Daniel Icenogle – Legal and Ethical Issues in Behavioral Health in Wisconsin
Daniel Icenogle – Legal and Ethical Issues in Behavioral Health in Wisconsin
- Faculty:
- Daniel Icenogle
- Duration:
- Approx. 6 Hours
- Copyright:
- Feb 11, 2021
A better understanding of your ethical and legal obligations can not only help you provide more effective treatment to your clients, but can help you avoid costly mistakes. This seminar will provide you with the necessary tools to avoid a wide range of ethical and legal pitfalls.
Watch attorney and emergency department physician Daniel L. Icenogle for an entertaining and enlightening day and leave with a greater understanding of the latest Wisconsin law as it relates to mental health. You will take home practical strategies to minimize and manage legal and ethical risks and you will learn how to immediately implement these risk reducing strategies into your practice.
If you purchase only one seminar this year, make it this one.
Confidentiality of Mental Health Records
- Interaction of State Mental Health and Federal AODA Privacy Laws
- Patient Access
- Release With Authorization
- When and to Whom Records Can Be Released
- Psychotherapy Notes
- What Are They?
- Who Controls Them?
- Disclosure Without Authorization
- Permitted Disclosures for Treatment
- Permitted Disclosures for Other Reasons
- Mandatory Disclosures
- HIV Records
Subpoenas, Court Orders, Testimony, and Law Enforcement
- Subpoenas
- Different Types of Subpoenas
- What Do You Have to do?
- Limitations on Subpoenas
- Court Orders
- Court Orders for Records
- Court Ordered Examinations
- Search Warrants
- Providing Testimony
- Therapist Privilege
- Depositions
- Trial Testimony
- Law Enforcement
- Authority to Obtain Information
- Investigations
- Areas of Uncertainty
- Disclosure of Impending Discharge
- Disclosure of Treatment of Certain Injuries
Voluntary and Involuntary Mental Health Commitments
- Grounds for an Involuntary Commitment
- Threat to Others
- Threat to Self
- Procedures
Balancing the Rights of Minors
- Mental Health Records and the Rights of Minors
- Rights of Minors to Refuse/Consent to Treatment
- Access to Records
- Rights of Minors to Control Access to Their Records
- Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Treatment Issues for Minors
- Parental Rights
- Divorce Issues
- Custodial vs. Non-Custodial Parents
- Foster Parents
- Adoptive Parents
- Educational Health Records and FERPA
- Emancipation
- Minors and Medical Treatment
Professional Boundary Issues
- Boundary Issues: Therapeutic
- The Dual Relationship
- Special Issues for Rural Providers
- Social Media
- Boundary Issues: Civil Liability
- Boundary Issues: Regulatory Issues
- Process and Procedure
- Telehealth and Teletherapy
Daniel Icenogle, JD, MD Related seminars and products: 2
DANIEL L. ICENOGLE, JD, M.D. is a health law attorney and an emergency department physician, practicing law in the firm of Icenogle & Associates, LLC, Readstown, Wisconsin, which provides a variety of health law services for physicians, hospitals and other medical providers. He is a 1981 graduate of Loyola Stritch School of Medicine and a 1992 cum laude graduate of the University of Wisconsin Law School. He was formerly chair of the board of directors for the Wisconsin State Bar Health Law Section, and is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Medical Society and its Council on Health Care Access and Financing.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Daniel Icenogle receives compensation as an Emergency Department Medical Director for Vernon Memorial Hospital and as a Senior Attorney for Icenogle and Associates, LLC. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Daniel Icenogle has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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