Dean Cortez and Simon H. – One Night Stand Secrets


Secrets of a One Night Stand eBook by Naima Simone - EPUB Book | Rakuten  Kobo United States

Dean Cortez and Simon H. – One Night Stand Secrets

One Night Stand Secrets – Dean Cortez & Simon H.

If you’re ready to finally kiss your fears of not knowing what to do to “escalate” with women goodbye — and give yourself the priceless skill to meet, attract and close women 100x FASTER than the average guy ever will… and leave with her wanting to go home and have sex with you… I have some exciting news for you…

I’ve slogged out the last 5 years (yes, that’s FIVE excruciating long years!) putting together a brand new, first-of-its-kind program called “One Night Stands Masterclass: The Art Of Speed Seduction & Close”… and it’s finally ready to rock! This program is not designed to simply educate you on the ins and outs of getting better with women… it’s not just going to give you a few great lines and techniques… no….

It’s where I go about deconstructing the exact blueprint… the shockingly simple cheat-tricks… the age-old, guarded techniques you couldn’t even concoct if you tried… and the repeatable, yet discreet, training methods that has transformed clueless virgins into many of the world’s best top seducers & speed closers you see today!

This… my friend…

…Is The Down-Right, Dirty-Dog, “Next, NEXT Level” Stuff…

Amongst others, it has been specifically designed to help you:

Create the “romantic bubble” with women that makes a One Night Stand possible.

(Women always talking about “chemistry” – they want to feel like they’re “supposed” to be with the guy who winds up taking them home, as if it was meant to be. I’ll show you how to create this chemistry by combining the right ingredients, using my secret “magic potion”

This requires you to start EVERYTHING the right way; interaction, conversation, communication, what you say, what you do to make yourself ooze with raw, dirty, naughty sexual appeal that gets her feeling sexually attracted to you and up for sex tonight.

At this point, it’s crucial to also make sure that this situation has the right LOGISTICS that will make a One Night Stand possible. You obviously don’t want to waste your time using these techniques on girls who, for whatever reason, cannot hook up with you tonight.

(And if she mentions that she has a boyfriend, this should not faze you. I’ll explain why girls with boyfriends are often 5x EASIER to seduce!)

Escalate and get her into your bed – in a way that feels comfortable and natural to her. You will overcome the 9 objections that are hard-wired into the female brain…because no matter how smooth your tactics are, if she still has doubts and objections, she will come up with a reason not to f*ck you.

It also accounts for the fact that all girls are NOT the same and every one of them needs a different “closing recipe.”

Case in point: There are some girls who will allow you to quickly sexually escalate on them after they’re attracted to you. Others need to feel comfort and connection before they’ll sleep with you. Others just want to be “seduced” (these are the ones you can sleep in an hour or less if you know what you’re doing!).


/—Module3 – Speed Closer Mark Manson (MP3)

+—Module4 – Street Smart Seduction (MP3)

+—One Night Stands (MP3)


+—Platinum1 – Mastering The Art Of Advanced Bad Boy Game (MP3)

+—Platinum2 – Speed Closing Women Bad Boy Style (MP3)

+—Platinum3 – How To Sneak Into A Woman’s Heart (FLV)

+—Platinum5 – Advanced Secrets Of Conversation Control — Persuasion (MP4)

—Platinum6 – Advanced Secrets Of Conversation Control — Hypnotic Conversation (MP4)
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Readmore about : Dean Cortez and Simon H. – One Night Stand Secrets, One Night Stand Secrets, one night stand rules for women, funny one night stand stories, how to get one night stands

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