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Christine Hassler – Personal Mastery
Christine Hassler – Personal Mastery
Overcome Any Obstacle Standing
Between You and What You Want
Even if You Feel You’ve Tried Everything
and Still Don’t Have The Answer
That’s all going to change
This is a method to ignite change that lasts a lifetime, NOT just a few weeks.
Okay, question time. Do any of these ever run through your head?
- I feel like something is missing in my life.
- I’m not passionate about anything and I’m just going through the motions.
- I’m at a crossroads and I need to find some clarity.
- Why I’m really here and what I should be doing with my life.
- I hate my job but I feel stuck in it, like I’m throwing my potential away just to get a paycheck.
- I’m holding myself back in my business because I’m scared to fail (or succeed…)
- My heart is broken and I don’t know how to make the pain (and thoughts of my ex) go away.
- Things in my life just aren’t in alignment with the person I want to be.
- I don’t have any savings and I’m worried about being able to support myself financially.
- My low confidence affects every area of my life.
- The weight just won’t come off.
- I’m sad and stressed ALL the time. Life
just feels like a black hole and I’m struggling. - I’m so confused, why can’t I just be HAPPY?
If you nodded your head at any of those, it’s no surprise that you don’t feel fulfilled right now.
Ready to kick off your transformative journey?
Join us! Register right now for my Personal Mastery Course.
One-Time Investment
The Best Value!
3 Payment Plan
$365 (x3)
3 Monthly Payments
6 Payment Plan
$182 (x6)
6 Monthly Payments
Have any questions about Mastery? Schedule a call here and see if it is right for you!
You’re lost, confused, unclear, and wondering what you’re really here for. There has to be something. You just want to feel like you’re making an impact on this world and do the things that make your soul dance. That give you that warm, fuzzy feeling of content deep in your stomach. That actually MOTIVATE you to get out of bed every day. Because the worst thing would be to leave all your potential unfulfilled, you just don’t know what to do next.
Any of those ring true for you? Thought so. If you’re wondering why you haven’t been able to change your life yet, it’s got something to do with unresolved issues from your past, the stories you tell yourself about who you are and the way life works, and your limiting beliefs. Until these things shift, it’s nearly impossible to take actions that create the life you want.
This woman right here, helped me to go from hating people, not wanting ANYTHING to do with people…to wanting to serve and help as many people as I can.
Christine’s Personal Mastery course helped teach me self -care and compassion with myself. It is very practical & spiritual, a cross of Tony Robbins and Louise Hay. It was very individual for me and I am very grateful for this course and what shifted for me.
Personal Mastery gave me the ability to work through a story that has filled me with pain for years. Having the tools, materials and support to work through this story…there are no words to express my gratitude This is by far the best program I have been a part of.
I’m Christine Hassler, and I am SO happy to meet you here. The last 13 years of my life as a master coach have been dedicated to helping people like you overcome the obstacles and struggles that were holding them back from the life they went to sleep at night dreaming of.
After working with and coaching thousands of people to experience genuine healing and transformation (you’ll hear from some of them soon), I’ve seen the same questions, concerns, struggles, and desires come up, over and over again.
There is a proven path from where you are now to where you want to be. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to break out of your rut and up level your life.
I know this from first-hand experience. And rather than letting you repeat my experience, I’d like to offer you the chance to BENEFIT from my experience. When I found myself lost and struggling, wondering what the answers were, I looked for teachers and helpers.
Have any questions about Mastery? Schedule a call here and see if it is right for you!
Your brain is telling you that you’re blocked.
I’m telling you that you can overcome those blocks.
Whatever they are, we can break them down and remove them from your life completely. Not for a week, or even a couple of months. But for good. All in all, over the years, I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on exceptional private coaches, courses, programs, retreats, training sessions, certifications – even a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis on Consciousness, Health, and Healing from the University of Santa Monica. Not everyone can do that, and I feel it’s my duty to pass on what I’ve learned.
I’ve delved into very esoteric and mystical areas of energy flow, tarot, tantra, shamanism, and priestess studies, although the practical side of me yearned for more tangible practices, so I also poured years into formal studies of human emotion, NLP, intentions vs. actions, goal-setting, and long-range corporate style planning.
I took the time to track down the rarest and most original teachers I could find – people who are pioneers in the field of human potential but who have no interest in recognition or “guru” status.
My passion and life’s mission is to empower YOU with the tools to change your life – because you deserve to reach your full potential.
And now, you’re invited to join me inside a safe and sacred community of like-minded people all committed to using my teachings to create a more fulfilling life. It’s the BEST opportunity to work with me beyond the (substantial) investment of private coaching or a retreat.
If it was possible for me, it’s 100% possible for you, too. I’m not special. I’m just a human who has learned how to get myself unstuck, once and for all.
