Alex Allman – How To Man
Alex Allman – How To Man
In this letter I am going to share some powerful insights, tips, and ideas around Manhood that you can use RIGHT NOW to change your life, feel more powerful as a man, and relate more powerfully with attractive women.
At the end I’m going to offer you an opportunity to join a very special brotherhood that, if you can afford it, I guarantee you are going to love…
Whether or not you choose to join (or in case finances stop you), I am still committed to you getting some important ideas to think about from reading this letter:
Everyone knows that most men don’t come even close to living their full potential…
In fact, I’ll bet you’ve had the same experience that I have:
When you meet a guy who is going around with his chest puffed out and saying that he doesn’t give a f**k and only does things on HIS terms… he’s usually so deeply full of shit that he’s completely blinded himself to how scared, unhappy, and lonely he is.
And yet, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t men out there who are the real deal.
There are a few men out there who actually are exactly on their path, whose lives are a deep and powerful and honest expression of exactly who they are as a fully realized MAN.
For the rest of us, these men can serve as an object of hero-worship, jealousy… or a beacon shining in the distance across a dark void of uncertainty when we are lying awake at night wondering, “Is THIS all there is to my life? Is THIS the most MAN I am destined to be?”
And, spoiler alert, if you’ve never asked those questions, you’re either living in deep denial and fear and suppressing how badly you want something more, because it just hurts too much to think about it… or you are already LIVING as a fully expressed MAN IN FULL, and you are smiling and remembering the day when you finally took that question in the night seriously, and went into ACTION to find the answer.
This letter is for the man who is just beginning to take the question seriously as a call to action to live a bigger life. If that’s you, then you are right where you are meant to be, reading this:
At the starting line of the most exciting and rewarding phase of your life…
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