Anthony Iannarino – Sales Accelerator

$92.00 $997.00 Sale

Anthony Iannarino – Sales Accelerator

Enable your team with the mindset, skill sets, strategies, and tactics to win sales now!

Sales Accelerator is the most modern, most complete, training and development platform for B2B Sales Teams delivered by Anthony Iannarino. Help yourself and your team turn in your best performance ever.

What is Sales Accelerator?

Accelerator is an integrated program with learning paths designed to provide training and development to the sales force and sales leaders simultaneously. The approach improves mindset, skill sets, and builds a culture of accountability.
With over 30 hours of lessons, workbooks, and quizzes, your team can learn Anthony Iannarino’s best concepts and tactics to elevate their results and win more deals.

Why do we train?

Let us save you some time. Honestly, there’s only one reason to read anything on this page, and it’s this: You want to invest in the professional and personal development of your team and you are willing to invest the resources to achieve that goal.

Transformational NOT Transactional

Training is often mistaken for a one-time event. Training becomes an item on a checklist that someone checks off as completed. The problem with this approach is that it is transactional, and it doesn’t lead to the transformational change that precedes better sales results. In the long run, very little will change, and because people are creatures of habit, they go back to what they are comfortable with, even when it doesn’t produce the result they need.

We look at transformation through the two concepts of training and development. When we train, we are providing new beliefs, new skills, and new tools, all of which are necessary. Development is the application of these new beliefs, skills, and tools to create new outcomes.

Fostering a Cultural Change

Development requires consistent expectations, coaching, and discussion. It requires a cultural change where all participants are required to work on their growth and development, led by their sales managers and leaders.

Sales Accelerator delivers the results in micro-learning modules that foster learning across your entire team, providing a common set of concepts and language that provide methodologies that all participants can follow.

This kind of development creates a sales team-wide foundation to which sales leaders and salespeople all play from the same playbook.

More importantly, teams are able to create more new opportunities, close deals faster, and create pipeline projections with improved accuracy.

Training by itself is important, but if you want sustainable results, both training and development are required.

Course Curriculum

In a few hours each week, you can train, coach, and develop your entire sales team. You can gain access to the content, methodologies, and processes to make transformational change. The investment is something any company can easily afford.

Below is our comprehensive curriculum outline with over 30 hours of courses — and new content added regularly!

For Salespeople


There is nothing more important than the right mindset when it comes to selling and sustainable results. Salespeople perform better when they develop the necessary attributes that make it easy for people to want to buy from them. In these courses, the sales force will learn:
  • Self Discipline  9 videos
  • Optimism  8 videos
  • Caring (Other-Orientation)  5 videos
  • Competitiveness  7 videos
  • Resourcefulness  6 videos
  • Initiative 8 videos
  • Persistence  2 videos
  • Communication  7 videos
  • Accountability  4 videos
  • Influence  2 videos

Skill Set Fundamentals

What separates the masters from the amateurs is their proficiency and command of the fundamentals. The ability to apply the fundamentals is what allows you to create and win deals. The time spent mastering the fundamentals is the foundation of your success in sales, and it will prevent you from losing deals you might have won.
  • The Model Sales Week  9 videos
  • How to Make Your Quota  4 videos
  • Philosophy of Selling  9 videos
  • Understanding the Sales Process  9 videos
  • The Buying Cycle

Above the Funnel

One of the largest challenges for every sales organization is creating new opportunities. The work you do above the funnel is too important to leave to chance—or marketing alone. These courses will help you develop a list of dream clients and capture mindshare by nurturing relationships over time. After that, it’s only a matter of time and persistence before you create new opportunities with major accounts.
  • Strategic Targets  4 videos
  • Nurturing Dream Clients  6 videos


No deal is ever closed that wasn’t first opened. The critical first step in winning opportunities is creating them. The prospecting tracks are designed to help you build a prospecting approach that works—i.e., a hunter culture.
  • Differentiating Yourself  7 videos
  • Presentation Skills  8 videos
  • How to Propose and Present  7 videos
  • Providing Proof  4 videos


Most salespeople don’t negotiate. Instead, they provide their prospective clients with price concessions, without getting anything in trade. This practical, tactical course will provide a framework for protecting the margins you need to deliver the better results your clients need.
Negotiation Skills  7 videos
A Modern Course on Closing  11 videos

Advanced Selling

The changes in sales over the last decade have been greater than any changes over the prior thirty years. Much of what is taught, trained, and developed is inadequate to today’s sales challenges. The advanced selling courses provides strategies, tactics, and answers to today’s sales challenges.
  • Business Acumen  6 videos
  • Change Management  8 videos
  • Leadership  5 videos
  • Executive Presence  4 videos
  • Level 4 Value Creation: Fundamentals  5 videos
  • Level 4 Value Creation: Execution  9 videos
  • Building Consensus  6 videos
  • Team Sales Calls  4 videos
  • Gatekeeper Strategies  7 videos
  • How to be Other-Oriented  9 videos
  • Quarterly Business Reviews  8 videos
  • Account Management Strategies  5 videos


Because so many salespeople work away from an office, not many are exposed to the best language choices for critical client conversations. The programs in COACH provide the exact language for all the objections, concerns, challenges, and difficult conversations necessary to win new deals.
  • Commitment for Time  14 videos
  • Prospecting – Voicemail  6 videos
  • Challenges  4 videos
  • Qualification & Disqualification  3 videos
  • Sales Calls  7 videos
  • Post Sales Calls  4 videos
  • Opening & Closing Meetings  10 videos
  • Moving Deals – The Sales Process  11 videos
  • Stalled Deals – When Clients Go Dark  6 videos
  • Price Objections  9 videos
  • Negotiation  2 videos
  • Client Communication  9 videos
  • Lost Deals  3 videos
  • Mindset  2 videos

For Sales Managers


Every sales force must have a sales process. Cadence provides a process for standing up, leading, and managing a high-performing sales organization. If you want an operational cadence, a culture of accountability, and a commitment to coaching, Cadence will provide that and more.
  • Coaching Overview  6 videos
  • Coaching Approaches  7 videos
  • Coaching Territories & Accounts  7 videos
  • Coaching Pipelines  7 videos
  • Coaching Opportunities  7 videos
  • Coaching Sales Calls  7 videos
  • Coaching Time Management  6 videos
  • Coaching Performance  6 videos
  • Coaching A-Players  6 videos
  • Coaching B-Players  5 videos
  • Coaching C-Players  5 videos
  • Putting Everyone On a Plan  6 videos

Fundamentals of Sales Management

The best sales managers worked under a great sales manager. They also learned a lot of lessons the hard way. The Fundamentals of Sales Management prevents mistakes and improves your leadership and management skills.
  • How to Hire Champions  2 videos
  • Interview Questions  16 videos
  • Establishing a Hunter Culture  9 videos
  • Designing & Managing Territories  7 videos

52 Weeks of Sales Meetings

Sales managers complain that they don’t have time to plan effective sales meetings. Not to worry! We have built their weekly meetings for them. This is where we reinforce the Sales Accelerator training and ensure that new beliefs are being socialized, new actions taken, and new results generated.
Weeks 1-13  13 videos
Weeks 14-26  13 videos
More Weeks Coming Soon!

Proof Content

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!