Is Personal Mastery for you? It is if:
- There’s something (or things!) in your life you long for but haven’t yet been able to find, feel, or achieve
- You’ve developed your self-awareness but still feel like you’re stuck in the same patterns with the same old problems (and no new solutions)
- You have a feeling, belief, person or past experience you just want to get over and be done with, FOR GOOD
- You have a goal – a job you want to leave, a relationship you seek, or a dream you’d like to see come true – but you don’t know how to make it happen
Personal Mastery is NOT right for you if:
- You’re content to stay stuck in a rut and play the victim card
- You feel like change is not only impossible for you, it’s not even worth exploring
- You blame others and ONLY others for the situation you find yourself in now
- You are looking for a quick fix or a magic pill (just so you know, you won’t find one)
- You’re not willing to put in some work to achieve a lasting transformation
I’m going to show you how you you can:
- Ease your suffering and be wholly accepting of the unique, special individual you are Understand – possibly for the first time – what your true purpose is and how to start living in it.
- Get clear on exactly what’s between where you are now and where you want to be – and close the gap.
- Find a confidence you never thought you’d have and use it to go after what you really want.
- Find a tribe of people who get you, understand you, and want to be connected to you.
- Feel in control of your choices and decisions so you never have to live with regrets.
- Push yourself outside of your comfort zone in a supportive, non-scary way.
Christine is grounded, insightful and intuitive. Her coaching has lead me through some of the biggest breakthroughs in my personal growth journey.
I came to the course at a point when I was stuck and blocked. I knew that I had self-sabotaging patterns, but I did not know how to clear them. Since doing this course, I have been in action and have gain momentum and clarity in just 6 weeks. Thank you Christine for you coaching and wisdom
Prior to Personal Mastery I was unfulfilled and unhappy and thought it was the best my life could be. In a moment of courage, I purchased the course, which catapulted me in the direction of my authentic, HAPPY self who sees the world as her oyster. The course is a (sometimes difficult) journey, but Christine personallyguides, motivates, and encourages you through every step. The Personal Mastery Course has changed my life, and that is priceless
Live group coaching calls. You’ll have me personally on the line for 60 minutes at a time, answering your specific questions and providing coaching to you in real time.
We rotate every other month (7:00 am pst and 5:00 pm pst) so we can reach as many people as possible. If you miss the call, it is recored and emailed to you.
Coaching videos designed to give you an experience just like having a personalized, one-to-one session with me.
Worksheets and written exercises to integrate what you’ll experience in the videos into your own life … I can promise you TONS of “A-HA!” moments plus clarity like you’ve never had before.
Access to a private “tribe” of like-minded people. Each week I join the FB community and go live with coaching to answer your questions. You have access to 3 amazing coaches on my team who provide you coaching, support and feedback.
Guided meditations and visualizations to calm your mind and support you in attracting more of what you want!
*All materials in this course are in digital format (PDF, MP3 & streaming video) to make it easy to deliver. There are no items that are shipped to you.
There’s a jaw-dropping bonus included.
When you invest in Personal Mastery, you’ll also get a FREE ticket to my one-day retreat in Southern California.
This in-person retreat is all about:
- Integrating your learnings from the course with guidance from me in group activities (they’re intense but super fun)
- Getting hot-seat coaching from me, so you can get those post-program questions answered and keep up the momentum of making those positive shifts happen
- Meeting your tribe in real life (so powerful!) and deepening the connections and support you’ve already developed
- More insights and tools! Personal Mastery has everything you need, but this is the day where you can find any missing pieces – if you still feel stuck with something, we’ll get you unstuck
- Celebration! There is so much magic at these live retreats and I would LOVE to see you there
The value for this retreat alone is $1000. And you’re getting a ticket absolutely free!
MODULE 1 | (Re)Writing Your Over It & On With It Story
What’s Included…
- 4 Coaching Videos
- 4 Coaching Videos
- 3 PDF Workbooks
- Your “Live and Work at Your Peak” Story
- Your “Live and Work at Your Peak” Assessment
- Your It List
- Acceptance Meditation
Week 1 starts with a critical and often overlooked topic: your story. Have you ever really looked at how the stories you tell yourself about your life impacts how you live it?
Stories like:
“I’m not the kind of person who gets what I want,” “I don’t deserve to have a better life,” and “I can’t make changes because it feels too uncomfortable.”
And then you wonder why you’re not getting what you want, why you don’t have a better life, and why you can’t make changes stick…? You might already be aware of some of these stories, but I’ll show you how to uncover the unconscious beliefs that have created stories you might not be aware of but that are creating undesired results in your life.
It’s time for a ‘rewrite,’ and that’s exactly what this module will help you do. I’ll also show you a technique so life-changing it should be taught in schools. We’ll also explore the first law of the spirit, acceptance, and examples of how you can move away from festering in a place of judgment to thriving in a place of acceptance and self-love. Very, very powerful stuff – and we don’t stop there.
