Andrew Harvey – The Ultimate Rebellion Against Darkness & Despair 2024
Andrew Harvey – The Ultimate Rebellion Against Darkness & Despair 2024
During this illuminating course, you’ll:
- Explore the fundamental nature of the reality of God as joy
- Activate a healing vision that our global Dark Night is potentially the birth canal for a new embodied divine humanity
- Discover the 7 laws or suggestions that the mystical traditions advise as guidance to birthing action
- Embrace the joy of becoming an alchemist of your own sacred inspiration
- Be guided in diverse practices, including the “Golden Light” practice to taste the joy and fullness of the birthing process of the Divine Mother… the Sufi practice of gazing to receive and give divine love and respect to your friend… a 3-part practice of anointing drawn from the Hindu tantric traditions and readapted for all seekers… and more
- Explore the sacramental vision of nature as the body of the Divine — celebrated in Indigenous and other traditions
- Deepen your understanding of what friendship can be through the friendship of Rumi and Shams
- Experience the harmony and interdependence between all created things and species that this joy reveals
- Discover how loving animals with respect and tenderness helps reclaim the joy and holy beauty of your own divine animal
- Discover the secret tantric tradition of sublime sexuality — and its vision of transfiguration through total love
As you allow yourself to fully experience the true joys of life, you’ll be awakened by the enduring dream of life through the glimpse of heaven that exists in the simplistic bliss of being human.
Through sacred joy, you’ll gain greater agency to source your life from courage, curiosity, love, and acceptance… and there are so many paths to get there!
Join us to be immersed in the deeper inflections and possibilities of joy and its pivotal role in helping us envision and embody our divine humanity.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Andrew will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to activate the seven sacred joys and empower your divine humanity.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Andrew and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Andrew’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Andrew. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to bring instant enchantment to your daily life through the sacred power of joy.
Module 1: Discover the Transformational Power & Joy of Radical Regeneration Through Awe, Gratitude & Alignment With the Divine (July 3)

Be immersed in the three great joys that the vision of radical regeneration and the birthing of a new divine humanity opens you to — awe, gratitude, and alignment to the essential joy of the Divine.
First, the joy of awe as a vast, fierce, and amazing process. Second, the joy of astounded gratitude for the revelation of the Dark Night as a birthing canal.
And third, the joy of aligning with the fundamental nature of the Divine and its evolutionary alchemical force — and in doing so, becoming a secret agent of the great birth.
Drawing on 40 years of experience and mystical education, Andrew will share why mystical traditions believe the nature of God is joy …
… and explore our connection through original blessing with that joy — and the fuel and food for our evolution that joy gives us.
You’ll also discover a perspective that can help you remain connected to the glorious birthing power joy offers us.
During this module, you’ll explore:
- The testimony of the mystical traditions that the fundamental nature of reality — and of God — is joy
- The healing vision that our global Dark Night is potentially the birth canal for a new embodied divine humanity
- A vision of the possibilities and features of the great birth that is emerging to fill us with enthusiasm, devotion, and stamina
- The 3 empowering joys that arise from integrating this vision of this birth
- The perspective that can help you sculpt your whole practice to become a channel for joy’s birthing power
- The “Golden Light” practice (derived from Hindu tantric systems) — to taste the joy and fullness of the birthing process of the Divine Mother
Module 2: Be Empowered by Attuning Your Life to the Joy of Sacred Inspiration Through Ancient Technologies, Mystical Teachings & the Poetry of Rumi, Kabir & Han Shan (July 10)

Sacred inspiration is the oxygen of joy. Learning how to attune our lives to every available form of sacred inspiration is a marvelous way to collaborate with the great birth.
We have available to us the great sacred technologies of the ancient systems, the sublime sacred texts, the great treasure house of the mystics of all traditions, the splendor of art, the initiatory blessing of music, and more.
Andrew will offer ways to become receptive to the divine power of sacred inspiration in all these realms… but will concentrate on the radiant invigoration mystical poetry can give you.
He will offer three short revelatory poems from Kabir, Han Shan, and Rumi, which will connect you to your divine essence, its joy, its dignity, and its creative power.
This week, you’ll discover:
- How all the multiple forms of inspiration come from the Divine
- A tasting of these multiple forms to discover the essence of their divine truth and empowerment
- How you can become most receptive to the alchemical power of divinely inspired poetry
- The way this receptivity helps you open to your own divinization
- The joy you experience when you become an alchemist of your own sacred inspiration
- A Rumi quatrain and an invitation to make your own playlist of favorite dance music — and marry your growing passion for the poetry with the dancing out of its essential meaning
Module 3: Be Nourished by the Beauty & Power of the Joy of Creation to Awaken Your Divinity & Renew Your Spirit (July 17)

