Arash Dibazar – The Art Of Living

$20.00 $40.00 Sale

Anytime you have an idea you want to get across to someone else, you are required to communicate this the proper way. No matter what you’re doing, if you’re dealing with another human being, you’ll need communication.

No matter what you have going on in your mind, you could be brilliant, strong, whatever. It needs to somehow transfer to the outside. The form of doing that is what we call communication.

However, from here to out there a lot of things happen. So I know a lot of people, that are brilliant, but when they talk, they sound stupid.
Reserve My Seat!
Master the art of communication
You as a businessman, public speaker, coach, as anyone who wants to be successful in life, need to master communication. And I don’t mean being kind of good at it, because we live in a society, that everybody sucks at it. They’re not even ok, they suck at it… don’t be like that.

You, when you approach a man, woman or customer, the way you walk up to that person, the way you look, how you lean forward and back, how you’re dressed, how your tonality is, what your hands are doing, all of that is communicating to her who you are and what your intentions are.

Now the other person may on a conscious level greet you. But I promise you this: the last time they bought a car, the last time they went out and had a good time, the last time they chose to have a relationship with someone, had nothing to do with their conscious mind. They consciously reasoned why they made that subconscious decision based on their emotions.
It all happens in the subconscious
So consciously they may have complied, but on a deeper level they’re watching you and your voice is not strong enough, you’re talking too fast, they’re picking up your nervousness… but they don’t know this on a conscious level. All they know is, that they don’t feel good around you. Consciously they make a rational on why they don’t like you.

That would be all very bad if there wasn’t a way to trigger that, where you walk up and they feel an emotion of being attracted to you. And they’ll consciously make a decision for this. They’ll figure it out, but their emotions will trigger this in them.
How Do I affect the subconscious mind?
Communicate to create an effect
So you keep their mind occupied, with some chatter. Meanwhile, on a deeper level, they’re feeling something and that’s your job. Your job is to communicate in a way, where they feel something. Your job is not to talk in a way where they can walk away and logically say: “Yes, I liked talking to him because of …”

So there is a language you have to understand, it’s a language of emotions. Your job as a master of communication is to create a certain level of emotion in them. Emotions that they deem worthy and they’d pay for.

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