Caleb Jones – Superior Man Inner Circle Membership

$140.00 $1,770.00 Sale

Caleb Jones – Superior Man Inner Circle Membership

Price: $1770

Improve Your Life, Relationships And Income … FAST!

What Will I Learn? 
The SMIC program will show you step-by-step how to build an Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle like I talk about in my blogs and books. No one else in the entire world is teaching this. During the program, you will:
  • Increase your income. The Alpha Male 2.0 business goal is to make at least $75,000 a year. The SMIC program will get you there. If you’re already there, SMIC will improve your income further, as well as reduce your average weekly work hours, and transform your income to location independent income.
  • Improve your business and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Learn how to start your own business if you don’t have one already.
  • Improve your dating and relationship skills with women. Have more sex, more love, less drama, less wasted time, and get hotter, higher-quality women.
  • Improve your time management skills. You will get more done in less time and with less stress.
  • Get clarity on your life. Design a plan that gets you exactly where you want to go.
What Will I Get When I Sign Up Today?
1. Instant Access to All Past How-To Members-Only Podcasts – The instant you sign up you’ll be able to listen to all the podcasts ever made for the SMIC program since its inception years ago. There are over 80 podcasts in the library right now and they’re all yours as soon as you sign up!
2. New Monthly How-To Podcast – Once a month you will receive a 30-40 minute podcast detailing specific, proven techniques on business success, life success, or success with women. I usually alternate every month, so one month will be a business or financial podcast and the next month will be a woman podcast. These are not commentary/opinion-based podcasts nor are they “motivational” or “rah rah” podcasts. These are hard-information podcasts designed specifically to make your life better financially and with women. They include specific, step-by-step, how-to information that I do not cover anywhere else. We cover all kinds of topics such as marketing, dating, investing, relationship management, time management, business success, five flags, international travel and numerous other topics.
All of these podcasts are downloadable as MP3s to your own device.These are not proprietary podcasts you can only play in some in-page player like in a lot of other services. Nope, they’re all in standard MP3 format that you can download to your own device and listen to in any way you like.
3. PDF Transcripts of All Past and Current Podcasts – If you prefer to read your information, you will also receive a monthly PDF transcript of every podcast. Also, you get access to every podcast transcript I’ve already done as soon as you sign up!
4. Twice-A-Month Q&A Video Conference with Caleb – Every two weeks I do a live video conference just for SMIC members where I answer all of your questions. If you want to join the conference live you may do so and ask your questions there. If you’d rather not join the conference live you can email your questions in a week or two before the conference. I’ll spend the first half of the conference answering all of the emailed-in questions then field the live questions. Then you can view or download the video later at your leisure. That way I can get all of your questions answered regardless of if you make the actual video conference or not. I will also cover other requested topics during the conference. Again, I will do this twice a month, every month.
5. Immediate Access to Past Newsletters, Teleconferences, Videos and Video Conferences – In addition to getting access to all past podcasts, you also get immediate access to all past newsletters, teleconferences, video conferences, and Q&A videos from all prior iterations of the SMIC program going all the way back to 2012. It’s a treasure trove of information and it’s all yours the instant you sign up.
6. Immediate Access to Members-Only Private SMIC Forum (SSL Secured) –As soon as you sign up you get instant access to our private, anonymous, members-only SSL-secured forum that no one else can see. Feel free to go there and ask me or any other SMIC member any question you need an answer to. I personally post in the forum on a regular basis. This is the only forum on the entire internet that I regularly contribute to and you have full access to it as soon as you sign up.
7. Exclusive, Members-Only How-To Videos – I sporadically do specific, how-to videos just for SMIC members, based on SMIC members’ requests. These are not the quickie videos I do on social media or YouTube. These are longer, detailed videos with a whiteboard that go over specific processes. You’ll have access to all of them, plus you get all past how-to videos as soon as you sign up.
8. Professionally Administered Myers-Briggs Test – Once you are an SMIC member for 60 days you will be given a test through MBTI that will tell you exactly what your Myers-Briggs personality type is as well as a wealth of other information on your personality. This is not the freebie test you can get online. This is a professionally administered test that normally costs $49, but it’s yours free as part of the SMIC Program.
9. Professionally Administered Kolbe Test – Kolbe is the gold standard for determining your work profile. In other words, your personality type as it relates to how you work. Once you are an SMIC member for 60 days, you will receive the professionally administered KOLBE A™ INDEX test so you can learn your ideal work style for an instant boost in effectiveness and productivity. This is normally $55 but it’s yours free as part of the SMIC program.
