.
I want to work with you more and given I am brand new to you. Thank you for reminding me and taking me deeper into the knowingness that I am deserving of living more true to me without the luggage of others riding my productivity and talent.”
~ Sue
WAIT!! The symptoms you may be feeling can lead to other physical manifestations in the body if you have allowed the Energy Vampires to take advantage of your Energy, leaving you with the following:
Imbalances in the Brain
- Seizures
- Insomnia
- Brain Fog
- Cancer
- Stress
- Moodiness
- Lightheadedness
- Mental Health Disorders
“The Parasympathetic System Finally Calmed Down.
No Longer Carrying as Much Stress as I use to”
“I am very stressed on a regular basis. I had a session with Dipal and WOW!! I have never felt so relaxed…I feel more relaxed, I feel less stress and I feel like the whole world around me calms down. It’s as if the energy affects me, I calm down and then I start to attract calmer things towards me instead of these constant “red alert” energies. ”
~ Maria
“Slept For 10 hours Straight”
“Never before had I been on one of Dipal’s Group Calls, I had no idea what to expect. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it all! I was so lucky to have a mini-healing where Dipal located in my body where the energy was being drained and removed it. Boy did I sleep like a log, it was the best sleep I have gotten in a long time.”
~ Ana
Imbalances in the Heart
- High/Low blood pressure
- Clogged arteries
- Stroke
- Arythmias/Palpitations
“Pain improved and blood sugar dropped 20 points”
“Thanks fo r your awesome love and dedication to your work and helping me to heal. My neck did feel less tender after our session. I had much less pain and improved neck discomfort the next day. I felt my eyes well up at the end when you said my grandmother had come in which made me grateful and happy. My blood sugar dropped about 20 points since the start of our session.”
~ Troy
Imbalances in the Thyroid
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Cancer
- Hormone Imbalance
“I had a session with Dipal and as soon as we got on the phone she said I carried alot of grief. So I told her about the heartache I endured as a child. I was dropped as an infant, I was abused by a family member, my father was an alcoholic, my mom was a narcissist and never cared about anyone except herself.
I have 9 other siblings and she did have a favorite but it wasn’t me. I take care of my mom now because she is very sick but still manages to hate me. I am dealing with Chronic Fatigue and an autoimmune deficiency…lupus. I had bought one of Dipal’s packages and during the session she removed so much dark energy.
She worked on my adrenals and my immune system and other areas where she saw these energetic cords and vampires. She gave me some advice and suggestions and within 6 months after working with Dipal on a weekly basis I was able to live my life again.
I was able to recover and get my energy back. My joints have never felt better. I am finally able to get off the steroids after so many years. Dipal you are such a blessing and I always knew as soon as I heard you that you were the one who was going to help me.”
~ Gloria
Imbalances in the Nervous System
- Parasympathetic
- Sympathetic
- Spinal issues
- Nervousness
- Sleeplessness
“The Gift of Hope and Life Again For My Daughter”
“You did a session for my daughter, who is in a very dark space, depressed, sad, mad at the world and me. I was losing hope until you worked on her, the next day she (who spends most of her time in her room) has stayed with us in the living room and sharing what she had experienced at work – that was quite unusual for her.
After the second session we had gone to a funeral and she actually shed tears. I have not seen her cry in a very long time. I was shocked!! I’m sure she has felt the work you have done for her.”
~ Nora
Imbalances in the Reproductive System
- Irregular bleeding
- Endometriosis
- Problems getting Pregnant
- Low libido/sex drive
“My Libido is back and Insecurities have Diminished”
“I have had so many issues with my relationship due to my low libido. I always thought something was wrong with me because that is how my husband made me feel. I had bought one of Dipal’s packages and thought we could work on this issue. I was not easy to work with but she was so kind and generous and patient.
We worked together for a month and each time she brought up so many issues from in womb, teenage years and young adulthood traumas that I had not thought much about. I thought I cleared all the emotions and energy around them.
Apparently, I was hiding them all in my DNA, waist, certain organs. Dipal cleared them all one at a time. She even cleared the implant that was in the Pelvic area stuck to the tailbone. I felt such a relief of energy that I felt like my whole body just lifted and new one came in through the uterus. I could feel my soul come back. Wow, I didn’t realize it had been gone for so long and how great it felt to be back and enjoy my life again.
I noticed within that week I was able to be intimate with my husband without the insecurities and feeling worthless. I was able to be me and in my power. I could feel my kundalini just rising as we connected and continue to do so.
