Dean Cortez – The Female Mind Control System

$35.00 $197.00 Sale

Dean Cortez - The Female Mind Control SystemDean Cortez – The Female Mind Control System

The download contents two products.

The Female Mind Control System + Alpha Immersion

The Female Mind Control

Step 1: “The Female Mind Control” Manual

Female Mind Control is not only field-tested, but scientifically proven to get you results. This step-by-step proven course gives you super human powers over women and allows you to become 1% of the truly elite. This is because it fuses together breakthroughs in Human Behavioral Psychology with Female Sexual Dynamics. It will give you the power to control a woman’s mind – so be ready!

Step 2: “The Conversation Commando” Video Presentations

This bonus consists of three videos that give you a full arsenal of conversational strategies to use with women. Never again will you be “tongue tied” or struggle to figure out “what to say.”

Soak up these lessons, and from now on you’ll to into every conversation with a rock-solid game plan for success.

Step 3: Bonus Manuals

  1. Body Language Mastery

Did you know 80% of communication is non-verbal? Every time you interact with a woman…or even glance at her across a crowded room…there are body language signals being sent back and forth.

Here, you’ll learn how to quickly master the art of non-verbal communication. This module gets “super tactical” and reveals secrets used by F.B.I agents and members of the intelligence community to instantly “read” a person’s body language.

  1. Hypotheticals

Here’s a kick-ass bag of tricks that is guaranteed to take your conversations with women to the next level. This is a complete arsenal of fun, sexy hypothetical questions you can ask during your conversations…

To spark any woman’s imagination and connect with her on a deeper emotional level. It’s the ultimate “cure” to boring small talk and your friends are going to be begging you to share these secrets.

  1. Crawl Inside Her Mind

Use these “mind control hacks” while you’re talking to a girl, and you’ll have her hanging on your every word and feeling an irresistible sense of sexual attraction towards you.

After learning these quick (but extremely powerful) lessons, you’ll never again wonder “what do say next.” These female mind control secrets will be hard-wired into you!

  1. The Friend Zone Annihilator

Here’s how to make any woman desire you in a sexual way, even if she’s thought of you up until now as “just a friend.” Learn the 6 secrets in this bonus, and women will always see you IMMEDIATELY as a guy they want to sleep with.

Or if you have a female friend right now, and you want to bang her or make her your girlfriend, just use 4 of the 6 secrets and SHE will be the one to make a move on YOU.

  1. Get the Look Women Love

This bonus module shows you how to easily and massively improve your appearance, without having to lose weight, go to the gym, or spend a bunch of money on fancy clothes.

You’ll learn subtle (but extremely powerful) “tweaks” you can make to your appearance and style to make women instantly notice you, and find you handsome.

  1. Internet Seduction

This copy-and-paste method makes hooking up with girls online even easier than ordering a pizza. This module reveals the mistakes 83% of guys make in their choice of username and their headline, with specific examples of real–life good (and bad) ones…

How to craft the ULTIMATE profile to attract endless women, including some *sneaky tips* that will give you an unfair advantage over the other guys… and much, much more.

  1. Secrets Of “Sexual Hypnosis”

In this closely-guarded special report, you’ll discover how to use the psychological science of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to “hijack” a woman’s thoughts and emotions and make her feel irresistible attraction towards you. We’ll give you ten proven NLP seduction patterns and explain exactly how and when to use them for maximum effect.

Alpha Immersion

Module 1 – Developing Ultimate Seduction Game

Welcome to your first training module as a VIP member of the Alpha Immersion program.

Every module in this program is loaded with as much content and useful information as possible. They include downloadable books from the world’s top dating gurus and pickup artists, audio sessions, exclusive videos, and more. No matter what level your “game” is at right now, you’re sure to gain an incredible amount of tips, tactics & techniques from every one of these modules.

It all begins, however, with having strong “Inner Game” — an attitude and mindset of massive, mastermind confidence. This is the foundation you must possess in order to attract more beautiful women into your life. In this module you’ll also find videos from some of the world’s top pickup artists, including Jon Sinn and Adam Lyons, an instructor with the international group of dating gurus known as PUA Training. Enjoy!

Module 2 – Stepping Up Your Game To The NEXT LEVEL

Next, it’s time for you to learn how to get the “Bad Boy Edge” with women…

Take a close look at guys who have awesome social lives and get laid as much as they want, and you’ll see the “X Factor” that makes them so successful is the edgy side of their personality when they deal with women.

They don’t treat women the same way normals guys do — trying to gain their approval, agreeing with whatever they say, and attempting to “date” them in the conventional way.

When these guys meet women, they control the interaction and behave in a hyper-confident, playful and “cocky” way that might seem like it would turn women off…but instead, it draws more girls towards them. These guys have what I call a “bad boy edge,” and it makes women go absolutely wild with sexual desire.

Look, we’ve all been in situations where we liked a girl and treated her like a perfect gentleman…but she was fixated on some jerk who was all wrong for her. How come it seems like these jerks get the girls, and the nice guys finish last? Well, the cool thing is that you can incorporate the “bad boy edge” into their personality & gamewithout treating women badly. It’s totally possible for you to remain a man with strong character & integrity while also projecting a cocky, playful, super-masculine bad boy vibe that women find irresistible.

Forget about being “Mr. Nice Guy” any longer. As you know, women all SAY they want a “nice” boyfriend, but this isn’t what makes their panties wet. Women are biologically programmed to want men who are masculine, independent, unpredictable and sexually exciting. And that why we put together this special module for you.

Module 3 – Secrets Of Approaching Women

Rejection-Proof Ways To Approach Women, Killer Conversation Routines, and Jon Sinn’s “Seduction Roadmap”

It all begins with making the right approach. In this game-changing module, we’ll take an in-depth look at approaching women and how the world’s best pickup artists do it without fear, anxiety or hesitation. You’ll learn how to avoid the mistakes the guys typically make when they approach girls and attempt to start conversations, so that meeting hot women on a constant basis becomes a part of your new lifestyle. Whether these opportunities arise during the daytime, or at night when you’re out hunting at the bars or nightclubs, you’ll be armed with the right approach tactics for virtually any situation.

This module is truly massive — it contains hours worth of exclusive video coaching. Go on and get started…and be sure to start applying what you learn here as soon as possible.

Remember, getting out there and putting these tactics to work is the key to making breakthroughs with women. And practice makes perfect — so study these lessons and then go out there and get to work. I look forward to hearing your success stories soon!

Module 4 – Secrets Of Verbal Seduction

We’ve got an action-packed module for you this time. First up is Video #2 in our Conversation Mastery series. In this video, you’ll learn how to be unique and original when you talk to women, and we’ll arm you with advanced verbal tactics to make women feel a sense of chemistry and attraction towards you…even if you just met her! Being a confident, in-command conversationalist is a surefire way to “fast track” your success with women. This video will arm you with more powerful tools to help you achieve this goal.

And that’s just for starters! Also be sure to download the controversial special report by Jon Sinn on “The Art Of Speaking Womanese.” (You know how chicks always say one thing, but act another way? My buddy Sinn has figured out how to literally translate the words (and behaviors) of women so that you’ll always know what’s really running through their minds…and then, we’ve got a major live presentation by the mighty “Manwhore.” Hey, any guy who calls himself that must have a big ol’ pair of armor-plated balls…well, wait ’till you hear him lay out his rules for getting women into your bed FAST.

We hope you’re loving these modules so far…and we’re not even halfway through the Alpha Immersion program. We’ve got a TON more information to share with you! Now let’s get down to business…

Get Download Dean Cortez – The Female Mind Control System


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