Andy Jenkins – The Video Boss 2.0

$79.00 $1,697.00 Sale


Andy Jenkins – The Video Boss 2.0

Create powerful lead generation videos that your prospects will flock to
Create compelling sales videos that rack up serious conversion numbers to fatten up your bottom line
Create magnetic video products, from scratch, that will make your prospects BEG you to take their money
Find out how to get your videos ranked high by search engines for your target keywords WITHIN HOURS
Build trust and establish your authority among your prospects by “moving the free line”
Unlock the secrets of killer video script writing that will have people in your niche scrambling to follow your every call to action
Design slick video sales funnels that move prospects smoothly down your conversion path
Put together killer product launches – like a boss!
Use powerful, inexpensive and easy-to-use hardware and software tools for pro-level video creation
Optimize your videos for search engines and social media WITHOUT SACRIFICING QUALITY
Create awesome videos with or without a video camera
Drive home powerful promotional and sales messages, even if you don’t want to be in front of the camera
Unlock the power of social media to give your videos maximum reach
Create your own video courses!
Oh, and we’ve barely just scratched the surface!

That’s EXACTLY what the Video Boss does: It takes any marketer, of any skill level, from any background, and turns them into Video Bosses who can DOMINATE NICHES AT WILL, leaving competitors dazed and confused.

And now, The Video Boss Training Course is available to YOU!

Half a year ago, I launched the ultra-popular Video Boss: Now Even Bossier private coaching program.

In just one week, thousands of Internet marketers signed up for it, allowing them to discover how to create, use, and leverage videos to take their online businesses several levels above where they started.
The launch generated multi-million dollar sales figures and shattered all the records set by the very first Video Boss launch.

Unfortunately, I could only coach so many people at once. I had to close down admission to the program so I could focus on mentoring the group that signed up for it.

Today, most of my Video Boss: Now Even Bossier students have completed the program, allowing me to take in a few more Jedi apprentices who are serious about becoming their own Internet Marketing bosses.

There’s a reason why The Video Boss is THE GOLD STANDARD for Video Marketing Training.

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– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!