Conversionxl – Brand Building For Small Businesses And Consultants

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Conversionxl - Brand Building For Small Businesses And Consultants

Conversionxl – Brand Building For Small Businesses And Consultants

For Conversionxl – Brand Building For Small Businesses And Consultants

Brand building for small businesses & consultants:
Learn how to build, maintain, and leverage a strong brand to gain clients, revenue, and results.
In this 4-class training program, you’ll learn to:

Build a solid and reputable brand in 7 simple steps.
Plan and outsource your branding for a fraction of what expensive agencies charge.
Communicate with designers and programmers to effectively build brand materials and guidelines.
Maintain and leverage a powerful brand to make more money and get more clients.

This course is right for you if…

You own your own consulting firm or small business.
You want to spice up your branding so you can start to attract the exact clients you want.
You aren’t thrilled by the quality of your current branding.
You want to make small changes to help you attract more ideal clients.
You want clear action steps to get your branding consistent across your website, social media channels and marketing materials.

This course is NOT for you if…

You have no time to study the materials and do the easy brainstorming exercises.
You are proud of your branding and don’t feel it can be improved.
You want to avoid taking the time to control how your prospects think about your brand.
You are afraid of feeling creative and learning valuable skills and mindsets that will help you attract more qualified leads.

Skills you should have…

Ability to be creative and think of ‘big picture’ strategies to help grow your company.
You have 3-4 hours each week to do the easy-to-follow assignments.
You are willing to rethink everything you’re currently doing in order to find some quick ‘hacks’ to make your brand truly connect with your ideal clients.

Proper branding makes you more money

Most entrepreneurs don’t spend a lot of time planning out their brand – which makes sense. There’s too much to juggle, from getting new clients to maintaining accounts to hiring and putting out the inevitable daily fires.

But if you put a little bit of time and effort into your brand, you’ll reap the rewards. Branding is simply how others think about your company. Are you presenting your company in the best possible light? Do you even know what others think of your brand?

This course will teach you some of the easiest and most evidence-backed ways to improve your current branding or even completely overhaul your brand and start over.
Unleash the power of a strong and recognizable brand

Most entrepreneurs are juggling so many things that it’s hard to imagine spending time working on your brand. What’s the ROI? How do you even build a brand?

Most of us don’t have experience in brand building, so we can’t answer those questions – which is why we’re bringing in a veteran in the branding space, Mike L. Murphy.

After working with some of the biggest and most recognizable brands in Hollywood (including Lord of the Rings, Iron Man, Harry Potter, Fast & Furious), Mike has distilled brand building into a science. He now works to bring some of that branding dark magic to help small businesses and consultants get more clients and business.
Stop feeling embarrassed or unclear about your branding

This course will teach you to stake a position, outline your brand, and execute via design and other touchpoints. It will teach you how to rope your team in and maintain your brand integrity at every level.

To be clear, we’ll teach you how to build a brand that will make you more money.

Get Conversionxl – Brand Building For Small Businesses And Consultants on right now!
After just four sessions, you’ll be able to:

Craft a consistent brand plan to tell a unified story.
Map out who you want to attract and how to convert them to buyers.
Plan out how you want your brand to look, and then create outsource instructions so you can hire designers.
Shift from feeling embarrassed by your branding to feeling proud and ready to share it with the world!
Get your staff all on the same page about what your brand is and what it isn’t.
Create a ‘Lookbook’ so you can keep your brand’s visual styling consistent wherever it will be seen.

Your course curriculum
Brand Building for Small Businesses and Consultants
Class 1
Branding Foundations

Class One will lay the groundwork for building your brand. By the end of this class, you’ll have a solid understanding of what branding is, why you need it and how you can design your brand as economically as possible.

Topics covered:

What is a brand?
What common mistakes do most entrepreneurs fall into when branding?
What the 7 ‘building blocks’ to a solid brand are

Class 2
Visual Branding

In this class, you’ll discover what visual branding is, why you need this to be consistent, and how you can easily outsource most of your visual branding design to professional designers.

Topics covered:

What is visual branding?
How to be consistent with your visual branding.
What is a lookbook is and how you’ll use it.
How your audience emotionally reacts to visuals.
How to ‘speak’ with graphic designers.

Class 3
Serving Your Clients

Class 3 shifts the focus from your Brand over to how your Brand helps your clients. Here you’ll dive deeper into their psychology, and also develop clear channels for them to contact you.

Topics covered:

What is Brand Hospitality?
What are Audience Desires?
How can you engage the emotions of your Audience (so they want to hire you)?

Class 4
Organizing Your Brand

In this final class, you’ll define what problems you help your clients solve, and then link those to specific services you can sell them. This will help you stay organized and give your prospects simple solutions to their urgent problems.

Topics covered:

What is a teaching map?
What is a treasure map?
How you can keep your new brand organized.

Show off your new skills: Get a certificate of completion

Once you’ve watched all the classes, pass a test to get certified in Brand building for small businesses and consultants.

Get Download Conversionxl – Brand Building For Small Businesses And Consultants


Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!