Darla LeDoux – Retreat and Grow Rich Program
Darla LeDoux – Retreat and Grow Rich Program
What If You Could Add 6 Figures+ In Revenue To Your Business Each Year By Hosting Small Retreats/Intensives That Have Big Impact, Attract Your Ideal Clients, & Sell Your High End Programs,
Read on…
Do you know that there’s one strategy that most guru’s never talk about in business that will allow you to:
- Work with clients for a few days at a time and make the money you desire.
- Leverage your knowledge and expertise by sharing it with a broader audience.
- Have fun leading a group of people in exactly the way you want to lead them. In fact, the way ONLY you can lead them.
- Create recurring revenue so you know exactly how much you’ll be making for 6 or 12 months out, rather than wondering how many clients you’ll happen to land.
- Make a bigger difference than you ever could through your time-intensive 1-on-1 work.
- Fill your high end programs without having to do 1-on-1 strategy sessions.
I’m talking about RETREATS (intensives, immersions),
and the moment I hosted my first retreat, my business changed forever.
I went from bringing in a client here and a client there, different programs for each, with no cohesion to my work, to having 6 months of recurring revenue, which more than paid my bills, signed, contracted, and on the books. It was life changing. And most importantly, my business suddenly became a clear and straightforward force in my life – it had a central theme and I knew what to do. My work was instantly simplified.
I’m Darla LeDoux, and I’ve added 6-figures in revenue in my business each year. I’ve done all kinds of things to grow my business – online launches of group programs, teleclasses, webinars, Facebook ads, livestreams, and even big events. As I look back over my 6 years in business, I see that the one strategy that has proven to make the most money with the least effort is the strategy of hosting small, intimate retreats. With 2-3 retreats a year I consistently filled my client pipeline year after year.
I’ve tied myself in knots to execute strategies that someone else told me I ‘must’ do to make my business work. One strategy even caused my business to stall. But the power of a live retreat has never let me down.
I remember when I first started talking about hosting a retreat, many years ago when I was still in my corporate gig as an engineer in consumer product development (can you believe that?), and people told me I was crazy. “You’ll never make money at that,” they said.
I could be upset about that. In fact I was. But here’s what I’ve since learned… their concern was real.
Imagine being able to make money, have an impact, have people love their decision to work with you, and leave them wanting more!
That is the power of a live retreat.
And that’s why I’m so excited to introduce my new program:
Because this is what I believe:
- We as a culture are in a tremendous time of personal growth.
- Connection and awareness are two key forces that will make the change we need.
- We don’t need more information, we need transformation.
- Experiences make an impact in a way that no amount of knowledge ever will.
- Small, intimate retreats are not only a powerful business strategy, but also the most effective way to have a lasting impact.
Get immediately download Darla LeDoux – Retreat and Grow Rich Program
In this 8-week program you will learn:
- How to develop a custom retreat strategy that will speak to your ideal clients and make you excited to go to work.
- What you need to know BEFORE you host your first retreat… most people start in the wrong place.
- How to fill your retreats, even if you’re just getting started or have a small list.
- How to know that your retreat idea meets an actual need your clients have vs. one you’ve imagined.
- The flow and content structure for a retreat that gives your participants a concrete result, AND leaves them wanting more.
- How to turn your knowledge and expertise into an impactful EXPERIENCE for your participants rather than an information exchange.
- How to price your retreat, and understanding the cash flow involved in your big picture retreat strategy.
- How to use the power of your retreat to attract new clients – even ones who weren’t there!
You’ll also learn:
- How to get over the fear that “they won’t come.”
- How to choose a venue, what to spend, how to negotiate with your venue, and what to provide your guests.
- How much content is too much and how much is just enough.
- Materials, supplies, and support needed for a successful retreat.
- How to decide if your idea is amazing or cheesy/ childish, and how to overcome the fear of being judged. For your idea to fly, you must own it!
- How to get to clarity about your programs and retreats once and for all – clarity sells.
- How to Captivate your audience, before the retreat and in the room.
- The 3 Intentions that make or break your retreat (and any marketing activity).
- How to create intimacy and hold space in the room. Effective retreats have an extraordinary energy about them, and knowing how to create that is a key component to creating retreats that sell.
- How to move a conversation forward in a group. When to give individual attention and drive a point home, and when to allow the room to sit with a question and move on.
- How to use retreats to build a community that takes on a life of its own.
Using retreats can leverage your time
and simplify your business model!
Live retreats are an amazing strategy to deliver your work for countless service-based entrepreneurs, and a powerful community building strategy for product-based businesses as well. But it may not be for everyone.
How do I know if a retreat strategy is right for you?
A retreat strategy may be right for you if:
- You love attending or hosting retreats, or have often visualized yourself leading an intimate room.
- You are someone who naturally has ‘good energy,’ or tends to be the ‘safe space’ for people to talk to.
- You are creative, intuitive, or empathetic, and at some level you know that you ‘move energy’ in a room.
