Chris Kelly – Sacred Psychedelics – Everything You Need To Know For Life-Changing Shamanic Journeys
Chris Kelly – Sacred Psychedelics – Everything You Need To Know For Life-Changing Shamanic Journeys
An online course for those exploring sacred psychedelics
for healing, growth and transformation.
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Then you better have the right tools, skills, and strategies
to come back in one piece!
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You’ve probably listened to the podcasts, read the books, and seen the documentaries.
Ayahuasca. Peyote. Iboga. Huachuma. Mushrooms. LSD. DMT. Bufo. Kambo.
You know which ones interest you.
You’re ready to have MIND-BENDING experiences that change your life.
I totally get that you’re interested in using these tools for healing, growth and transformation. And I know that you’re ready for more clarity, direction and purpose in your life.
Stepping into the world of psychedelics and sacred medicines is an exciting time!
The hero’s journey.
Descending into the unknown and exploring your inner most caves.
Doing battle with demons and confronting the great mysteries of the psyche.
Having experiences that would give your grandmother a HEART ATTACK.
You have every intention to rise from the darkness, returning with great treasure and wisdom.
Healed of your insecurities, your traumas, your emotional baggage, your limiting beliefs, and everything holding you back.
Stepping into more direction, more clarity, more confidence, more purpose, more meaningful connections, more authenticity, more love.
Yeah yeah, I know, it sounds great, but let’s be honest…
There are some MAJOR pitfalls when it comes to using psychedelics and sacred medicines.
The process is typically as smooth as sprinting down sand dunes with two left feet.
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What if these experiences don’t change anything in my life?
How do I escape the monotony of the rat race?
Will I ever find “my people”?
What do I do if my experiences are terrifying?
What happens if I experience something traumatic?
What’s my purpose? This can’t be it, there’s gotta be more to it?!
How do I make sure this investment of time and money into myself doesn’t go to waste?!
Do I actually know what proper preparation and integration looks like?
Well… these are all SUPER IMPORTANT questions to be asking!
And THAT’S part of the problem.
There’s a HUGE lack of clarity around how to properly PREPARE and INTEGRATE!
And what I mean here is, the stages BEFORE and AFTER working with sacred medicines and psychedelics.
These tools are NOT panaceas. They CAN BE the catalysts for profound change though.
People are diving into the unknown, having their experience, and FAILING to make life-long changes because they don’t DO THE WORK.
And that means taking RESPONSIBILITY for your own healing and growth.
How can you take responsibility if you don’t have the right tools, skills and strategies to begin with??
Winging it ain’t good enough.
Especially if you’re serious about using these tools for healing, growth and transformation.
You don’t start paddling for a wave when the wave is right on top of you. You start paddling and getting into proper position beforehand.
I know how crucial it is to have the right tools, skills, strategies and support when you undertake this journey.
How do I know?
Because there was a time where I sucked at all these things.
I fell flat on my face more times than I would’ve liked.
I know that people like us who walk this path are wanting to overcome our traumas, our limiting beliefs, our insecurities, and everything else holding us back from stepping into our heart, spirit and wisdom within.
I know you want to get the most out of your journeys… WITH long-lasting change.
I know you’re ready for more clarity, direction, meaning and purpose.
And I know you’re serious about this path of healing, growth and transformation.
That’s why you’re here!
And that’s exactly WHY I put this online course together.
Because I know that great integration STARTS with great preparation!
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Over the course of eight modules, I’ve compiled years of study into everything I think you need to know to prepare for life-changing shamanic journeys.
Get immediately download Chris Kelly – Sacred Psychedelics – Everything You Need To Know For Life-Changing Shamanic Journeys
What you get is:
Life-time access to the self-paced course Sacred Psychedelics
Access to all course upgrades and future content
Videos and worksheets for all eight modules
Audio only files for all videos
Access to myself and the Sacred Psychedelics community through our private facebook group.
Throughout these modules, I’ll be guiding you through part philosophy, part practical skills, putting the right puzzle pieces in place so that you:
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Ask the right questions and set proper intentions… Giving you greater clarity and direction; before, during and after your journeys.
Understand how the power of language can help integrate your experiences… With tools and frameworks designed to overcome all the limiting mental patterns holding you back.
Gain practical skills to get out of your head, and into the inner wisdom of your heart and your body… Tapping into more love, more compassion, more of the authentic you!
Use these techniques to become a master at dealing with challenging experiences both inside, and outside, of ceremony.
Develop life changing practices designed to prepare you for long-lasting change – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Discover deeper insight into your path, purpose, relationships and community.
Implement the best tools, skills and strategies, so you can navigate challenging shamanic journeys… Giving you more confidence to step into these experiences.
Learn the keys to integration, making sure you’re best prepared for a smooth transition back into daily life… Opening up more potential for long-lasting change!
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“Thank you Chris. I was reluctant and more than a little scared when I first started exploring psychedelics as a healing medicine… but your page, group and course helped me to see it as a beautiful, exciting thing to embrace.”
“Big ups to Chris for creating such an in-depth and relatable course on the psychedelic experience!”
“The course is great, you’ve really put this together so well, thanks and I’m glad to be apart of this group.”
[in regards to the psychedelic experience] “…my intellectual mind just freaked out and it was hard to even think clearly about it – just straight to panic. But using the tools I’ve gathered through the course I quickly calmed myself down and got back to rationality.”