At the end of Module 1, I’ll walk you through your own personal “Over It & On With It” assessment, a proven formula for mapping out how to take the first step towards changing your life for the better. This is your chance to finally get crystal clarity about what stands between you and your ultimate goals.
Once you know the roadblocks in your way, you can better understand how to remove them and get closer to the life you truly crave. Even if you’ve done work in this area before and think you already know what your blocks are, the exercises I’ll guide you through in this module will open your eyes to things you may not have realized before about yourself, your situation, and your options.
A-ha moments await you in abundance! You’ll also choose the one area of your life with the potential to offer you the biggest breakthrough and make it your focus for the next few weeks.
Getting focused like this creates space for deeper, more impactful results. This module closes with our first live group coaching call. You’ll be able to connect with me directly on the phone for one-to-one guidance, support, and encouragement, and listen as I coach others in your new tribe toward their own breakthroughs. Then it’s onto…
MODULE 2 | Emotions 101: Feel, Heal And Free Yourself!
What’s Included…
- 6 Coaching Videos
- 2 PDF Workbooks
- Suppression Strategies
- Emotional Activator
- Compassion Meditation
Our second week together is all about your feelings …
The world doesn’t encourage you to express your feelings openly or fully. You may even have been taught that expressing your emotions is sappy, weak, or a waste of energy.
But we all have emotions – often very strong ones! In fact, trying to suppress or numb your feelings or pretend they’re not there and impacting you is one of the BIGGEST roadblocks I see people face.
As this module unfolds, you’ll be surprised at the power of your own emotions. This power is something we’ll revisit in later modules from the perspective of shifting your thinking and behavior.
For now, the focus will be on how to improve your understanding and relationship with your own feelings. And I’ll be right there with you as you dive in.
You’ll learn why F.I.N.E. isn’t actually a very good state of being. You deserve so much better!
You’ll also learn about suppression, expression, recycling, and release of your emotions (and why being a “surfer” can actually be very beneficial to you once you know how to do it).
I’ll challenge you to explore your coping strategies. Do they really work for you? Do they hold you in place or let you move forward? Do you avoid the raw power of your emotions? (IMPORTANT: I will be by your side as you do this, every step of the way.)
What are your triggers? What makes you feel mad, sad, ashamed, guilty, or anxious? As I help you identify these points, I’ll guide you in exercises to intentionally activate your feelings and learn to experience them in a healthy, honest way.
We’ll tackle BIG feelings, like anger, shame, guilt, and fear, that are “taboo” emotions and social charge points. You’ll learn how to express these feelings, process them, and move toward greater love and compassion.
You’ll even get to see how a pool noodle and an old pillow can help you cleanse yourself emotionally in a way you may NEVER have considered possible.
Once you’ve mastered your feelings it’s time to master something else…
MODULE 3 | Become The Master Of Your Mind
What’s Included…
- 6 Coaching Videos
- 3 PDF Workbooks
- Identifying Core Limiting Beliefs
- Costs & Payoffs
- Belief Busting Tool
- Belief Busting Visualization Meditation
- Present Moment Meditation
Your thoughts create your reality, and if you’ve ever wished for the power to change your experience in the world, you are going to LOVE module 3. It’s all about how to change your thinking. Not temporarily, but FOR GOOD.
I’ll help you use your story – the one you created back in Module 1 – plus several special exercises to break you out of any thought grooves you may have formed and completely rewire your brain.
Yes, you read that right.
You can actually change the wiring in your brain to support thinking in directions that support you. It’s called “neuroplasticity” and I explain it in this module. That means all those limiting beliefs, something many people tell me they struggle with, are about to get BUSTED. Can you imagine that?
How it would feel to wake up with a brain that was your ally instead of a voice in your head that was negative, judgmental, or running over the same track in an endless loop?
Let me tell you, it’s incredible.
But you don’t have to take my word for it. By the end of Module 3, you’ll be experiencing it for yourself.
I’ll even show you how to “time travel” in a way that heals you from the wounds of past thoughts and re-programs your mind to support you in creating your ideal present and future.
Then you’ll be ready for…
MODULE 4 | Unlocking A New Relationship With Yourself & Others
What’s Included…
- 5 Coaching videos
- 4 PDF Workbooks
- Soul Curriculum
- Self Care Practice
- Relationship Evaluation
- People Are Mirrors
- Forgiveness Meditation (this is a big one!)
In this module, it’s time to switch.
The work so far has been on changing your story, your thoughts, and your emotions. These inside places are where real change begins.
Now it’s time to take all that work and apply it to your outside life – your career, your relationships, and your finances.
You’ll focus on how you forgive, how you deal with other people (especially those who really know how to push your buttons), how you take action, and how you can change your habits to generate optimal health, well-being, and prosperity.
