Andrew Kearns – Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop Fundamentals Workshop

$32.00 $149.00 Sale

Andrew Kearns – Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop Fundamentals Workshop

Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop Fundamentals
Master the tools in Lightroom and Photoshop to work together to get the results you want. Coming to you live from his bedroom (thank you, quarantine) – Andrew Kearns provides the in-depth knowledge you need to control the contrast and color and create distinct images.
Made For
Rising Photographers, Aspiring Professionals
9 Episodes to help you get the edits you want
Editing techniques to create distinct images
Watch the Trailer
What You’ll Learn

How to anticipate the edit while shooting
Controlling targeted contrast and color
An in-depth understanding of curves, split toning, and lens correction
Color theory 101 and how to apply it to your edits
Advanced retouching
Accelerate your workflow with keyboard shortcuts

‍Get immediately download Andrew Kearns – Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop Fundamentals Workshop

Andrew Kearns
I want to break away from that & share what I’m about. I live in Washington, it’s probably raining as you read this, but if it’s not you can find me out in nature. If you don’t find me there, my b – I’m probably reading – I love reading (& writing).
Meet Your Instructor
Workshop Curriculum
Welcome to the workshop!
Everything About Composition
Learn about balance, visual weight, and the rule of odds.
Color Theory In A New Light
Ever heard of variegation? Hue, saturation, and luminance can work together in beautiful and scientific ways.
Getting To Know Lightroom
Take a tour of the develop panel, and learn about all the keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your workflow.
Controlling Luminance Across A Photo
Use the HSL panel to change the brightness of different sections of color.
Photoshop Controls
Master the tools of Photoshop and gain an in-depth understanding of what’s possible.
Sonora Edit
Andrew walks you through the process of editing one of his favorite images focusing on contrast and skin tones.
Mountains Edit
Andrew demonstrates how he will sometimes intentionally underexpose an image drastically so that in editing he has maximum flexibility.
Final Notes & Editing Philosophy
Andrew recaps the themes and philosophies he covered during the workshop, and a few tidbits to speed up your workflow.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Andrew Kearns – Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop Fundamentals Workshop

Screen Recording 2021-05-21 at AM

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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