The greatest mystics of all of the traditions have told us with one glorious voice that creation is the Divine constantly transforming.
The Upanishads say the wise one sees the One flaming in all creation. William Blake invites us to see eternity in a grain of sand. All of us have known moments of sublime peace and rapture in the depths of nature.
In this module, Andrew will reveal what he has learned of the two great joyful and healing powers — and what immersion in divine nature can open for you.
You’ll explore the power of the awe that Gerald Manley Hopkins describes when he writes, “God’s grandeur will flash out like shining from shook foil”…
… and the joy of aligning yourself consciously with the beauty and nourishing power of nature so as to be renewed by it on your quest.
Learning how to participate in the great creative joy that is evolving all universes and manifests in all of them is one tremendous key to living true joy in its fullest.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the sacramental vision of nature as the body of the Divine — celebrated in Indigenous and other traditions
- Experience the 2 joys that arise when this sacramental vision becomes real and normal
- Discover the way to sustain this joy and allow it to renew you through practicing silent adoration in the heart to the Divine and the creation — and the creation as divine
- Embrace the vision of harmony and interdependence between all created things and species that this joy reveals
- Be guided in a simple Taoist practice with both sun and moon that enables you to drink in their healing power — and experience the joy of nourishment such mystical connection brings
Module 4: Expand Your Awareness & Sense of Oneness Through the Joy & Blessings of Loving Animals (July 24)

The vision of radical regeneration reveals what all Indigenous and embodied mystical traditions know — animals are our equals, equally holy, equally divine, and gifted with astonishing inner and outer powers that can instruct, ennoble, and fill us with joy.
To guide you into this truth, Andrew will show that all of us need to do two things: dissolve within ourselves the anthropocentric fantasy that patriarchal traditions sell that humanity is unique and the center of creation.
Secondly, we will need to experience the dazzling beauty, the power of love, and the great wisdom that live in animals to realize for ourselves what Rumi meant when he wrote, “Adore the beloved and the beloved will reveal to you that all created beings are filled to the brim with wisdom… our one drop from his river of infinite beauty.”
Drawing on his own experiences with the white lions in South Africa, with the animals of Namibia, and with his own beloved cats…
… Andrew will also share his discovery of how loving an animal with your whole being and receiving their love fully allows you to reclaim your own divine animal — and so further the birth in you of your own awareness.
This week, you’ll:
- Recognize the joy that exists in the realization that animals are sacred
- Be humbled by the joy of realizing how much you can learn from loving and being loved by animals
- Learn how to dethrone yourself from the center of creation to become one with all animals and receptive to being nourished by their love and powers
- Discover how loving animals with respect and tenderness is to reclaim the joy and holy beauty of your own divine animal
- Envision more exaltedly and precisely the world that this joy of loving animals could help create and sustain
- Explore the practice of joyful interdependence adapted from the Kabbalists to link your soul with the whole animal creation and to receive its radiance — and make a pledge of joy to honor it and protect it
Module 5: Discover the Joy of Sacred Friendship and Communion With Others as the Nourishing & Exhilarating Presence of God (July 31)

There is a mysterious remark by Shams of Tabriz: “The universe was created for two friends to enjoy.” Behind this glorious and ever richer remark is a whole mystical tradition of friendship as the most nourishing and exhilaratingly joyful experience of God, the friend.
Drawing on Sufi, Christian, and Buddhist traditions, Andrew will share his understanding of sacred friendship as the birthing place of one of our most powerful and needed joys.
The joy of feeling and knowing yourself unified with another in the One.
You’ll hear Andrew’s own experience of sacred friendship with two of his greatest friends — a man and a woman — with whom he experienced a level of tenderness and transmission that transformed his understanding of what friendship can be.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the Sufi traditions of friendship and chivalry
- Discover the revelation of what friendship can be in that of Rumi and Shams
- Uncover the depth of the vision from both Islamic and Christian mysticism of the Divine as friends
- Experience the marriage of knowing God as a friend — and radiating that divine friendship to and with another
- Learn to honor all friendship as sacred and cherish those in whom that sacredness becomes incarnate
- Be guided in the Sufi practice of gazing — the practice that Rumi and Shams did together — that enables you to receive and give divine love and respect to your friend
Module 6: Awaken Sublime Sexuality and Oneness With the Universe Through the Devotional Joy of Tantric Passion & the Adoration of the Other (August 7)

