Adam Eason – Hypnotic Millionaire Mindset
Adam Eason – Hypnotic Millionaire Mindset
As you already know, we have the technology to land on the moon today. It has happened a few times now. We all take it for granted that it has happened. Everything we needed to do that was here on this planet, yet many hundreds of years ago we would have been more likely to howl at the moon, pray to it or be scared of it rather than to conceive that we would ever land on it, I mean physically putting foot on it. As of today, we have done that though. So what changed?Our mindset changed. The mindset of people has changed and developed in such a variety of ways over the years, it has evolved. This audio programme is here for you to get your mindset changing and evolving. It is here for you to establish the mindset of a millionaire in a wonderfully natural and hypnotic way.Breakthrough Psychological Technology To Sow Seeds Of Financial AbundanceI can remember reading “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy as a younger man and loving his idea of your mind being like a fertile garden: Every thought you think, every belief you confirm, every reaction, response and thought process is like sowing a seed in your mind and those seeds create your reality.Want to know what you focused on most in your life up until now? Want to know what seeds you have sown in your life until now? Well just take a look at your life, that tells you. You have got what your mind has created, expected and focused upon.So what do you let happen, what do you allow to programme your mind? What has programmed your mind up until now? Be Free Of Old Programming In DaysOne the biggest issues that people have in getting their mind open to wealth, is the unconscious belief that money is wrong or they are programmed to think they don’t deserve wealth or even that being wealthy means someone else is missing out. All that programming throughout a lifetime can create major barriers to living your dreams.That is one of the things that this audio programme is a remedy for.You are worthy and deserving of financial abundance. This is where we start, and you have to get these things firmly lodged into your mind and boy do we have a wide array of ways to do that, all coming up in the days ahead of you. This audio programme is sent to you electronically every day to ensure that you are drip-fed the mindset of a millionaire.You know what? You were born to be wealthy. You were born to be the fullest possible expression of yourself as you want to be. There is nothing honourable about being anything else.Do You Have A Mind Of Your Own? Are You Responsibe For It?I have to tell you this. I am a bit embarrassed to say it – I once watched the “Trisha” daytime TV show. It is kind of like Rikki Lake or Jerry Springer,except English. Anyway, Trisha had a guy up on stage who was 54 years old and was talking about how dreadful his parents had made his life. He had left home when he was 17 years old, because they were so dreadful. They did indeed sound awful according to his account. This is not my point.My point is illustrated with a question I would have asked if I was in the audience. I would have asked: “When you are 80 years old, if you live that long, are you going to be on your death bed and still blaming your parents for what a terrible life you have been dealt?”At what time does that guy need to stop blaming his parents, the world and everything else and start being responsible for himself? When is he going to own his life? This may sound uncaring – however, I help people for a living, I care. I have been a therapist for many years now, I care.Why This Audio Programme Gives You The Millionaire MindsetThis programme is developing a consciousness of taking responsibility for yourself. To stop being a victim of circumstance in any way, to stop being a victim of previous programming. On this TV show, the audience and Trisha and everyone else watching across the UK were all making that ‘aahhhhh’ noise – they were confirming that, yes, he was a victim of much injustice, he had been dealt a bad hand in the card game of life – they were confirming it.
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