10. Cheat Sheets – As soon as you sign up, you will get several summarized one-page sheets on Alpha Male 2.0 core basics such as Alpha 2.0 business management, women relationship management and more. These will help remind you of all the key basics throughout your Alpha 2.0 journey, preventing you from having to comb through all of my books and blogs to get to the key good stuff.
11. Scoreboard – Every SMIC member will have an internal scoreboard where he can keep track of his key numbers so he can improve them. These are business numbers, woman numbers and any other numbers he wants to keep track of, work on and improve. What gets tracked, improves! They will be private by default but can be shared to the public or other SMIC Members.
12. “What’s Working Now” Bi-Monthly Hotsheet – Every 60 days you will receive a PDF “hotsheet,” written by me, that covers everything that I’m doing that’s working right now that I don’t talk about publicly. I cover business, investing, women and dating, time management, everything. This way you know what’s working right now and can copy it for fast success.
13. “Getting Started with Your Alpha Male 2.0 Business” Video Course – This is a section from the Alpha 2.0 Business Course I did last year that cost $697. It’s not the entire course, but it’s one of the most popular sections. As soon as you sign up, you’ll get several professionally filmed videos on how to start your Alpha Male 2.0 business from scratch, even if you have no idea how to get started.
14. Access to Personal Coaching with Caleb (for an extra fee) – Several years ago I stopped providing coaching services to the public. I only provide coaching to guys within the SMIC Program. To be clear, this particular type of coaching is not included with the SMIC Program (but the Q&A conferences are) and there is an extra cost if you want it; it’s rather expensive, but it’s an option when you join the program (since I will not do any one-on-one coaching with anyone outside of the SMIC Program). The coaching can be done via email, Skype (video or audio) or phone, your choice.
15. “Break the Chains” Fast Implementation Kit – As soon as you join you will receive a toolkit full of information to get you immediately started on your new life. The Fast Implementation Toolkit includes:
– A special podcast for new members that goes over the SMIC program, how to use it and how to make best use of the information you receive.
– The digital version of my Alpha Male 2.0 manual The Unchained Man. You get PDF, Kindle and EPUB formats.
– An ebook titled Fast Track to Success with Women to help you get started fast with your woman life, written for beginners, focused on guys who are getting started from scratch or guys who are just out of a long-term relationship.
– An ebook titled Fast Track to Business Success on getting started fast with your business life, written for guys who really want to start a business but haven’t yet and don’t know where to start. This book will show you.
– The SMIC Member Manual, which goes over all the features of the new and improved SMIC Program and how to use them.
The entire kit above is all yours as soon as you sign up.
16. Discounts on Other Blackdragon/Caleb Jones Products, Services and Seminars – As long as you’re an SMIC member, you will automatically receive the following discounts:
– 25% off all Blackdragon or Caleb Jones non-fiction books that cost more than $10 (digital versions only)
– 25% off all Blackdragon or Caleb Jones individual seminars
– 15% off all Blackdragon or Caleb Jones online courses
Here’s What To Do Next
Look at all the stuff you get!!! This content is worth thousands upon thousands of dollars, but the SMIC Program is essentially FREE because if you follow even a tiny percentage of the business or investing information in the program it will easily make many times more than what you paid for it.
It only “costs” you $177 per month and you get immediate access to everything…instantly! You can cancel whenever you want, and there is no commitment beyond 30 days. It’s also tax deductible (but please check with your local accountant).
All content in the SMIC is focused on three different areas:
  • Business Success
  • Dating and Relationship Success
  • Personal Productivity
As soon as you place your order today, you’ll be sent a email receipt with your login credentials where you can log in.
From there you can enjoy all the benefits of being a member of the Superior Man Inner Circle.
You can access your membership anywhere, instantly.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering …
I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they make you commit for 3, 6 or even 12 months…
This isn’t one of them.
You can cancel anytime, no questions asked…
I’m giving you this entire program at cost as a way of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you’ll love it so much that you stay in the program and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
Time Is Of The Essence
Here’s why.
I take a loss by accepting you into my program at this price.
The reason why is because it costs me over $100 in materials that I give to you for free and over $100 in advertising…
So why would I do that? 
I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.
Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.
I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the program so much, you’ll ask to try other trainings and services I offer. Pretty straight forward really.
Oh – one more thing.
The Boldest Guarantee In The World
I 100% Guarantee you’ll love this program and the bonuses or I’ll return your $177.00 let you keep the bonuses anyway.
Just email me and I’ll give you back your $177.00  with no questions asked.
Doesn’t that seem more than fair?

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!