Anthony Robbins – The New Money Masters Elite
Anthony Robbins – The New Money Masters Elite
Anthony Robbins, the interviewees and Robbins Research International, Inc. or any of its affiliates (hereinafter “we” or “us” or “our”) do not promise, guarantee or imply that you (or that your use of our materials) will improve your operation, raise your internet profile, or increase your revenues.
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Profile: Eben Pagan
Entrepreneur and marketing genius Eben Pagan didn’t start out on a clear path. In fact, he started out in a 500-square-foot trailer trying to organize all of his dating disasters and feats into a sellable product.
Using his own experiences and all of the strategies he had taught himself through reading and studying others, he pioneered one of the first successful dating advice businesses.
He has usedhisachievements in the seductionindustry to create a multi-million-dollar organization teaching others what he has learned about business and marketing.
Eben started in San Diego as a real estate broker who couldn’t get a date to save his life and, in just seven years, built and grew a dating advice service into a company that now generates over $25 million annually. He now has 80 employees but has never had an office because they all work virtually from all around the globe.
He has represented the leading edge in every subject he has taken on, from seduction to information and Internet marketing. Eben offers a tremendous diversity in terms of the value he gives clients and has focused his business on helping other people create better and more satisfying lives.
Going from musician to real estate broker to consultant to online marketing guru in less than a decade, Eben has since established two successful dating advice programs, Double Your Dating and Catch Him and Keep Him, and created the groundbreaking Internet marketing program, Get Altitude, and he authored multiple training programs, including Wake Up Productive—which offers lessons in time management and productivity, and Guru Mastermind—a yearlong coaching program for businesses.
Eben is currently single and living in Santa Monica, CA. He continues to focus his life on understanding other people and how to add the most value to their lives.
From Rock Star to Riches
Fifteen years ago, Eben was a long-haired guitar player on tour, getting his first taste of financial hardships. Without having any real models of success, while growing up in an area in the Pacific Northwest he calls the “Boondocks,” Eben sold his guitar for a trailer and got his real estate license.
In his first year he had only sold one house, so he found a real estate trainer and started studying. What he learned was quite possibly his most valuable lesson, as it directed the rest of his life.
Eben’s reading and self-teaching helped him realize that his passion was not in real estate but instead in sales and marketing. He started his own consulting firm and soon after, with some advice from a friend,decided to write an e-book.
After spending two to three years tirelessly trying to figure out dating, Eben decided to find new strategies. He had a good job, a nice apartment on the beach and a new car, yet he was still unsuccessful with members of the opposite sex.
He went to seminars, read books and eventually started hanging around with guys who had a better understanding of the opposite sex. He was able to gather a lot of information through these experiences and figured that many other men in his previous situation would want to learn it.
So he created his first e-book on dating tips for men. After teaching himself about Internet marketing and learning how to create his own Web site, Eben launched his new product and sat back and watched as the orders started coming in. Eben realized that he was no longer trading his time for money.
His clients were downloading his product, and the money was just appearing in his bank account. He recognized that it was the first time in history that a person could actually start a business all by themselves.
As you might have guessed, he didn’t stop there. Because he had put his consulting firm on hold while focusing on his launch, he knew that he had no backup if his new project didn’t work out.
He decided to test his prices, raising his e-book from $29.95 to $39.95. Until that point, the most he had ever sold was six books (on a good day), but once his prices grew, so did his sales. He sold 10 copies the first day.
But Eben still wasn’t satisfied. He started building the business, creating audio and video programs and facilitating live training programs. He launched a dating advice program for women and more recently produced training programs in the business advice industry that teach how to publish information products and provide productivity training and time management instruction.
Defining Success
Like most people, when Eben first started out in the business world, he thought that money would automatically equal success. His definition of success has since dramatically changed; now he believes that focusing on money actually brings scarcity to your life because it does not fulfill you long term.
Instead, he chooses to follow the words of Joe Sugarman, the “Mail Order Maverick” and marketing legend, who says that what you focus on expands. Focusing on money doesn’t work because money is only a symbol; instead, you must focus on value.
Failure Leaves Clues
What’s the difference between people who feel successful and people who feel they’ve failed? The answer is mindset: If you learn and grow from failure, suddenly it becomes a personal asset.
People who are successful don’t want instant gratification. They don’t think about hitting a point of success and never working again. Instead they ask, “How do I improve myself and continue to do that consistently over time?”
How Successful People Think
Poor people think, “How do I get a million people to pay me a dollar?” because it’s not a lot to ask of other people, and it still makes them a millionaire. Another example of this mentality is the classified ads that say. Have $2,000-$5,000 a week show up in your mailbox just by sending $5 and a self-addressed…
I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, Jeff Walker. Jeff’s an incredible guy. He made more than $1 million in 24 hours and has helped many people create wealth in their lives, including a guy living on food stamps. He’s also one of my personal advisors when it comes to doing business online.
I bring him up because his inspiring story leads me to a question I want to ask you…Are you completely satisfied with your financial health?Do you have plenty of money right now to afford the lifestyle you want for your family or others indefinitely? If so…Congratulations! You can stop reading this and get back to living the dream.
If you want more stability, excitement or fulfillment than your current financial situation allows, then you’re going to find real benefit in “The New Money Masters,” a program I developed for transforming your life, finances and business.
This program is a monthly series of DVDs, CDs and booklets that I’m especially passionate about bringing to you.
In this program, I introduce you to a handful of people who came from humble beginnings, like I did, and went on to generate insane amounts of wealth while helping others along the way.
Watch as I sit down and personally interview all of them, extracting the PRECISE BLUEPRINT each has followed to achieve financial freedom that you can apply to your own life.
Now, let me make something really clear. These guys are the real deal. Like I mentioned, Jeff Walker made $1 million in 24 hours. Another guy, Frank Kern, made $23 million in a day using four different promotions.
ALL of them have generated this kind of wealth many times over by just repeating their own formulas for success. And they’re doing this NOW, despite the poor economy. The New Money Masters is the only program out there featuring all of these industry titans and their success models in ONE PLACE.
And check this out…I take all of what’s said in the interviews and distill it into bite-size chunks of information in the booklets. It’s designed for you to apply their success formulas to your own life: Just listen to the audio CDs, watch the DVDs and then follow the steps outlined in the booklets. Pretty straightforward, right?
It’s the only solution out there that shares concrete success steps of all these top money masters. Golden information that can catapult you to the next level, fast.
And, when effectively applied, can add another level of protection during a down economy. So if you’re like me – 100% committed to evolving your self and business to their ultimate potential – it’s a no brainer.
Your business development collection of materials just isn’t complete without this series because it features the best of the best marketing minds for the new economy. What’s great is you can apply the steps taught in The New Money Masters IMMEDIATELY.
Revisit the materials over time, especially when you start working on a new challenge. Just apply the blueprint step by step to innovate how you add value to your customers and monetize it like never before.
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