You’ll learn how everything that has happened to you – no matter how traumatizing – is something you can move on from. (Yes, even the horrible thing you’re thinking of now. It doesn’t have to define you or hold you back any longer.)
You’ll understand what it means to be a seeker and to swap “victimhood” for a life of intentional learning and growth. You’ll discover the easy way to build a sustainable self-care practice (one where you get to honestly keep your promises to yourself and grow in confidence that self-care is not selfish). There’s more…
You’ll also be guided on how to “fix” challenging relationships, even when the other half of the relationship is unlikely to change.
AND why the people around are “mirrors” and what you can do to stay the course, avoid jealousy or feelings of inadequacy, and how to stop falling into a “comparison coma” as you interact with others. Like module 2, this module will help you unlock deep and powerful elements within yourself.
The breakthroughs here – what you’ll experience in just a few short days of focus with me – can equal months or years of therapy. Finally, we’ll move onto…
MODULE 5 | Moving From Vision To Action
What’s Included…
- 5 Coaching Videos
- 2 PDF Workbooks
- Action Plan
- Future Forecasting
- Connecting To Your Internal Compass Meditation
Module 5 is the capstone of the course, dedicated to action, goal setting, and your vision for your life.
I’ll show you how to connect more deeply with your intuition, unlocking that inner power so it can become a trusted compass and guide for you on your journey.
Building this connection will help you overcome the biggest roadblocks out there.
You’ll see how to stop ignoring your inner voice.
How to overcome fear, overwhelm, and procrastination. You’ll even delve into what I call your “Expectation Hangovers” to see how untying yourself from any expected result frees you to thrive on multiple levels. And you’ll quickly be surprised, because all this inner work is going to dramatically shift your outer life. Be it your relationships, your career, or your finances.
Maybe you’ll be able to lose the extra weight you’ve been carrying around, because you’ll see the emotional side of your diet for the first time.
Or, you’ll find yourself happier and calmer at family functions, freed from the need to react to certain situations or relatives who target your emotional health.
You might earn a promotion at work, thanks to unlocking your self-confidence and leaving fear behind.
Plus, rather than seeing these results fade away after a few weeks, you’ll understand how to keep them going and even uplevel them thanks to what you’ll learn in Personal Mastery.
Everyone learns at different speeds, but to get the most out of the course, I’d recommend that you try to commit a minimum of 1.5 hour per week for the first six weeks. You own the course for life, so if you have travel, holiday or need to take a break, do not let that stop you from getting started. You do not have to take the course in a linear fashion, you can start where you are most guided. You always have access to the 90-minute group coaching call every month (which are always recorded) and you can join at either 7am or 5pm PST. Every other month we switch between those times so we can reach as many people as possible.
One of the huge benefits of Personal Mastery is that I teach you things you can integrate into your life immediately (like my “empty chair” technique, for example). So you don’t have to wait for months to take action and see results. Also, once you complete the course, you can start it again with a different focus. I know people who are always using the tools in the course.
You were made for more and you can absolutely have it. No more unattainable expectations, drowning in regrets, or excuses… Watch what Abby has to say about Personal Mastery.
Have you ever had someone who is just there for you not matter what you’re feeling or going through, and always seems to be able to see the light at the end of your tunnel, even when you can’t? She’s an absolute genius of getting the stuck unstuck. If you’re ready (and I mean really, really ready) to change the way you are thinking about your life, your body, your job… whatever… Christine is the one you want cheering you on.
Coaching with Christine has been an incredible experience. She is able to get to the core of what is holding you back and provides you with practical guidance on how to get unstuck and shift into a life where you can experience genuine happiness and personal freedom. If you’re searching for how to move past status quo, and are committed to take the time and effort to get there, I highly recommend working with Christine.
I first met Christine a year and a half ago when I was going through a difficult time as my father was on hospice care. She powerfully blends the practical and the spiritual, guiding you to find your own answers while at the same time telling you “like it is” and what you need to hear, if necessary. She has a gift of holding you and others in the most sacred and safe container for lasting growth and transformation. I’m forever grateful to Christine for helping me in my very personal transition so that I continue my life’s work helping others, also in transition, find peace and infuse balance in their lives. I would whole-heartedly recommend Christine!
A life that exceeds your expectations is not only possible – it’s now within your grasp RISK-FREE with our money back guarantee
Sign up for Personal Mastery today. Watch each video as assigned, do the integration worksheets, listen to the audio recordings, and attend at least two live coaching calls. Then, if you don’t believe this course is leading you toward lasting change, simply reach out and let us know within 30 days. We’ll refund your investment in yourself as long as you can show us your participation in the course as mentioned above, and then wish you the very best as you continue your journey on another path. Now you have no excuse not to invest in your future.
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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: and we will be happy to help!