The ancient tantric traditions of India, Tibet, and China reveal a universe ablaze with energies of joy. For these systems, everything that exists is the evolving child of a passionate sacred marriage between the utterly transcendent and the totally imminent.
What these systems know and what we need to reclaim with the aid of pioneering Christian mystics and Kabbalists also, is a vision of what Andrew calls sublime sexuality — a sexuality suffused and burning with adoration of the other.
When adoration of the Divine and the other marries passionate sexual desire, a third force is born that over time transfigures each being: heart, mind, soul, and body.
Andrew will share his own beginners’ experience of the great healing joy such immersion in total love can bring.
This week, you’ll:
- Gain an understanding of the universe as a sacred marriage
- Connect with the integrated ecstatic joy of sacred marriage
- Open to a new realization of the joy that exists in blessing your body, your sexuality, and your desires
- Consider sublime sexuality as fuel for divine human life
- Discover the secret tantric tradition of sublime sexuality — and its vision of transfiguration through total love
- Be guided in a 3-part practice of anointing drawn from the Hindu tantric traditions but readapted for all seekers
- Learn how this practice can be adapted to experience with sacred friends or beloved animals
Module 7: Discover the Transformational Potential of the Joy of Sacred Activism & the 7 Laws for Birthing New Beginnings (August 14)

The greatest joys the vision of radical regeneration reveals are given to those who also pursue the path of transfiguration and the path of divine service in sacred activism.
The new humanity will be at once increasingly transfigured and more and more creative on every level in the messy real world.
Andrew will give his new vision of sacred activism for our global Dark Night and offer the seven laws or sacred suggestions that he believes offer us the clearest road to experiencing in our own lives — what Rumi meant when he wrote, “real lovers serve ardently, hopefully in an ecstasy of awe.”
When we begin to discover in ourselves this ardor and help and ecstatic awe, we taste directly the golden waters of the great birth.
In this final session, you’ll discover:
- How combining a vision of evolution with a practice of guided sacred action supports and catalyzes your greatest joy
- The meaning, purpose, and joy of sacred activism in our time
- The 7 laws or suggestions that the mystical traditions advise as guidance to birthing action
- How aligning with these laws engenders a peaceful divine joy that allows you to keep serving regardless of what is happening
- The secret powers of serving joy that transform catastrophe into birth
- An adapted version of the Saint Francis prayer and a guided technique that will help you integrate its deepest power with your own deepest self, so you can be progressively divinized in joy
The The Ultimate Rebellion Against Darkness & Despair Bonus Offering
In addition to Andrew’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register by Midnight Pacific on Thursday, June 27, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:
Unleashing divine Inspiration Through Mysticism & Poetry
Video Interview With Andrew Harvey and Mirabai Starr

Andrew and Mirabai have devoted much of their time to translating important mystics. In this video dialogue, Andrew asks Mirabai, an interspiritual teacher, to select three poems she loves and plunge into their meanings — and into the practice of Lectio Divina, divine Reading. Andrew presents three of his favorite translations, and the two of them celebrate the joy that close reading of the great mystics can empower us with.
Register by June 27 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
The Sacred Work of Standing by Gaia
Video Dialogue With Andrew Harvey and Cynthia Jurs

Buddhist teacher Cynthia Jurs’ wonderful work of burying sacred vases in sacred places all over the world led her to understand that Gaia herself is a divine being that wants to fill us with her strength, resilience, and joy. In this video dialogue, Andrew and Cynthia explore her vision. Cynthia also shares a simple practice that can help everyone connect with Gaia and live in her strength and joy.
Experiencing the Joy of Creation
Video Dialogue With Andrew Harvey and Matthew Fox

In this video dialogue, Andrew plunges into spiritual theologian Matthew Fox’s brilliant and radical vision of creation spirituality, a spirituality dedicated to celebrating the creation as divine and our joyful connection with it. Andrew will also ask Matt personally about how his vision has filled his life with joy and purpose. The two of them share the joy of creation in their own unique ways.
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