- You have semi-customized knowledge to share. In other words, you don’t have a ‘one size fits all’ approach, yet there are pieces of information you have that all of your clients need and you want to save time by not repeating yourself. In a small group you’re able to teach to several people at once, and still personalize the information to the individual as needed.
- You can no longer grow your business in the current way because you are tapped out on personal time and you’re looking for the next step.
- You want a simple, streamlined business model which involves meeting in groups as a cornerstone of the value you deliver.
- You believe experiences make more of an impact than information.
- You are willing to be decisive, get clear, take a stand, and own your point of view. To lead a room effectively requires this quality.
- You are willing to not be liked, and willing to get uncomfortable. If you have a need to be liked that you’re not willing to release, you’ll never lead them effectively or leave them wanting more.
- You are prepared to invest in this strategy upfront for long-term, repeatable growth. You’ll not only invest in your own learning and growth to be highly effective (I can help you with that), but hosting a retreat itself costs money upfront. There are many ways to cut costs in the beginning, but there will be a cost to host. (And it will be worth it!)
- You visualize yourself as the leader of a community or tribe or movement (even if that thought is scary to you).
- You’ve got crazy ideas that just may work!
- You are willing to be visible! When you build it, you can’t hide out!
Join me for
What’s Included in this 8 Week Step By Step Program:
Seven (7) Weekly content-rich training videos. ($2000 Value)
Each week you’ll get access to a new module of content so you can take the steps one by one.
We’ll walk through your retreat strategy in depth, from the foundational work needed BEFORE your first retreat, to the strategy for filling the room, to the retreat itself, as well as the ever-important retreat follow up.
CLASS 1: Your Clarity Point™ and Envisioning Your Retreat-Driven Business
- Learn the big picture about how retreats can help to simplify your business model, laser in on your ideal high-ticket offerings, and generally make your life easier while making more money.
- Develop your personal “Big Ass Vision” for your business and your life so you can make the right strategic decisions about your retreat based business model.
- Differentiate your brand of retreat from any other possible solution someone could choose by understanding your Clarity Point™. Distinguish what you, uniquely, know to be true. (This will transform your entire business).
CLASS 2: Your Captivation Factor™ and How To Motivate Your Audience
- Each person is unique, and there is a way in which you Captivate a crowd, whether you know it or not. Here we explore the 10 core principles that make up your personal Captivation Factor™, with specific assignments to test how captivating you are and determine your top 3 growth areas.
- Know how to motivate your audience in a way that gets them to want what you’re offering. This will help you fill the retreat, and have people want to spend money with you after the retreat – all by being YOU.
- Understand the three hidden factors that can make or break a retreat, or any other sale. (The people who have mastered this generally DON’T teach it.)
CLASS 3: Your ‘Research’ Clients and Choosing Your Program Angle
- The top way to fill a retreat is to deeply understand your ideal client and design the retreat to get them what they most want. (As a veteran market researcher and product developer, I can tell you that this is exactly what big companies do to develop their products). Yet most entrepreneurs make at least 3 major mistakes when it comes to developing offerings that sell, that they also align to, and we’ll cover these.
- Know how to bring in the right clients quickly, and how to discern which of your clients are the right ones for you, and for your retreats.
- Develop the marketing angle and core benefits for your life-changing, business-simplifying, high ticket program that you love!
CLASS 4: Retreat Plan 1 – The Outcome, Experience, and Your 3 Intentions
- Let’s plan your signature retreat! We’ll start with the three core intentions you hold for your first retreat, which will shape everything.
- Develop the retreat experience such that it is more than just a class, but a transformation for attendees.
- Discern how the outcome your clients will get and talk about from your retreat will create traction for future retreats.
CLASS 5: Retreat Plan 2 – Your Content Flow and Next Step Program Offer
- Once we’ve developed the overall view for your retreat, we’ll dive into content. Learn the typical flow for a profitable retreat – how long is it, what happens each day, and how to invite people to a next step with you while staying authentic.
- Develop the right program offer for you to provide a container of support for your people after your retreat.
- Make key decisions about your content – how much content, in what order.
- Understand what will really make a difference for attendees, and how to have them buy in to the flow.
CLASS 6: Marketing and Filling Your Retreat
- If you build it they will come, right? Yes, and no. You MUST have a strategy for filling your room. We’ll cover that here.
- Understand what has people say yes to attending a retreat.
- Learn my strategy for building a core audience for your retreat.
- How to communicate the tangible benefits, while leaving room for divine inspiration!
CLASS 7: Expanding Your Retreat Reach By Looping in Your Fans and List
- Not everyone in your tribe will attend your retreat – in fact you don’t have space for all of them! But the credibility created by you hosting your retreat will get attention outside of the room. Learn to capitalize on this.
- Bring in ideal clients who have been watching you for some time, waiting for the right time to work with you.
- Learn to create traction for your next retreat.
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!