Chelsea Baldwin – Give It To Me I’M Worth It
Chelsea Baldwin – Give It To Me I’M Worth It
For Chelsea Baldwin – Give It To Me I’M Worth It
Because not getting the kind of attention your business deserves is basically hell on earth.

And it helps exactly zero when you search the internet for advice on WHAT to do and HOW to get that attention… and all you get is advice like “write a guest post” or “be a podcast guest.”
Like, holy f*k… yes please!!!
“OF COURSE I’D LIKE TO BE A GUEST ON A COOL, POPULAR PODCAST,” you think, “if I knew how to get the attention of the right people, I wouldn’t be reading this advice in the first place!”
Because I don’t know about you, but I was so desperate in my first year in business that I’d try anything and everything just to get a single visitor to my website.
So, when I read that kind of advice from people easily getting tens of thousands of visitors per day, it’s pretty fair to say I was a little angry.
But underneath all that anger was a little sadness.
What was it about ME that wasn’t good enough?
Should I have a better degree from a better college?
Should I have samples in my portfolio from even cooler websites…. even though I tried like hell to pitch them… even offering to work for free… but they STILL wouldn’t bite?
Like, what was the piece of the puzzle that I was MISSING?
I knew I was smart…
…Or at least everyone I knew in my real life told me so.
And I knew I had a talent for writing…
If you’re like me, you die a little inside every time you have to do sales.
Or discovery calls.
Or worse – spend hours pouring over a perfect proposal, knowing the whole time the client will probably just go for the cheapest option anyway.
(And knowing that you probably aren’t it.)
It’s the most demeaning thing in the world to have landing a gig feel like a fluke rather than business as usual.
And when I realized that was my reality, it made me cry. A lot.
Thankfully, I figured it all out, and you can too.
(Hint: you’re about to love me even more than you already do. ?)
Call it a moment of reckoning if you want to, but I’d tasted enough of the freedom of working for myself that I was hell-bent on not going back to another 9-5.
I didn’t want to use an iron on my clothes and drag my bum out of bed at ungodly hours.
So I went out on a limb and decided to spend all my extra money on business and copywriting courses.
Because if these people had figured out it… surely they could teach me, right?
So I spent $700 here, $200 there, another $50 just because… and then another $350 for good measure.
I took a course that taught me how to structure my freelance business so my clients felt like they were dealing with a high-end service provider.
I took at least five different copywriting courses to make sure I wasn’t missing out on any secrets.
And I know know what made it all click exactly, but one day… it just did.
And I ran an experiment with my website copy, and lo and behold… IT WORKED! And it kept working!
And then I cried again… but this time, it was tears of relief knowing I wouldn’t have to do those demeaning sales chores ever again.
As long as you’re okay at what you do—even just mediocre—all you need is a good, strong, powerful image… and you’re golden.
That’s it.
I didn’t have to compete on low pricing, because when high-quality clients want to get good work done, they actually expect to pay high prices for it.
(And pro tip: if your prices are too low… that’s a red flag for good clients to stay away.)
But if you’ve got a powerful image?
And if you show up acting like you own the place without whim or apology?
They can’t get enough of you.
And it’s so appropriately called….
It’s a course that’ll help you totally transform the most important pages on your website from “Ehhh… it says what I do… so I guess it’s good enough.” to something more along the lines of “Holy shit wow, this is GOOD. Anyone who reads this website would be a FOOL not to hire me!”
And honestly sweets, I can pretty much guarantee your site vistiors won’t be able to get enough of you once you implement these copywriting tactics.
- How to appeal to reader emotions with actual written words in a way that is literally impossible to ignore
- Where to put these phrases on a page to have the most impact
- Easy-to-follow, proven templates for your Home, About, Sales, and Lead Magnet Download pages
- Three different types of Sales page templates to choose from:
- E-Commerce product descriptions
- ‘Hire Me’ for freelancers, consultants, coaches, creatives, and service professional
- Long-form info product sales pages
- A lead-you-by-the-hand unique editing process to make sure everything reads seamlessly
- The brain science behind the hormones and emotions released when reading different types of text
- Instruction on choosing & constructing the best call to action possible for each page and your business model
By the end of the course, you’ll have to-die-for results:
Copy your audience CAN’T ignore
(And will go to great lengths to find again should they accidentally close your tab before signing up.)
INTERESTED new readers
Who will social-stalk you to find you on EVERY SINGLE ONE of your social media platforms, so they don’t miss out on a single thing you say.
Stand out from the crowd in a way that isn’t click-bait-y, but that makes readers think, “fuuuuck yessss, FINALLY someone who gets it!”
Customers, Customers, Customers!
A near guarantee that YOU are the one your readers buy from when the time comes.
Ease & Flow with Money
No more nail-biting or anxious internal cringing when it comes to thinking about your finances. No more “feast or famine” bullshit. Because you know the money will be there when you need it.
This is the kind of copywriting that would normally cost you $1,000+ per page.
The kind that’s so effective, people won’t be able to fill out your contact form fast enough.
And getting clients… and well-paying clients will be SOOOO MUCH EASIER than you ever imagined.
But you don’t have to just take my word for it:

