Bruce Holmes – Feldenkrais Lessons Vol I Awareness Through Movement
Bruce Holmes – Feldenkrais Lessons Vol I Awareness Through Movement
After years of people asking for the lessons to be made available again, it’s happened. We’ve converted the 48 lessons of volumes I and II to mp3 files and loaded what once filled 24 cassettes onto a single CD. The CD can ONLY be played on computers, DVD players, or the most recent generation of CD players designed to be compatible with “Jukebox” CDs. (Sorry about that, but if we’d used the music CD format it would have required at least 24 CDs.) And, of course, if neither option appeals to you, you can always copy the files into any mp3 player and play them that way. But the good part is we’re dropping the price from $176 down to $40. Shipping in the USA is $3, foreign is $6. If you’d rather send me a check, the Store page has our address. If you’ll scroll down the page you’ll find a ton of quotes from people who’ve used the lessons.
Testimonials: “…The voice is soothing, gentle, confidence-inspiring. It belongs to Bruce Holmes, a practitioner and teacher of Feldenkrais’s work. This bit of explanation is part of a cassette tape, which is part of a series, now in two volumes of 24 cassettes each, that is the best teaching aid we’ve heard or seen yet.
The lessons were recorded during actual workshops that Bruce Holmes taught, and you can hear his easy interaction with the students; how he involves them in the dialogue with their own bodies; how he encourages them gently and corrects them softly; how he unselfconsciously slips occasionally or changes his mind; and how the entire class sometimes disolves into laughter. Bruce Holmes must be fun to learn from.”
The Stroking Times”
I’ve been doing your tapes almost daily since Feb. and all I can say is a thousand thank-yous. I really, at age 53, have a brand new body! It has been just what I needed so badly and had been searching for. I had been getting so stiff and tired and sore, even with exercise, and healthy eating, etc. I knew I didn’t move right, but didn’t know how to change.
And now every moment is a joy. It is fluid and graceful and effortless to go through daily life. Some of the specific changes are: my back- it always bothered me about 2/3 up, a lot of pain and tension. Chiropractors helped, but it never lasted. It was always sore to the touch and a couple of vertebrae stuck out. Now it is completely strong and comfortable, no matter what I do, and feels so good! A miracle. All my life my knees have cracked whenever i squatted down- now very rarely. I had a chronically sore shoulder-now almost perfect. I had a large callous on the ball of one foot that was really starting to bother me-it’s almost gone.
I feel so flexible and limber now. Sometimes in the middle of a tape I feel such a wave of gratitude to Dr. Feldenkrais and his genius, and for what he has given me and the thousands of others he has helped. Thanks so much for your tapes and part in all this help!”
Edith Spencer, Greenwich, Connecticut”
I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed and benefitted from the Feldenkrais tapes. You did a beautiful job on them. I have done the whole set twice now, in the less than a month since I’ve gotten them, and the more I do the deeper my appreciation for Moshe, for you, for life. I did yoga for fifteen years, and taught it for ten. I am trained in a variety of approaches to body therapy including creative movement, sacred dance, bio-energetics, Lomi Body-Work, and polarity, and I have had a provate practice in psychophysical therapy for ten years. I mention all that to give weight to my feeling that your tapes are fantastic, wonderful, superb, magnificent, and fun.”
John Robbins, Victoria, Canada”
This is the first exercise program of many that I’ve attempted that I stick with, and even look forward to. I think this is due to the variety involved day-to-day, the pleasurable feelings of doing them, and how good I feel afterwards emotionally.”
Wendy MacDonald, British Columbia”
They have gradually worked out pain and stiffness I have had for at least ten years. I am 66 years old-and after working through your tapes six times I feel 66 years young.”Emma Nagel, Dallas, Texas”
I think that the entire set is terrific! I have been devoting an hour a day to the exercises for the last five or six months and the results are fantastic. I had a problem with numbness in the toes and ball of my right foot that had been getting progressively worse over a period of years (it started when I was about 53 years old and I am 63 now). The results seem to be that I am getting the feeling back in the toes and ball of the foot gradually. The toes on both feet are gradually spreading more and more. My posture has improved substantially-chest lifted, head on straighter, stomach tighter-and I get a kick out of people constantly telling me how young I look.
I certainly appreciate your producing the tapes. They are extremely well done: good timing, excellent voice, and a nice quiet relaxed quality that includes a little humor. I really enjoy listening to them, no matter how many times I hear them. You have done a great service for the Feldenkrais movement! If you ever need an endorsement for any purpose , let me know.”