Dipal is such a powerful and amazing healer. If anyone gets an opportunity do not miss it.”
~ Annie
“Pregnant At last”
“I went to Dipal for a session because I was having a hard time getting pregnant. We tried multiple things and it just was not happening. I was tired of trying western medicine and decided to have Dipal work on me. She worked on me for an hour. She cleared some things out of my womb and then within 3 months I called her back telling her the wonderful news that I was 2 months pregnant.”
~ Amanda
Imbalances in The Digestive System
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Leaky Gut
“First session we worked on my chronic headaches and within a few days noticed they were gone. Then on the second session we worked on digestion and Gallbladder. The intense pains haven’t come back. Released a lot of fear and anger. So far with those 2 sessions I was blown away but then add the third one and whoa!!! Amazing . 3 session Is still fresh but I did feel releasing in my left shoulder, deeper head stuff and past lives as well. What Powerful healing occurred, I couldn’t believe it!!!”
~ Anonymous
“My Digestive Issues Are Barely Noticeable Anymore..Candida Gone”
“I have digestive issues that are unbearably painful at times. One of the issues I dealt with was candida for over 7 years now and I am so tired. I have tried everything from pharmaceuticals, homeopathy, naturopathy and nothing seems to work. I was so excited when I heard Dipal on a telesummit and immediately bought her package.
We had our one on one session a few months later but she is worth it. My digestive issues are barely noticeable. All the bloating, gas, and other symptoms of candida are all gone.
I also started learning to trust which was a huge issue that I was dealing with in my life. Dipal helped me realize and open up to that energy and within a couple of sessions I felt more confident, energized, and healthy. She is one of the best healers I have been to so far. I am so grateful to Eram for bringing us talented healers”
~ Trina
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Shortness of breath
“Breathing Better Than Ever Before with Management of Symptoms and No More Antibiotics”
“I had a session with Dipal a few times for about 3 months because my allergies were acting up very badly. I feel like its all the time that I am sniffling and stuffed up. I end up with a sinus infection a couple of times a year and then the doctor starts me on all kinds of medications and a course or two of antibiotics.
I do not want to take anymore medications because it upsets my stomach and I feel like it really is impacting my immune system. My immune system is being attacked constantly.
I’m tired and cranky and moody. I worked with Dipal and I was so happy because within a few sessions she was able to clear energy being depleted out of me, she filled up holes and tears in my field, and she helped me manage my symptoms to where I do not need antibiotics anymore. I am so grateful thank you. I am enjoying life and going outside again”
~ Misty
“Wow..The Intense Pain My Hips Stop Hurting”
“I had a wonderful experience with Dipal. She asks questions and if need be, suggests products that can help you with your healing process. I have had pain in my right leg for several years; people told me I limped. Dipal saw that my right hip was lower than my left hip.
She was able to energetically adjust my right hip to be even with my left hip. Right after the session, I felt taller, now it no longer hurts during the night and my leg has more mobility than it has for a long time. I have been playing the recorded session which I believe continues to help me. When I have sent an email asking Dipal questions, she responds quickly to keep you on your healing path. Thank you Dipal; we are blessed to have you as a energetic healer.”
~ Rebecca
You no longer need to let Energy Vampires leave you depleted and feeling:
- Stagnant
- Stuck
- Sick
- Lost
- Depressed
- Unmotivated
- Angry
- Moody
- Crying frequently
- Fatigue
- Drained
- Brain Fog
- Stressed
- Moody
- Anxious
- Restless
- Sad
- Brain washed
- Relentless
- Fight or Flight
- Exhausted
- Resentful
- Blocked
- Judgmental
- Hateful
Imagine “standing in your light” once and for all. Emerge from fear and put yourself first, you will become happier and healthier with all the following to look forward to:
- Regaining your Health
- Being in your Power
- Having your life back
- Creating and Recreating boundaries
- Being able to speak up
- Finding Peace
- Creating your Reality
- Loving yourself completely
- Reclaiming your Soul
- Manifesting Money
- Feeling Revitalized
- Looking Younger
- Living Stress-Free
- Gaining Energy
- Aligning to your Purpose in Life
- Regaining your Strength
- Wanting to live Again
- Feeling Freedom from within
- Reclaiming your self worth
- Protect your Energy and Space
- Restore you Power inside and out
- Connect yourself to the truth
- Nurturing Yourself
- Reclaiming your Joy
- Move Quickly into a New Mindset
- Ignite your Divine Light
- Create Boundaries Easily
- Release Limiting Beliefs
“Finding Peace From Deep Pain and Grief Relieved from Family Line After So Many Years of Suffering”
“Uncovered during the session was also a layer I’d only been partially aware of and that was having an expectation of myself to hold my family together since I grieved so deeply over seeing them so wounded. Seeing deep grieving masked with anger was something I’d grown to recognize and with being a healer I wanted so much to help release from my family line…
Dipal was working with me I could feel the energy got more and more palpable streaming into my awareness as she was breathing deeply & rapidly clearing old energies in my field to create a space for me to let go of all I’d held.. The energy in my field was thick and I could feel it all the way to my feet like a giant bubble I’d been held in.
