Andrea De La Torre – Baby, We’re Home! Now Let’s Sleep.

$9.80 $49.00 Sale

Andrea De La Torre - Baby, We're Home! Now Let's Sleep.Andrea De La Torre – Baby, We’re Home! Now Let’s Sleep.

Why Should You Take A Newborn Sleep Course?

Great Question! 

When I was a brand new mom, I was an anxious mess, & I really really struggled to wrap my head around newborn sleep. It totally hit me like a ton of bricks!

I was NOT prepared to wake up every 2-3 hours to feed & care for my newborn….and FORGET about healthy sleep…I was just trying to keep my head above water!

I didn’t read ANY literature, watch any videos, or take any classes to help prepare myself & my husband for this time period.

We survived though….EVENTUALLY I started to do some research, and really understand what was going on with my baby, when he was telling me he was tired, and what to do with it.

We got through it, and now he is a PRETTY healthy sleeper as a result! 🙂

jBUT….I totally wish I could have gone back and learned this information PRE-baby…or MID-baby.

I didn’t start to learn & implement healthy sleep techniques until my babe was 3-4 months old (which is totally 100% ok if that’s where you’re at!!).

MAN, I wish I could totally go back and learn all of this stuff BEFORE he was born. I would have had MUCH less anxiety.

I totally would have felt like I had more control of my situation, AND gotten to actually understand my baby & what he was trying to tell me!

So, that’s essentially why I think this class is perfect for you! I want to prepare you for what’s to come, and save you from those anxious, out-of-control moments I had as a new mom!

Why Should You Take A Newborn Sleep Course?

Great Question! 

When I was a brand new mom, I was an anxious mess, & I really really struggled to wrap my head around newborn sleep. It totally hit me like a ton of bricks!

I was NOT prepared to wake up every 2-3 hours to feed & care for my newborn….and FORGET about healthy sleep…I was just trying to keep my head above water!

I didn’t read ANY literature, watch any videos, or take any classes to help prepare myself & my husband for this time period.

We survived though….EVENTUALLY I started to do some research, and really understand what was going on with my baby, when he was telling me he was tired, and what to do with it.

We got through it, and now he is a PRETTY healthy sleeper as a result! 🙂

jBUT….I totally wish I could have gone back and learned this information PRE-baby…or MID-baby.

I didn’t start to learn & implement healthy sleep techniques until my babe was 3-4 months old (which is totally 100% ok if that’s where you’re at!!).

MAN, I wish I could totally go back and learn all of this stuff BEFORE he was born. I would have had MUCH less anxiety.

I totally would have felt like I had more control of my situation, AND gotten to actually understand my baby & what he was trying to tell me!

So, that’s essentially why I think this class is perfect for you! I want to prepare you for what’s to come, and save you from those anxious, out-of-control moments I had as a new mom!


Who Is This Course For? 

Baby, We’re Home! Now Let’s Sleep. is for expecting & new parents who are looking to gain insight on the newborn period (0-15 weeks), and set the best foundation possible when it comes to getting sleep!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up!

This course is a self-paced, self-start course. You have access to Baby, We’re Home! Now Let’s Sleep immediately, and you can access it at any point during your pregnancy!

The course should take approximately 1-2 hours to complete. After completing this course, you’ll have ALL the knowledge you’ll need to get through the newborn sleep phase!

Get Download Andrea De La Torre – Baby, We’re Home! Now Let’s Sleep.


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– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!