David Kessler – Heal Your Heart After Grief: Help Your Clients Find Peace After Break-Ups, Divorce, Death and Other Losses

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David Kessler – Heal Your Heart After Grief: Help Your Clients Find Peace After Break-Ups, Divorce, Death and Other Losses

David Kessler
5 Hours 46 Minutes
Audio and Video
Jan 26, 2016


Featuring David Kessler, special guest on “Dr. Oz”, “Oprah & Friends”, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, People Magazine, “Entertainment Tonight”, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times

Based on David Kessler’s newest book, You Can Heal Your Heart, co-authored with the legendary Louise Hay, this recording is a blend of Louise’s life-changing thought processes as well as David’s years of working with those in grief. Their message will inform you and inspire an extraordinary new way of thinking and treating your clients.

David Kessler, best-selling author, collaborator with the groundbreaking Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, will provide you with the newest information on healing all kinds of grief. Teach your clients how to tackle the grief that occurs when a relationship leaves them brokenhearted, a marriage ends in divorce, a job is lost, dealing with cancer, a death occurs, or other challenging life circumstances.

Enhance your work as a clinician with clients who have dealt with loss. David’ message will fill you with insight, tools, strategies, and inspiring information.

  • Learn healthy and supportive ways to heal all kinds of grief
  • Understand old patterns to have healthy new relations despite breakups and divorce
  • Help loved ones learn to live with loss after death instead of “getting over loss”

“It was wonderful working with David again. David brings wisdom and compassion to tough subjects such as breakups, divorce and the death of a loved one. If you get the chance to hear him speak on our newest work,You Can Heal Your Heart, you will find helpful information, comfort and healing in his words.” –Louise L. Hay, the New York Times best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life


Webcast Manual (2.3 MB) 47 Pages Available after Purchase


Inner World of Grief

  • The role of dreams and their archetypes
  • Navigate the loss and replacement of roles in loss
  • Use of Life Beliefs in healing grief
  • Dealing with secrets that may be revealed after loss


  • Reinterpreting and reframing divorce
  • Healing shame around divorce
  • Children and divorce


  • Help your client understand the ways they were taught to love
  • Interpret reoccurring patterns
  • What lessons can bring about healing
  • The lies we tell ourselves after a relationship ends


  • How much information is good to share?
  • Taking responsibility for actions
  • How to move on afterward
  • The cost to the soul of betrayal

After Cancer

  • Heal mentally after medical recovery
  • Deal with fears of reoccurrence
  • Ways to find peace again with one’s own body

Other Losses

  • Honoring and heal from a pets death
  • The assumptions we make about our children and releasing them
  • Understand the benefits and burdens about the idealize mate
  • Job loss and home loss

Anticipatory Grief

  • Treatment strategies
  • Tools for normalizing anticipatory grief for the patient/client

Deathbed Visions and Their Impact on Grief

  • Effective and ineffective models for family coping and integration
  • Clinical/palliative care studies, research of near death awareness
  • Using the law to normalize the dying experience

Kübler Ross Stages Revisited and Updated for 2014

  • The possibility of a sixth stage?
  • Interpreting the relevancy of the stages today

Children in Grief

  • Tools for preparing for the loss
  • Intervention for coping enhancement for funerals
  • The forgotten grievers

Complicated Grief

  • Simplifying the model
  • Murder, multiple losses, sudden death, suicide, Alzheimers

Disasters and How We Cope

  • Shootings/hurricanes/earthquakes and terrorists acts
  • Techniques for approaching horrific crime and/or disaster scenes
  • Helping survivors coping with suffering

Tools for the Clinician to Help Clients Cope with:

  • Anniversaries
  • Holidays – the seen and unseen
  • Birthdays


David Kessler's Profile

David Kessler Related seminars and products: 13

David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts on healing and loss. His experience with thousands of people on the edge of life and death has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life.

He is the author of six bestselling books. His new book is Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief. His first book, The Needs of the Dying, a #1 best-selling hospice book, received praise by (Saint) Mother Teresa. He co-authored two bestsellers with the legendary Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: On Grief and Grieving and Life Lessons. His most newly released book is You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After Breakup, Divorce or Death with Louise Hay. He worked with Elizabeth Taylor, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Marianne Williamson when their loved ones faced life-challenging illnesses. He also worked with late actors Anthony Perkins and Michael Landon. David’s work has been discussed in the Los Angeles Times, Business Week and Life Magazine, and has been featured on “Brené Brown, CNN-Cross Fire”, NBC, Fox, PBS, “Dr. Oz” and “Entertainment Tonight”. David is a contributing writer on Oprah.com, Dr. Oz’s Sharecare.com, “Anderson Cooper 360” and “The Huffington Post”.

David has a master’s degree in Health Care Bioethics from Loyola Marymount University, he did his undergraduate work at University of Southern California and is a member of the American College of Health Care Executives. He is a certified AMA/EPEC (Education for Physicians) trainer. He also is the founding chairperson for the Hospital Association of Southern California Palliative Care Committee and spent the last decade as a C-suite executive in a 650 bed – three hospital system in Los Angeles County.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: David Kessler receives compensation as Vice President of Patient Support Services for Citrus Valley Health Partners. He is an author for Simon & Schuster – New York and receives royalties. Mr. Kessler receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: David Kessler has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.

Salepage: https://catalog.pesi.com//item/heal-heart-grief-clients-find-peace-breakups-divorce-death-losses-13000
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/esGhc

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