Basic Stock Market Astrology 3.0

$237.00 $1,197.00 Sale

Basic Stock Market Astrology 3.0

Basic Stock Market Astrology 3.0

For Basic Stock Market Astrology 3.0

Now you can cash in on the secret cycle tools and hidden strategies that legendary traders rely on for their amazing money-making power in bull and bear markets alike – even if you’re a complete newbie who’s never made a dime in the markets before!

Take adantage of the latest expanded version of the acclaimed training program that’s helped hundreds discover the astro-trading advantage!

  • Newbie-Friendly, Step-By-Step Learning
  • Reveals Secret Techniques Most Traders Haven’t Even Heard Of
  • Top Tools For Every Learning Style – Audios, Videos & Downloadable PDFs
  • In-Depth Instruction From A World Renowned Astro-Trading Expert
  • Packed With Case Studies And Practical Examples
  • Cloud-Based Digital Delivery So You Can Get Started Right Away
  • Move Fast From Complete Beginner To Active Astro-Trader
Order This Breakthrough Training Now »

You may have heard of these remarkable individuals.  

They’re the masterful market magicians.  

They’re the legendary traders in stocks, futures, and commodities, the ones who have been able to amass huge personal fortunes in incredibly brief periods of time.  

They’re the ones whose good luck never seems to run out. Even when they make mistakes and lose money in the markets, they seem to have an uncanny ability to bounce right back, scoring big returns that far outweigh the modest losses they have recently endured.  

They’re the expert market timers. They’re the adventurous risk-takers whose big bets and speculations pay off royally. They’re the ones whose reputations spread far and wide. They may not be particularly boastful about their own extraordinary moneymaking talents. But in the eyes of others, they have an uncanny ability know what’s going to happen long before it actually does. They can gain incredible leverage in business and the markets by anticipating big changes, sometimes months or even years ahead. 

The Man Who Broke The Bank of England

Take George Soros, for example. He is known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” because of his short sale of $10 billion worth of Pound sterling, making him a profit of $1 billion in a single trading day during the 1992 Black Wednesday currency crisis in the UK. His market timing was nothing short of amazing.

Big Profits From Napoleon’s Defeat 

Or consider Nathan Mayer Rothschild. In 1815 he was able to get early information about the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo, and armed with the latest military news, he was able to successfully manipulate the market in British bank annuities to his advantage, adding millions to his already substantial fortune.

Making Money From The Ebb & Flow of Cycles

J.P. Morgan was a shrewd businessman, a bold entrepreneur, a noteworthy investor, and a keen student of cycles. Even as a young man, he understood that there was money to be made from the ebb and flow of business and geopolitical trends. At the end of the brief Mexican-American War, Morgan bought up a huge supply of army surplus rifles from the U.S. government. He warehoused them for a few years, and then, after the outbreak of the Civil War, he turned around and sold those same carbines back to the U.S. Government, pocketing an enormous profit in the process. 

J. P. Morgan was the world’s first billionaire. He was very proud of his wealth, and was a regular client of the famous astrologer Evangeline Adams, who advised Morgan on the best planetary cycles to use to his personal advantage in business dealings and astro-trading.

Shorting A Key Stock Just Before An Earthquake

In the early years of the 20th century, one of the most successful traders was Jesse Livermore. During his lifetime he made and lost several multi-million dollar fortunes, and even though he considered himself a failure when he died in 1940, he left behind an estate worth more than $5 million. Livermore could spot opportunities that other traders missed completely. In 1906, for example, he famously sold short stock in Union Pacific Railroad right before the devastating San Francisco earthquake.

Knowing How To Turn $300 Into $25,000

And, of course, there was W. D. Gann. Gann was truly phenomenal in his ability to forecast market trends and capitalize upon them. He claimed that his extraordinary success was due to his understanding of the Law of Vibration in the markets, and he was a dedicated student of the planetary dynamics at the foundation of successful astro-trading. In 1908 he started a trading account with $300 and turned it into $25,000; he then opened another account with only $130 and converted it to $12,000 in a single month. 

But exactly what is it that makes the difference?  

What is it that gives these remarkable traders and speculators, and so many others like them, such an extraordinary advantage? The answer is simple and straightforward. In every case, these individuals knew more than the other players in their chosen fields of opportunity. Knowledge. It’s the most powerful tool you can have if you want to secure your financial future, to discover incredible money-making opportunities, and to reach new heights of personal success in trading stocks, futures, or commodities. Knowledge will unlock countless doors for you on your way to creating and expanding your personal wealth. Knowledge gives you an automatic advantage over business competitors, unscrupulous market manipulators, and others who want to profit at your expense. Knowledge sets you apart from the dull masses who never ask important questions, blindly accepting needless limitations as their inevitable fate. Knowledge breaks down barriers. It can give you the trading edge you absolutely must have if you hope to survive in the dog-eat-dog world of the financial markets.

So How Do You Get The Knowledge You Really Need?  

That used to be a major challenge. It used to be incredibly difficult and expensive to track down reliable sources of money-making information. It was extremely hard to come by. Until now, that is. Now there’s an easy, affordable way for you to get all the powerful knowledge you need to succeed in the markets.

It’s Basic Stock Market Astrology 3.0, a powerful one-of-a-kind training program. It not only gets you up to speed with all the essentials you need for successful trading – it also opens the door to the unique benefits of the astro-trading advantage. As you enjoy the lessons in this course, you’ll get all the basics of surviving in the markets. You’ll also learn the key elements of the planetary cycles and the hidden forces that move the markets from behind the scenes. You’ll get to the kind of knowledge that most traders never even dream is possible. And you can put it to work right away in your own personal trading experience. Basic Stock Market Astrology 3.0 includes all the in-depth training and information included in the $2395 version of this course (the one that has long been out of print and unavailable for purchase) – and a whole lot more! You’ll get everything you need for a solid, step-by-step introduction to the high-powered world of financial astrology. You’ll discover the kinds of closely-guarded secrets that the world’s legendary traders and speculators have long relied upon for their secret edge in achieving financial success. And you’ll get it all through instant access to a unique set of cloud-based instructional materials. There are videos, audios, and PDFs files to download. It’s all there at your fingertips, ready to help you unlock unbelievable personal leverage as you enter the exciting world of astro-trading.

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