Brent Phillips – Where Science Meets Spirit: Formula For Mirades


Brent Phillips – Where Science Meets Spirit: Formula For Mirades

Have you ever wondered if there is a scientific explanation for phenomena such as miraculous instant healings? Want to learn a simple, rational, step-by-step technique to fill your life with health, wealth, and love? Did you know that thousands of people around the world are now using The Formula for Miracles every day to experience miraculous instant healings and profound life transformations? Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles bridges the gap between the worlds of science and spirituality by explaining the real science used by healers, mystics, self-help gurus, and miracle workers to manipulate and bend the fabric of reality itself. Using the metaphor of the personal computer, you can easily learn a step-by-step process for reprogramming the defective software in your subconscious mind to facilitate miraculous instant healings, attract great wealth and prosperity, and manifest loving and fulfilling relationships in YOUR life Where Science Meets Spirit is the first book to present a rational, scientific, step-by-step process for working with our subconscious mind to experience miraculous instant healings, create financial abundance, and enjoy fulfilling and loving relationships. It is the first book to take instant healing and spirituality out of the realm of mystics and psychics and make miracles accessible and understandable to the mainstream. During the last several years there has been an explosion of interest in spirituality and personal transformation, marked by the great success of books such as Conversations with God and documentary movies such as The Secret. However uplifting this material has been, a major drawback has been its new-age, unscientificreputation and the lack of an easy to learn, step by step approach that regular, everyday people can use to quickly make a big difference in their day to day lives. Where Science Meets Spirit changes the landscape of spirituality and metaphysics by demystifying the process by which miracle healings occur and explaining how we can all create practical, everyday miracles for ourselves. By using the metaphor of software on the personal computer, this book presents a model for how and why miracles happen that is easily accepted by the rational, Western mind. It also provides a simple step by step approach for clearing blocks out of the subconscious mind that prevent us from experiencing instant miracle healings, financial abundance, and loving relationships. The efficacy and practicality of these techniques has been proven by the steady stream of miraculous results seen by the authors clients and students over the last several years at Theta Healing LA. The book explains how, by accessing a conscious theta brain wave (something that normally only happens during dreaming sleep), it is possible to directly work with the off-limits subconscious part of ourselves. The book then explains how we can use the technique of Theta Healing in a precise, step-by-step fashion to work with our subconscious mind to create miraculous instant healings and amazing life changes. The first part of the book (Introduction and Chapter 1) tells the human story behind the formula for miracles. It beings with how Vianna Stibal discovered the Theta Healing technique when she instantly and completely healed herself of a life-threatening cancer. Vianna was so transformed by this experience that she devoted herself tounderstanding what had happened so she could teach this technique, now known as Theta Healing, to others. It also explains the story of the author, Brent Phillips, an MIT-trained engineer who experienced a miracle from Theta Healing when his arm (frozen at the elbow for four months after a surgery) instantly healed. After this experience, he devoted his life to applying all of his scientific and engineering training and experience to discovering and explaining the scientific principles underlying miraculous healings and profound personal transformations. (less)

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