At one point I felt a stabbing in my bottom area as well as a pinch as energy held in my bladder-kidney was releasing. Ouch…Dipal asked me to breathe and sound about 15 minutes in and as I’d already released so much I figured probably not too much would occur.
A big energetic burst came from my higher heart into my throat hurting like heck… As I sat breathing and sounding it moved to my neck and I let her know what was occurring. She moved to the back of my throat where this old energy sat and released it..
About now I was crying very hard, but it felt clear somehow like a wound that had finally found a place and way to become cleansed… I cried for a long while and spoke to her about my longing and wishes for my family. Dipal of course reminded me that Love is ever present and Love never goes anywhere but is forever.
For a minute I felt myself fighting those comforting words.. I wanted to be understood and I wanted it to be different than it was. I wanted us all to feel and know love and be happy. My family was so much older now and all those days I fought not to feel and to withhold love myself wanted now to be something else.. But Time unlike Love moves on.. Love Grows.. Love Changes. True Love is respectful of others need to be themselves and I had to accept that this was how it was…
My heart moved thru this wanting things to be different..
Instead settling on being ok with Loving Now.. Being Present Now.. Being Ok with Now… Healing for Myself…. Receiving for Myself…. Loving for Myself….
Taking some nice deep breaths and allowing the energy to continue to cleanse I moved into a higher aspect of myself..The pain I’d felt all the way across my shoulders and into my hands felt like they had moved, shifted and released…I could feel the space had opened up, I had truly shifted…I am grateful for this healing. I feel Blessed and I Feel Expansive…Thank you Dipal for the wonderful work you do with such loving attention ..
So, if you have not had the pleasure of working with Dipal yet, I highly suggest you so.”
Loving you all always,
~ Angelic Wisdom
“Cleared Huge Fears around Speaking and Expressing Self. Finally Truly Happy and Confident”
“A few days ago I had a wonderful session with Dipal. We worked on speaking up and expressing my true self to others without fear of what they will think or say. I’ve had problems with this for as long as I can remember and she helped slice a big chunk of fear around this issue in just one session. I am forever thankful to her.
I was able to speak up and discuss some unresolved feelings with my boyfriend so we can have a better relationship. I can honestly say I feel a little freer in speaking my truth and sharing the feelings that have been stuck in me for so long. Little by Little my life is turning into what I want and envision for myself. This makes me truly happy.
I am so excited for her program on pain and sleep. It is something I’m looking forward too. I know many people are in need of this work and Dipal is an admired healer and will help you with exactly you ask for. I love how she takes to time to listen and hold a space of compassion and empathy for me. Forever Grateful!! Thank you so much Dipal Shah.”
~ Amy
“Doctors Can’t Help With The Intense Pain Anymore”
“I just wanted to thank you again for yesterday.. you did a clearing on my very best friend .. She has been in the most unbearable pain for such a long time and I’ve been introducing her to energy healing because doctors can’t help her.. your clearing yesterday changed her pain level from intense to tolerable.. So GRATEFUL!”
~ Lori
“Within 5 Days I am Remembering Who I am”
“Thank you for everything that you do. I’m very grateful and feel blessed to have come across your work. It’s been life changing. I am starting to recognize myself again but in a better way. I haven’t felt like that in too long of a time. You had done group work on the lungs but I asked because there was gunk in the left bronchial tube yet.
I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I’m so grateful I’m in tears. It’s day 5 and I feel the difference after a mini healing. I send you my love and gratitude. I am starting to remember how it felt to be me. I want to help people just like you one day. You inspire me. Thanks again.”
~ Michelle
It’s time to Reclaim your Health and Power from Energy Vampires Before it’s too late!! The wait is over, You do not need to suffering anymore. Dipal and her Guides have put together an amazing package just for you
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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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