Frank Pieper, Minneapolis, MN”I would like to write and add my words of praise for the gifts you have given through your tapes. I am an exercise physiologist and have worked several years with traditional and non-traditional exercise methods as a teacher and student. Your tapes added a dimension I did not know was there. I will be forever grateful for the value I have gained as an exerciser and as a teacher. Specifically, I’ve opened up new worlds for my running through increased pelvic motion. Also, my dancing has improved 100%! I’ve been able to pass much of this knowledge on to my students and open up new possibilities for them to move and exercise in a more relaxed confident manner. Techincally, Bruce, I also congratulate you. The tapes are very clear and easy to follow for everyone, professional to beginner. They are also pleasent to listen to, I willdefinitely recommend them to my student and fellow professionals.”
George Hetzel, Coronado, California”
Your tapes have meant so much to me, I decided I wanted to write to you.
I am now walking in a completely different manner. In the past, I was always afraid I might trip and fall; now, when I walk or move, I feel as though I’m floating.
This is such a precious gift for someone who has always thought of herself as awkward. I feel more graceful than I ever believed I could, and this has helped me relate to my world in a much more positive way.
The tapes are clear, well put together, and best of all, non-judgemental and encouraging in tone. I’m very glad I own them. Thank you.”G.A., Evanston, Illinois”
To this day it is hard for me to believe that two concentrated days with you in the Feldenkrais Workshop stopped back pain that three years of medecine could not stop. I do not ever remember being so relaxed and comfortable as I was at the end of the second workshop day. What has amazed me the most, however, was that I continued to feel relaxed and have continued on the most part without any pain! I have enjoyed and benefitted from the use of the tapes.”
Ginger Cook, Houston, Texas”
Incorporating Feldenkrais with yoga has increased my flexibility and improved my yoga postures. As I get more and more addicted to the Feldenkrais method, I find my yoga classes (and me!) changing greatly, with accelerated improvement for all of us. You did a wonderful job on the cassettes. Thank you.”
Ruth Hetzel, Evansville, Indiana”…Many of the cassettes help my eyes. When I had my detached retina operation the eye refuse to manufacture fluid. It has slowly resumed function but many of the gentle head movements actually cause my eyes to relax and become more fluid… I’m sure I’m a Feldenkrais student for life.”Judy Lipke, Lombard, Illinois”
I’ve been really amazed by how good (balanced, comfortable) my body has felt after doing even a single side of your tapes. When I was listening almost daily I felt good all the time. Now, whenever I feel the need I listen to one of the tapes and whatever stress or back pain I’ve been experiencing as a result of a limb length discrepancy and scoliosis leaves me. My body feels organized in a new way it doesn’t as a result of the other things I’ve tried-dance, Tai Chi, yoga. As a result, I’ve recommended the tapes to several friends and consider them a godsend.”
E.J., Chicago, Illinois”
For anyone hoping to understand and use Feldenkrais’s work, the tapes are a tremendous advanage. The material is concise, orderly, and represents the most effective method of learning the gentlest and most profound of movement therapies.”
Barrett L. Dorko, LPT, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Ohio Falls Orthopaedic Surgeons”…they’ve shown me how to relax and ever since I’ve noticed that I never have pain in my lower back…”P.B. Ottawa, Ontario”…I’m able to define definite changed in my stature, my head stands taller, my back and neck straighter, and my shoulders aren’t hunched up towards my head.”
G.K., Kalamazoo, Michigan”
Have been using your cassettes of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement exerices and am writing you to tell you how excellent they are.
Several years ago I attended a weekend workshop taught by Moshe Feldenkrais. Within two weeks of that experience I lost 30 lbs. of weight and a further 20 lbs. within 3 months. Although I had to purchase a complete new wardrobe to fit my body, the feeling of well-being and the change in my self image more than compensated for the cost. Your cassettes present the exercises most clearly and are easy to follow.”
R.M., Vancouver, British Columbia”
I had the funniest experience the other day. I had my physical with the same doctor I have it with every year, and he could not believe it. I am 1/2 an inch taller than before. He kept measuring me, looked at the chart from last year and the year before and finally asked what I am doing lately (he knew I teach yoga). So I told him that I am doing Feldenkrais exercises. He could not believe that the spine can stretch out if the muscles are relaxed, but I proved it. Normally they tell you that you are shrinking with age, now at 72 I am growing. Ha! My times in swimming in the Senior Olympics went up too, my jogging feels even easier than ever, through the Hamstring and Hipjoint exercises the stride gets longer. Bruce, you are just beautiful having done this fantastic job with the cassettes!”
Ruth Bender, Avon, Connecticut”
I have been using your cassettes and find they help me tremendously in my work as an actress. My work has become much more calm and truthful. The Feldenkrais method is very valuable to performers.”
Marilyn Kay Caskey, New York, New York”
My bursitis-which I have had for two years in my left shoulder is mostly gone-apparently due to doing these exercises. I find the relaxed quality of your voice, with the clarity of directions you give as part of the effectiveness which leaves me feeling more clear headed & in control of my body…”B.J., Denver, Colorado
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