David Aronson – Medical and Recreational Marijuana for Illinois Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals: Answers to Your Biggest Questions

Medical and Recreational Marijuana for Illinois Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals

David Aronson – Medical and Recreational Marijuana for Illinois Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals: Answers to Your Biggest Questions

David Aronson
6 Hours 9 Minutes
Audio and Video
Aug 07, 2020


Legalized marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use is new to Illinois. And this significant change means that you will care for patients who use cannabis!

But you have more questions than answers…
• How does cannabis impact my patients’ physical and mental health?
• What potential drug interactions and side effects do I need to be aware of?
• How do I differentiate between medical, recreational and problematic use?
• Are there any legal or ethical issues I need to watch out for?
• How do I make sure I’m prepared to answer patients’ questions about cannabis?

Whether you’re a social worker, psychologist, nurse, counselor, physician or anyone working with patients in the healthcare or mental health fields, this program is exactly what you need to make sure you’re prepared to safely and effectively work with patients who use marijuana and cannabis products.

Stop searching Cannabis websites with questionable information and outdated research and get the training you need from a source you trust!

Purchase today!


Manual – Medical and Recreational Marijuana (5 MB) 33 Pages Available after Purchase


Medical and Mental Health Conditions Treated with Marijuana and Cannabis

  • Chronic pain
  • Cancer
  • PTSD
  • Other medical and mental health conditions

Do Cannabinoids Help or Harm My Patient?

  • Forms of ingestion
  • How the drug functions in the body
  • Differentiate between different cannabinoids
  • Therapeutic benefits
  • Studies on health and psychiatric effects

Medication Interactions You Need to Know

  • Warfarin
  • Theophylline
  • Clobazam
  • Valproate

Side Effects and Safety Risks of THC and CBD

  • Respiratory and cardiovascular risks
  • Immune system impacts
  • Influences on cognitive functioning
  • Reproductive effects

How to Differentiate between Medical, Recreational and Problematic Use

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Differences in state programs
  • Effects of individual state laws
  • Recreational/adult use programs
  • Mandated reporting


David Aronson, LCSW Related seminars and products: 2

David Aronson LCSW, practices in an outpatient setting with Integrative Health Center of Maine where he specializes in helping those with chronic illnesses. In his work with the chronically ill, David was routinely asked questions about cannabis use which led him to research the subject in-depth so he could better understand the impacts of cannabis use on his patients’ and provide them with better information and answers.

Since 2017 he has trained thousands of healthcare and mental health professionals throughout the country about cannabis so they too can better understand the impacts of cannabis use on their patients’ mental and physical health and ensure they are up to date on the legal and ethical issues that might affect their work. David has also been invited to appear at the Ohio State University’s Addiction Studies Institute, the largest Midwest addiction studies conference.

David has been practicing psychotherapy since 2009 and is highly experienced in evaluation and level of care assessment. He earned his Master of Social Work degree from the University of New England.

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