David DeAngelo – Interviews with Dating Gurus Archive 2003 – 2009

$17.00 $247.00 Sale

David DeAngelo - Interviews with Dating Gurus Archive 2003 - 2009David DeAngelo – Interviews with Dating Gurus Archive 2003 – 2009

Alright so I was out of the dating scene for a while because my hot girlfriend broke up with me for some other guy who I thought was a joke. This guy didn’t have or gave what I gave her. So I was trying to come up with some new game, well what I mean by trying to come up with new game, is that I was trying to get it. I got lucky last time because my now x girlfriend worked with me so we stuck together a lot and hooked up but she got a new job and that’s when it went down hill. It was hard for me to meet the girls I wanted to meet, but I did have success after getting this, it helped me meet the girls I wanted to meet and now I have 3 girlfriends who always want to hang out and sleep over. They don’t mind me “Dating” different women, they all want a piece of me and I’m just an average guy. David DeAngelo man, thanks for giving me some game homie! Haha. I couldn’t be a happier guy. I’m getting all his products

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