“Fantastic job putting this course together Chris, you’ve clearly done the work yourself through the insights, tools and wisdom you share so clearly. I’ve picked up on a lot of helpful things to implement on my own path. Thankyou!”
”I really like the informative and colorful workbooks you’ve added in too! I’m a visual person, so it makes it easier and more enjoyable for me to keep engaged with the teachings. I like how relatable and genuine you come across in your videos.”
“Hey man, sweet course! I think this gives a great foundation for those wanting to explore psychedelics and sacred medicine. Not just for recreation, but for serious self development. A wealth of info when it comes to navigating the actual trip itself, and I love the clear structure when it comes to thinking about and organizing different areas of life. Nice work.”
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Begin to gain a deeper understanding of the journey ahead, and the importance of preparation and integration.
(Get FREE access to Module 1 here)
Cut through the confusion by asking the right questions to dial in and clarify your intentions, while gaining more direction in your life by unlocking your ‘being’ and ‘doing’ values and what’s most important to you. Discover one of the major problems when it comes to setting intentions, and how to overcome it.
Use potent frameworks to help reframe limiting beliefs and unhealthy thought patterns holding you back, as well as gaining profound insight on the importance of words, language, and the crossover into psychedelic exploration, with practical tools designed to improve mental and biological health, while increasing your level of self-awareness.
Gain powerful models such as the RSA framework and the F to F framework, designed to process and heal difficult emotions and feelings – in daily life, and during the psychedelic experience. Learn about various modalities to tap into the innate wisdom of your heart, body, and intuition, and why developing body-awareness is crucial when preparing to use psychedelics and sacred medicine.
Take a deep dive into total life recalibration, preparing you mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, as well as improving your environment, relationships, social network, and tips on how to best communicate your upcoming journeys with loved ones and family members.
Discover more about the potential experiences that lay within altered states of consciousness, giving you a greater sense of understanding, preparation, and confidence when it comes to taking the big leap of faith.
Learn the difference between tools, skills and strategies, and how applying these can enhance your navigational capacity during the experience, especially when traversing potentially turbulent and terrifying journeys. Gain practical insight into grounding, protecting, surrendering, and coping with challenging experiences.
Gain clarity around your integration process, by applying the six step integration framework, as well as foundational exercises and wisdom to help you make a smooth transition back into daily life, ensuring long-lasting change on your path of clarity, direction, meaning and purpose.
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Let’s talk cost.
And let’s keep it REAL!
(Without any of those pictures of high prices crossed out, only to give the illusion of a better deal!)
For the amount of value included in this course and with all of the information, insights, knowledge, wisdom, tools, tips and tricks…
I reckon $97 is a pretty reasonable price.
So, $97 it is.
Simple as that.
When you register, all the details needed to access the course will be sent directly to your inbox. Easy!
(Get FREE access to Module 1 here)
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When does the course start and finish?
That’s totally up to you! It’s a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
Although you have access to all modules through the Portal, to really dive deep into the learning and implementing, it’s suggested to take your time throughout the course and digest each module over the period of a week, so you can pace yourself and work through everything “slow and steady”.
How long do I have access to the course?
After joining, you get lifetime access to all modules and materials, across any and all devices that you own.
What qualifies you to teach this course?
As a medicine practitioner, coach, mentor, and ambassador for the safe and responsible use of psychedelic substances, I’ve been walking the path of using, learning, and understanding these tools since 2011.
My journeys have taken me to learn and study with amazing maestros, mentors and medicines, both here in Australia, and in the Peruvian Amazon.
Aside from walking the Medicine Path for self-discovery, healing, adventure, growth and transformation, I’ve spent a great deal of time attending and exploring various workshops, seminars, lectures and retreats.
With an interest spanning from philosophy, psychology, human behaviour, consciousness, biohacking, sexuality, health and wellness, I’ve learnt from some of the best in these fields, applying and integrating these teachings into the field of psychedelic exploration.
I’m on a tight budget, how do I know this is the right course for me?
I suspect you already know whether this is the right course for you or not!
If you’re interested in using sacred medicines and psychedelics for self-discovery, healing, exploration, growth and transformation, you’re in the right place.
If you’re in the beginning of your journey and you’re ready to prepare and get the most out of your experiences, you’re in the right place.
If you’re already walking this path of using psychedelics for personal evolution and you’re looking to upgrade your skillset and knowledge base, you’re in the right place.
If you’re leading people through these experiences and want to know how to best prepare them for long-lasting change while maximising their results, you’re in right place.
If this resonates with you and you’re still feeling a little tight on budget, send me a message and we can have a quick chat about options!
Who is this course NOT for?
If you’re the type of person who has trouble sticking to commitments, then it might be best to sleep on your decision to join this course.
If you’re not ready to take full responsibility for your own growth, by taking consistent, actionable steps to move forward along your path, then this course is not for you.
If you think that by joining this course and then using consciousness altering substances, is going to immediately and automatically make you enlightened, this course is probably not for you.
The point here, is that although this course is FULL of powerful tools, skills, strategies, maps, models, frameworks and knowledge, you still have to take responsibility and make a commitment to invest the time and energy into ‘doing the work’ to ensure your path of healing, growth and transformation is long-lasting.
If you know that this course resonates with you, but you still have some questions, send me a message and we can check in to make sure this is the right decision for you!
Get Download Chris Kelly – Sacred Psychedelics – Everything You Need To Know For Life-Changing Shamanic Journeys
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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!