Cynthia L. Webner – ECG & Arrhythmia Interpretation Made Easy
Cynthia L. Webner – ECG & Arrhythmia Interpretation Made Easy
- Faculty:
- Cynthia L. Webner
- Duration:
- Full Day
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Dec 05, 2017
- Take the Fear and Intimidation out of ECG Interpretation!
- Quickly and Confidently Identify Changes in a Patient’s Cardiac Status
- Step-by-Step Systematic Approach GUARANTEED to Improve Your Skills
- Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Become a Cardiac Expert
The ECG is the most commonly-used procedure for diagnosing a wide variety of cardiac conditions, yet even the most seasoned nurses struggle to master interpretation. Attend this seminar and finally learn to recognize borderline and abnormal tracings. In this information-packed program expert, Cynthia L. Webner, will teach you easy-to-understand techniques to identify acute coronary syndromes, bundle branch blocks and challenging rhythms you would have previously missed. Through hands-on practice, learn how to look at and analyze:
- QRS axis to help determine diagnosis
- Contrast left anterior and posterior hemiblocks
- Recognize the location of acute coronary syndromes
- Differentiate LBBB versus RBBB and their significance
- Find chamber enlargements
- And most importantly, respond to the patient emergencies associated with each of these changes!
Manual ZNM077585 (23.41 MB) | 112 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Time Saving Tips & Strategies
- Systematic Approach
- Correlating Cardiac Conduction with Waveforms
- Layout of the 12-Lead, 15-Lead & Right-sided ECG
- Positive & Negative Lead Placement
- Cardiac Conduction System Clues
Determining Cardiac Axis
- Quick Approach for Axis by Quadrant
- Axis Practice Utilizing “Thumbs Technique”
- Causes for Axis Deviation
- Axis in Disease Diagnosis
Conduction Abnormalities
- Right & Left BBB Morphology
- Left Anterior Hemi-Block Criteria
- Chamber Enlargement
- Atrial Hypertrophy
- Right- & Left-Ventricular Hypertrophy
Myocardial Injury and Ischemia
- Patterns of Injury & Ischemia
- ST Segment & T Wave Changes
- Reciprocal Changes
- Pathological Q waves
- Specific Types of Myocardial Infarction
- Subtle Clues
Complex Arrhythmia Interpretation
- Mechanisms of Tachyarrhythmias
- Evaluating Wide Complex Tachycardias
- VT versus SVT with BBB Aberrancy
High Risk Features
- QT abnormalities
- The Brugada Syndrome
- Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome
Putting It All Together
- Emergency Interventions
- Acute vs. Chronic Treatment Recommendations
- Documentation of Findings

Cynthia L. Webner, DNP, RN, CCNS, CCRN-CMC Related seminars and products: 8
Acute Care Clinical Nurse Specialist
Aultman Hospital
Cynthia L. Webner, DNP, RN, CCNS, CCRN-CMC, CHFN, has over 32 years of critical care and cardiovascular experience in a wide variety of clinical practice settings. Twelve years of her career were dedicated to nursing management and Heart Center administration. She currently practices as a hospital-based Acute Care Clinical Nurse Specialist with a large medical cardiology practice.
Cindy leads the hospital’s cardiac care therapeutic hypothermia program. Cindy has a passion for both nursing practice and the cardiac patient. She believes knowledge transforms clinical practice. In addition to maintaining a part-time clinical practice, Cindy is also a co-owner of Key Choice and Cardiovascular Nursing Education Associates.
She collaborated on Cardiovascular Nursing Practice: A Comprehensive Nursing Resource Manual published by CNEA in 2007. Cindy’s presentations at regional and national venues are known for their high level of enthusiasm and humor used to deliver very high level content. Cindy will convince you that learning is indeed fun, and clinical practice is truly a joy.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Cynthia Webner is a business partner for Key Choice and Cardiovascular Nursing Education. She has an employment relationship with Aultman Hospital CVC. Dr. Webner receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Cynthia Webner is a CCRN Ambassador for the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.
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