Brian Hunk Hands – 6 Step Squirting

$35.00 $197.00 Sale

Brian Hunk Hands - 6 Step SquirtingBrian Hunk Hands – 6 Step Squirting

Hunk Hands – 6 Step Squirting: This course offers a detailed guide on techniques and methods to help achieve female ejaculation. It covers the physiological aspects, step-by-step techniques, and best practices for creating a comfortable and consensual environment. The program includes practical demonstrations, tips for communication and connection, and exercises to enhance intimacy and pleasure.

“How To Quickly And Easily Become Her Favorite Lover Tonight…

Even If You Don’t Have A “Porn Star Dick”…


Dear Friend,

Hi, Brian ‘Hunk Hands’ Crabtree here and I’ve taught over 5,000 men across 38 countries the secrets of Female Squirting Orgasms

And you probably want to put an end to your woman getting hot & horny for her ASSHOLE EX…

So I’ll teach you my simple tricks that you can use TONIGHT!

But wait!!


First, We Need To “Cut The Bullshit”:

Your Woman Has A “Top Dog”… Her #1 Lay… The Best-She’s-Ever-Had…


But Are You Sure It’s YOU? 

Imagine FINALLY being 100% confident YOU are the only guy she fantasizes about…

Don’t you think she’d start giving you Ear-Ringingly-Hot blowjobs on command and give you a back-rub and a cold drink when you come home exhausted?

(Because a man like you should NEVER have to BEG for sex from YOUR woman…)

Ask Yourself If You Deserve…


  • Her eye-rolling?
  • Her gossiping you’re “helpless in bed” to her friends?
  • Her thinking of cheating on you..?

Your Woman Respects Her Favorite Lover…


And you’re probably thinking what I was thinking:

“Really!? Women care THAT MUCH about sex?”

Because I was raised in a conservative, Christian family…

And I believed “real, quality ladies” don’t actually enjoy sex they just “put up with it”…

But real girls tell me — “No Way!” — without good sex they:

  • Fantasize about their Asshole Ex
  • Henpeck their man about bullshit
  • And maybe even cheat on him…

An Ancient Sex Hack Discovered…

The few girls I used this technique on would literally not stop texting me…

These girls were exactly what I had been searching for:

They were LOYAL, INTIMATE, and they actually RESPECTED me…

And they didn’t just want to be with me all the time…

They would also randomly clean my apartment or cook breakfast for me or even show up with a friend for a threesome…

And I did just one simple thing different with these girls…

And that one simple thing was this:

I made them SQUIRT.

The Power Of Squirting Orgasms: What Is Oxytocin?

Full Body Squirting Orgasms aren’t the “Maserati of Orgasms” just because they’re so damn intense and unforgettable…

They also trigger a next-level oxytocin rush that completely wipes other guys out of your girl’s mind…

Geeky Footnote: Oxytocin is a powerful chemical released during childbirth and it forces your girl to bond with her new baby. But it’s ALSO released during intense orgasms where it forces your girl to bond with you (IF you give her an insanely intense orgasm)…

Intense Orgasms = Oxytocin = LOYALTY

Because imagine your girl’s eyes rolling back in her head as her body shakes and she let’s out a scream she’s never shared with anyone before…

And she’s lying with her head on your chest — her body still quivering — and she looks up at you with a tears of joy in her eyes…

THAT’S a girl who doesn’t cheat!

Female Ejaculation Is REAL And You Need To Learn How To Trigger It…

“Is That YOUR Hand? Are You A Porn Star..?”

Yup, that’s my hand, man!

But I’m definitely NOT a porn star because I’ve never even met a porn actress or producer in my life…

I just strap a Go-Pro to my arm and make normal, girls-next-door squirt…

And I do it to show guys like you that it’s possible with every type of girl…

But now that my vids have tens of millions of views across the internet guys have been emailing asking for my no-fluff, brass tacks secrets…

And I helped over TWO HUNDRED girls experience a Squirting Orgasm…

But the emails from guys kept PILING UP from…

  • Men who never wanted to worry about divorce or cheating again…
  • Newly-single guys who decided their next relationship would be their best yet…
  • Men who were ready to invest the time to enjoy more sex and intimacy…
  • And even virgins who thought “I’m spending so much time, effort, and money to find the right girl so I want to make sure she COMPLETELY falls for me”…

And This Is What Helped Them…


  • Essential Female Anatomy
  • WTF Is Squirting?
  • Oh, The Nails!
  • The No-BS Lube Guide
  • Pre-Squirting Checklist


  • Basics of Sensual Massage
  • 3 Tiger Tantra Mindsets
  • Sexual Polarity Guide
  • 7 Happy-Anytime Hacks


  • Sinful 6 Squirting Positions
  • Debugging Your Girl


  • Painless Penetration
  • Power Thumbing Secrets
  • The Top 8 Best-Ever Hand Positions


  • Finding Her Top 4 Sexy Spots
  • How To Touch Her Spots
  • Her 3 Do-Not-Touch Spots


  • Trigger Hand Deep Dive
  • The Squirt Spot
  • The Squirting Roller Coaster
  • 2 Roller Coaster Ruiners
  • The Crazy-Simple Best-Ever-Orgasm Trick

PLUS Get Access To The New 30-Move…

Worried Your Girl Can’t Squirt? Don’t Be…

Have you seen video clips of women having intense squirting orgasms online and thought to yourself, “I wonder if my girl can do that, too…?”

The answer is: Yes, your woman can squirt … and she WANTS you to help her squirt.

It surprised me, too, but as I got better and better and was able to make women squirt strong and longer, I discovered that within just two sessions EVERY woman squirts. And I’m not special, I just have the knowledge and the practice.

Science reveals that squirting is your woman’s way to clean and refresh her sexual organs which means it’s healthy as well as natural to help her squirt. It’s just how your woman’s body works – otherwise why would any woman be able to squirt?

And it’s fun!

(But you must be willing to emotionally support and nurture her after you help her squirt for the first time. If you’re not willing to support your woman, this online training is not for you.)

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!