Hi, my name’s Brad….And I don’t have much time.In fact, any minute now, CIA agents could bust down my door…Put a bullet in my brain…And silence me forever.Okay, maybe I’m being a little paranoid here…But it’s for good reason.
You see, I’ve stolen some of the CIA’s most powerful techniques…And adapted them to make any girl irresistibly attracted to me.
But even though the CIA are probably too busy interrogating terrorists to pay attention to me…And despite trying to keep a low profile…I’m starting to get worried.
Recently I’ve turned down TV interviews…Had paparazzi tail me…And even have someone want to turn my life into a reality TV show…All because these “banned” CIA methods make it easier to meet, talk to, and pick up girls than shooting fish in a barrel.
See, when you use these unfair CIA tactics on any cute girl…Even the bitchiest woman Desires being with you…Beg for your attention…Even falling madly in love with your partner.
Women who stated that they “just wanted to be friends” will suddenly start pursuing a relationship with you…Ex-girlfriends will beg for another chance to be with you…And even women who have boyfriends or husbands will hit on you, hoping you’ll satisfy them in ways their partners can’t.
Plus, these methods work…
- Without emptying your wallet buying women gifts, drinks, and dinner…
- Without Being a six-pack chiseled-pack (in fact, they work even better if you’re not a good looking guy – just ask my girlfriend…)
- And Without even needing to be NICE to the girl you’re about to pick up.
In other words…
This is How You Can Get The Best From It Black Book Are You Dangerous The Wrong Hands
And there’s a LOT of people out there who would be happier if I just disappeared.Thankfully, so far I’ve managed to fly under the radar…But there’s only so long my luck and skill will last.
Sooner or later, I’ll slip up…And this page will be gone FOREVER.If you’re on this page though, it means two things…First, the nutjobs haven’t succeeded – Yet…And second, you’re part of a random test group who has a chance at grabbing my black book methods.
It also means that this is probably the ONLY time you’ll ever see this page…So unless you’ve got something more important to do than discover how to make any girl fall for you, please pay very close attention to what I’m about to share with you.
See, I’m about to reveal how I “borrowed” CIA technology to create a system that jump starts a woman’s attraction to you…The mistakes most guys make that leaves them alone at the end of the night… Please try again…And how you can effortlessly attract any type of girl you want for…
Friendship… Fun… Or Even The The Perfect Relationship
Before we go any further though, you’re probably wondering who I am, and why you should listen to me.
Well, my name’s Brad P.
And if you haven’t heard of me, that’s a Good thing…
Because it means the hard work I’ve been doing to fly under the radar has been paying off.
Contrary to the hoards of wannabes-bes out there who want TV spots, interviews in magazines, and other kinds of exposure, I’m More than just happy Keeping my identity private.
There’s two reasons for that…First, like I said, the kind of stuff I talk about makes a lot of people very angry.And while the US Government probably has bigger fish to fry, I don’t think it’s a good idea to plaster my real name and photo everywhere to “tempt fate”.
Secondly, I don’t EVER want to be recognized as the kind of guy women need to “watch” their friends around.But just because you haven’t seen my name all over TV, don’t underestimate me…
It is a fact that there are many. “in the know” will tell you I’m the best dating and seduction coach around.I’ve been the key speaker at private conventions attended by a “who’s who” of the underground seduction community…I’ve been named #1 dating coach by a ton of respected publications…And I’m the guy those big dating training companies pay big money to consult with their coaches.
See, I’ve been in this game for over a decade now…And while I’ve had a lot of imitators and tons of other guys try and “steal” my unique material…I’m still The Known as “go to guy” If you are looking for quick success with women.
What is the significance of Black Book Method?
Well, some of my students put it to be like this…
The world is full of powerful men with little black books.
If a Mafia Don needs a snitch, he will open his little black book and make a call. “disappears”.
An ingenious defense attorney may need a judge to give a certain verdict. His black book is full of notes about information that the judge might require. It is really doesn’t want the media to get wind of…
And if the President needs the access codes to launch a nuke toward North Korea, you guessed it…
They’re in his black book.
