CSA Membership Academy
CSA Membership Academy
Are you struggling to use your CSA veggies every week?
Do you feel like you’re throwing away a lot of the food?
Are your kids and “plus one” telling you, “I don’t like this”?..
Do you ever open up your CSA box and pull out a leafy thing like this and wonder ==> “What the heck am I supposed to do with this?”
PS: That’s bok choy.
Yeah… I know what you’re thinking… you THOUGHT this CSA thing was a good idea when you signed up… but now that you’re deep into it, you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, aren’t you?
(Are you throwing things down the garbage disposal?)
I remember what it felt like when I first started getting my CSA box: I felt excited at first, then slowly overwhelmed by all the produce I didn’t know what to do with, then guilty that I wasn’t using it.
Sound familiar?
Then one day I decided to interview my CSA members who were REALLY good at CSA.
You know… the ones who are freezing fools, canning ninjas and sheetpan meal foodies.
In fact, I talked to over 30 of them on the phone for over an hour, and I took furious notes.
And I started to see patterns.
I took all their wisdom, and started to apply it to my own kitchen and CSA experience.
And it worked.
I was so excited that I started to train my rookie CSA members with my CSA master’s secrets.
It took me two years.
I made video trainings for every veggie, template cheatsheets for cooking, storage guides, canning guides, an instant Pot course, exit strategies for vegetables, even a quick “Beginner’s Guide to CSA Membership”…
Now I have a CSA tribe that is kicking butt and taking names.
Thanks to our coaching and community support, we are taking CSA rookies and turning them into near-CSA-masters in just 2 seasons.
I want this transformation to happen for you too. So I’m making this Resource Library available to everyone.
I call it the CSA Membership Academy.
And it is your full-proof source for getting better at eating MORE locally-grown seasonal veggies.
- No more veggie overwhelm.
- Sayonara, food waste.
- Good-bye, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese as your default setting.
Hello to healthy guilt-free cooking, mentorship, and INSPIRATION. (And impressing your family with dinner).
So… this is a cauliflower leaf
And yes… you can actually eat these.
They fall into a lovely category known as “random greens” — like broccoli greens, kohlrabi leaves, bok choy, Swiss chard, and kale.
You know what I make with them?…
We call them “Frozen Green Cubes,” and they have taken our foodie tribe by storm.
Blanch the greens (til they wilt), puree, freeze into muffin tins, and toss later into spaghetti sauce, soups, chili.
And no one will ever taste them.
If you are looking for someone to guide you through the maze of CSA membership, we can help.
When you join our CSA’s online Academy you get unlimited access to:
- Our Comprehensive “Veggie U” module — a library of video tutorials and ebooks for every vegetable we grow (over 40+ sessions). Each ebook has a collection of recipes to help you with that veggie.
- Cooking tutorials for common “exit strategies” — pesto, our famous frozen “green cubes,” chilis, frittata, smoothies, sauces, and more. You’ll learn the basic formulas for just about every category of meal.
- Cooking cheatsheets, PDFs, and checklists you can download and print out that make things easy to follow — like “Formula for Refrigerator Pickles” or “Best Beginner Instant Pot Recipes”
- Freezer Meals and preservation tips
- Vegetable Storage Guides – my “A to Z Storage Guide” and “The Ultimate Guide to Freezing Vegetables” is KILLER good! I consider it the first thing you should learn as a CSA member.
- Instant Pot Mini Course — in under 40 minutes, you’ll know the top 5 techniques you need to know to get started with this tool. No more overwhelm. No more fear.
- Canning Club workshops. Watch the step by step process for preserving popular staples like tomatoes, pickles, beans, and jams in this popular video module.
- The Beginner’s Guide to CSA Success course — our step by step mini-course for CSA Newbies to help them speed up the learning curve to CSA Mastery in under 90 minutes. Don’t make common CSA rookie mistakes.
When you purchase this Academy membership at our monthly or annual rate, you will get complete access to ALL the courses listed above.
To see what’s inside those individual courses, click on each of the icons above to view the content. It’s pretty comprehensive!
CSA doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
Let us be your guide.
Hey there! I’m Corinna! And I’m a former suburban-girl-turned-farmer’s-wife, and momma to 2 young boys (ages 8 and 11). My hubby and I have been running a CSA farm (SharedLegacyFarms.com) for over 12 years out in Elmore, OH.
Can I be honest?… I had NO idea how food was grown until I married my husband Kurt — much less how to cook it. Over the last 12 years, I’ve learned SO much about how food is grown and how to make it taste good. Here’s the truth: healthy food starts with fresh quality ingredients. And just by learning a few simple strategies, you can make just about any veggie shine. (I even like kale and eggplant now).
Not only have I become a farm food snob (LOL), but I’m passionate about teaching people the story behind their food (and how to use it). I would love to have you in my tribe, show you the ropes so that you can enjoy the taste of farm-fresh veggies too.
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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!