Emotional Appeal
Learn how to appeal to your audience’s emotions: One at a time, and in an order they can’t ignore.
Write Copy for the Exact Results You Want
Use your new-found emotion & brain science knowledge to write the best web copy your niche has seen. Ever.
A Website That Gets Remembered
Publish that copy on your website & just watch how your audience responds. (You’ll love it.)
Only $397
Module 1
Find the PEFECT Emotion-Based Phrasing
Module 2
Turn Your Boring Homepage Into An Emotion Explosion
Module 3
Go From Socially Awkward Geek to Jaw-Dropping Rock Star (Or: The About Page)
Module 4
Shake Yo’ Money Maker (Or: Sales Pages)
Module 5
Sweet, Sweet Seduction (Your Lead Magnet Download Page)
Module 6
Primp & Polish Your Way to Money-Making Success (The Editing Process)
Bonus Module 7
Color = A Language More Primal Than Words
Only $397
And it’s available for you… all six modules and lifetime access to it… for only $397.
That’s less than $175 per power-punching page of copy.
I created this with you in mind… entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and freelancers trying to make bank, already.
Plus, you’ll be equipped with some of the best copywriting knowledge in the biz to use & reuse as your business shifts and grows.
This is your opportunity.
Your redemption.
Your salvation.
And your chance to FINALLY get the results you have been looking for!
Write this date down in your journal, let the possibility of your future settle into your brain cells…
And click the button below to get instant access to this life- and business-changing course.
Only $397

Because honestly?
I’m damn tired of seeing talented, well-meaning people not earning the living they deserve and that will make the world a better place.
We NEED the world to be a better place.
Heck, *I* need the world to be a better place.
And I know the heart-driven business people like you who end up on my website are the kind of people that WILL make the world a better place… via your business and the kind of life you lead.
The world is ready for YOU….
- To step up and take your place as one of the most competent & well-known people in your niche.
- To finally get the recognicition you deserve.
- And to build the audience your message needs to make the world a better place.
Because when you ask for someone to do something with THIS kind of copy on your side?
You can bet your prettiest panties they’ll be doing it.
So make sure you get in today.
Because more money IS waiting for you. The question is… will you stand up and take it?!?
(Only $397)
And now…. FAQ.
1. What if I’m not sassy like you? Do I have to change my style to match yours?
Absolutely not, sweets! This course is structured to bring out your voice that’s unique to you.
If you’re sassy… that will come out. But if you’re nice, meek, and a total delight of a person who never says a cuss word… that’s what will come out.
And you do not need to be sassy to be convincing. (Trust me. You’ll still make amazing sales.)
2. What if I’m already a copywriter? Will I learn anything new?
If you’re already living your dream as a high-earning copywriter, maybe not.
But if you haven’t achieved that dream yet, there’s a lot for you to learn here. (And yes, I’m totally down if you want to use my approach for your own client work. The world needs better copywriters, so I’d be happy to help you become one. You just can’t teach this process to others, as it’s Copy Power’s IP. If you’d like to license the material to teach to others, get in touch & we’ll work something out.)
3. How does the money-back guarantee work?
If you purchase the course and go through the modules and it doesn’t work to give you stronger, more powerful copy… send me an email within 15 days of the purchase date showing me your work and I’ll process a full refund.
Once the refund is processed, you’ll lose access to the course.
4. What do you mean by lifetime access?
It’s for the lifetime of the course. Because if I peace out from this earth before you, I won’t be able to keep the site going for the rest of your lifetime.
But since I’ve got big plans for this course, I fully intend for it to be around for a long, long time.
And if I ever do take it down, I’ll give you plenty of advance notice.
Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!