My black book, on the other hand, is filled with strategies and techniques you can use to easily coast under any woman’s “bitch shield”…
Taking her by surprise and having her instantly get to know the real you…
The guys women Always You can always have what you want but not what you need.
It’s like having a backstage pass that instantly gets you in to the private emotional places women usually reserve for their closest friends and confidants.
I’ll give you a detailed breakdown of exactly what’s in the Black Book Method in just a moment…
But first: there’s something you need to know.
It doesn’t matter how petrified the thought of approaching a woman makes you…
It doesn’t matter if you have been shot down more often than you can count…
Hell, it doesn’t even matter if you’re a 35-Year-old virgin living with your mom…
I guarantee You WILL be able use the Black Book Method effectively.
See, not only have I spent years making sure this material is easy for anyone to use…
I’ve Also “Stolen” One System That The CIA Used To Train Their Top Undercover Agents
For these agents, a minor slip up doesn’t just mean an awkward silence or a hot girl laughing at them…
It means a blown mission and professional disgrace at best…
But it’s probably a body with bullets and a face.-Swim down to the nearest river.
Bottom line, these agents cannot afford to screw up…
And as a result, they receive state of the art training to make sure they learn quickly…
Remember the material with flawless accuracy…
You can use it in all levels of difficulty-Pressure situations
It is the unique structure that makes the. Black Book Method means it’s almost impossible to screw up…
Which means you’ll walk away with a positive result every time.
What is it exactly? Black Book Method?
There are many key components that will give you an advantage over the rest.
First of all, there’s the Black Book Method Field Primer.I’ve taken the strategies I’ve developed over years of field experience…Broken them down into a step-By-step process…And put it all in a simple, easy-To-Any guy can learn a system that will make him a hit with the women in no time.
You’ll see This is exactly how to break through a woman’s bitch shield with pinpoint accuracy…Subliminal signals of attraction can be implanted directly into her brain…Have her Instantly forget about every guy in the room who isn’t you.
In fact, I’ll lay out exactly what to say to a girl to disarm her natural bitchiness in Every situation that you can imagine.It doesn’t matter if you’re at a bar, picking up your groceries, or even just walking down the street…All you have to do is use one of the techniques in my black book…And watch as she instantly starts shamelessly flirting with you. Plus…
If You’re Worried About “Blowing It”, Don’t Be…Because the entire primer has been built using “fool proof” CIA technology…The same science that the US Government use to train undercover operatives in record time.
But you won’t just find techniques inside to fly under a woman’s “bitch shield” undetected…That’s just the beginning.
Now you’re past her defenses, it’s time to use the advanced strategies in the Black Book Method To make her love you more than she’s ever wanted any guy before.Again, it’s easy…Just use the methods in the Black Book, and she’ll be overcome with desire.
Check out these methods Black Book target the hidden attraction centers of the female brain…While wrapping it in innocent, casual conversation.
She won’t understand it…But she’ll suddenly ignore other guys…Get jealous when other girls try to get your attention…And ditch her friends to take you back to her place.
And it’s not just strangers these methods work on…They’ll also make sure any girl who has you “friend zoned” Suddently, a “strange” Intend to take you on a date (or more).
Expect to hear the following from girls: “I never do this, but there’s just something about you…”Listen…With the secrets in my Black Book alone…
You’ll Be Pretty Much “Rejection Proof…
However, I take the success and well-being of every student very seriously.
It’s why I’m known as one of the best dating coaches on the scene today – my students get results.
And it’s not going to be any different for you if I have anything to say about it.
That’s why you won’t just get my Black Book…You’ll also get a chance to add power to your words with my…
Guide To Power Inflections
Are you familiar with the words of a woman? “his voice was just so attractive…”
Or, “He didn’t look like much, but once he opened his mouth I just turned to butter?”
Then you probably know where I’m going with this.
Because it’s not just what we say that matters…
It’s how we say it.
I won’t go into the scientific mumbo jumbo right now, but let me bottom line it for you…
If you say things to women in the right way, you’ll amplify your success.
