Beth Rontal – Tele-Mental Health Documentation and Medical Necessity

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Beth Rontal – Tele-Mental Health Documentation and Medical Necessity

Beth Rontal
1 Hour 6 Minutes
Audio and Video
Apr 15, 2020


Did you know that requirements for clinical documentation and establishing medical necessity via telehealth are different than face-to-face services?

This 1-hour training will make this steep learning curve a little more manageable. Gain the essential information you need to continue your practice online in a way that provides quality of care while also ensuring that you get paid for your services, including:

  • 6 clinical documentation requirements specific to telehealth/tele-mental health
  • How to obtain informed consent virtually
  • 4 questions to ask insurance companies
  • How to establish medical necessity remotely
  • Planning ahead for emergencies and mental health crises
  • And more!

Purchase today!


Manual – Tele-Mental Health Documentation and Medical Necessity (1.3 MB) 24 Pages Available after Purchase


  1. Telehealth Platforms
    1. HIPAA and non-HIPAA compliant platforms
    2. Value of a Business Associates Agreement
  2. Clinical Documentation
    1. 6 general requirements specifically for telehealth
    2. Requirement specifically for tele-mental health
    3. 4 questions to ask the insurance company for clarification of their policies
  3. Informed Consent
    1. 9 requirements not needed in face-to-face psychotherapy therapy
    2. Obtaining signed consent remotely
    3. How to document a fee reduction
    4. Emergency protocols specific to tele-mental health
  4. Getting Paid
    1. How to document Place of Service
    2. Using modifiers
  5. Medical Necessity
    1. 3 questions to consider
    2. 16 Interventions specific to telehealth


Beth Rontal, MSW, LICSW's Profile

Beth Rontal, MSW, LICSW Related seminars and products: 4

Beth Rontal, MSW, LICSW, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Brookline, Massachusetts, as well as a documentation consultant (wizard) and private supervisor. Ms. Rontal earned her MFA from Boston University, and her Master’s in Social Work from Simmons College in Boston.

She was clinical supervisor at a mental health clinic for 16 years, where she was instrumental in developing and implementing the clinic’s first electronic documentation system. This implementation significantly reduced documentation time and errors and decreased the paperwork returned by clinicians from 65% to 8%, which in turn allowed for the addition of 3 to 5 clinical hours per week and generated thousands of dollars in savings for the company.

Ms. Rontal continues to be a developer and consultant in the field of clinical documentation. She is a sought-after national lecturer who has taught seminars over the course of many years, in addition to having published numerous articles on the topic.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Beth Rontal is in private practice. She has intellectual property rights to Documentation Wizard. Ms. Rontal receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Beth Rontal has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.


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