Alexey Frolov – Biomechanics of Boxing

$72.00 $238.00 Sale

Alexey Frolov – Biomechanics of Boxing

Alexey Frolov’s “Biomechanics of Boxing” course likely focuses on the scientific principles underlying boxing movements. Participants can expect to explore topics such as the mechanics of punches, footwork dynamics, leverage, and the application of force in boxing techniques. The course may delve into how biomechanical principles can be applied to optimize performance, prevent injuries, and improve overall efficiency in the sport of boxing.

Biomechanics of boxing,
Alexey FrolovTake the online course
You will learn the fundamental stances of the punching game and how to improve your punching skills using the study. of biomechanics

This course consists of six modules. Our coach will answer your questions.

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Modules description
The course can be done on your own or with help of a coach. Each module begins with a warm welcome.-up session and has a stretching session in thе end.
The coach will answer all your questions about the course.
Module 1. Module 1.
To be ready for combat, you must first position. Focus on your stance. Different stances Combating stance adjustment. Protecting your chin. Foot positioning. Hands, upper arms and elbows. Prepare punch. Relaxation of the body. Stability and dynamics exercises to improve your posture.
Module 2. Module 2. of Punching
Types of Boxing punches Prepare for punches. Maintaining balance while you punch. Making your punching quicker. Fist bandaging.
Module 3. Module 3.
The technique of The jab. A jab can be thrown from different stances and at different distances. You can use either hand to jab.
Module 4. Module 4.
Follow the Fist. The benefits of the hook – how to make it fast and rapid. Throwing hooks requires footwork and torso movements. Throwing hooks while defending.
Module 5. Module 5.
The uppercut technique. Combat use of the uppercut. The distance. Preparation for punch. Throwing the uppercut, and defending. Making your uppercut powerful.
Module 6. Boxing combos
A 1-2, a 1.-2-You can get 3 combinations or more. Finishing punches

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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