My delivery style when talking to women has been perfected over the years. Attune them to your subconscious level I will make them more attracted.
Don’t get me wrong…
I’m not talking about hokey stuff like you’ll see at a Vegas stage show.
You’ll never be able to get someone to do anything they don’t want to do, like cluck like a chicken or fall asleep…
But you Can Subtly Influence Their State Of Mind… AND What They Think About You…
Use this when you combine it with the Black Book methods, These results are stunning.
Women will look at you like you’re the only guy in the room…You’ll usually “seal the deal” on the first date…And hot girls will even buy you drinks!Now, you’re able to get past her bitch shield…
But you’ve only opened her up.Now it’s up to you where the conversation goes.Does that idea worry you a little? Are you concerned you might screw up?If you do, you’re not alone. Many of my students feel this way at one time or another.
That’s Why I Created My “Field Demo” To Show You It’s so easy
Look, I’m the first to admit I’m not smooth or some comedic genius.
In fact Sometimes I do really stupid things to women.
But it doesn’t matter.
Because they are so easy to open up when you have the Black Book Method, you don’t have to impress them anymore.
They already like you and want to keep chatting to you…
And they’ll let pretty much any stupid things you say slide.
When I tell students that, they just don’t believe it.
They believe they must be perfect with women to get a number.
So I set out with a hidden microphone and proved them wrong.
Listen to the recording and you’ll hear me talk to tons of girls I’ve never met before…
You can walk away with their numbers Even when I’m saying really, really stupid things.
Also, I share my tips and tricks for advertising.-Have fun with my women friends and lib using my Black Book Methods.
Finally, I finally have what I call My “Eye-Opening Studio Demo”… (Or, “How To Deal With Bitches”)
And it’s actually one of my favorite parts.
Let me explain…
One day I was teaching students when I encountered a real jerk (a so).-So called “friend” of one of the students who had come with him) who kept bothering everyone… Include me.
He said that my stuff wouldn’t work on a girl who was not able to use it. “hard to get”.
Call me childish. but I don’t take that from anybody.
So I took out an ad in the paper and hired the nastiest woman I’d ever met.
(She was an actress here in LA… What are the odds of that?
Her job was simple…
Come in to the studio with me and we’d record her trying to shoot me down.
She was a girl that was scouted literally hundreds of times a week. She was a smoking hot 10, with an amazing physique.
She’d heard it all before.
Now here’s the interesting thing…
Even though she was being PAID to look a complete bitch to me, she couldn’t help herself.
So after just 45 minutes…
She Was Hitting On Me Like A Drunken Prom Date…
All I can say is the guy’s face when he not only heard the recording but saw the pictures was priceless (her idea, not mine.)
But this recording ended up serving another useful purpose…
It showed my students that the methods in my black book truly are rejection proof if they’re used properly.
Now I include a copy the recording with every copy. Black Book Method.
Now you know what I’ve packaged together in my Black Book Method, let me ask you something…
How much do you think it’s worth?
Before you answer, I want you to really think about it…
How much is it really worth to make sure you’re never shot down… friend zoned… or passed over EVER AGAIN?
You might say it’s priceless…
You’d probably be right.
But I do know it’s worth at least $3,500.
Because that’s what people would pay to train with me for the weekend in LA.
Hell, people still do…
And that $3,500 doesn’t even cover their plane flight to LA, their hotel room, or the drinks and dinner they buy me.
Yet I’ve never had a single person say they didn’t think that $3,500 was the best money they ever spent.
I think I understand. Let’s face it, Some of those men met their future wives. Because of my methods.
And frankly, people spend a lot more than a few grand on things they don’t need like video games, expensive clothes, or nice restaurants.
In fact, most men spend over $3,500 a year trying to win a woman over.
Taking her to movies and dinner… buying her drinks at the bar… or buying her flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s day…
When you add them all together, you’d be amazed how quickly the bills pile up.
This is what you need to realize. Black Book stop you from spending money on girls who don’t reciprocate your feelings…
It also gets you over the “bitch shield” that will nail any guy who tries to talk to a girl…
Here’s what you’ll get in Brad P – Black Book Method