Christine Day – Language of Light Module III – Masterclass
Christine Day – Language of Light Module III – Masterclass
This module contains eight video lessons that can be viewed at your own speed.
For the first-time, the Pleiadians bring us the initiations from higher realms.
As a species, we are ready to take advantage of this life-altering opportunity. These Higher Realm initiations will lead you on an awakening journey that will expand your vision and take you beyond your limited reality. of life.
This series will help you see yourself through a fresh perspective. of You will have direct experiences that allow you to start living and using an aspect. of Your energy is untapped. These powerful activations allow you to enter new energetic states of Creation, moving you to the full realization of Your natural right to a healthy birth of Abundance.
A side of These Higher Realm initiations are the opening of Four new energy centers will transform your energetic system in your physical and emotional body. There will be a revival.-Positioning your DNA strands and causing a realignment of aspects of Your higher self, opening up to clarity and understanding of You can take control of your life right now and be able to take the next step.
The systems of As you anchor new aspects, your body will experience a cellular renewal. of You have light in your cells You can re-align with your unlimited potential to self-healing. There will also be simultaneous releasing of Your body will be free from old, destructive patterns of sabotage and you can re-connect to the light aspect. of Self that remembers the infinite possibilities for manifesting your heart’s desire.
You can build on and continue to integrate different dimensions. of As soon as you feel ready, activate your four energy centers. As you work with the Pleiadians, Lemurians, and pure loving energies, you will continue receiving support of Mother Mary and Christ energy
Download Haled now Christine Day – Language of Light Module III – Masterclass
Not all Module The series includes a “stand alone” course. These Modules can be taken in any order.
Modules can be taken in any order. Each Module is designed to allow you to progress at your own speed. Each Module It includes of Eight video classes designed to help you achieve an accelerated awakening. You can choose which Module That’s what you need for your next steps!
“I have no words to explain every experience that I had going through the Master Class III My Soul is elated and so incredibly blessed. I am expanding so fast and so beautifully just like a metamorphosis has happened to my being. Bless you. I will continue to integrate all of the energy that has been reopened to allow the flow of the divine within me! My intuitive abilities are also expanding to embrace all that I am. Love and Light!” Elena S
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Christine Day – Language of Light Module III – Masterclass
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