Jack Kornfield – Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum Package 2022
Jack Kornfield – Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum Package 2022
You can put YOUR name, YOUR brand, and YOUR logo on everything in this curriculum…
And you can use all of it with your clients, students, or patients… starting TODAY.
Get Jack Kornfield – Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum Package 2022 download
On this page, I’m going to show you a curriculum that I use when I teach mindfulness and meditation to others.
I designed this curriculum based on the teachings and trainings I’ve received over many years from the monks, researchers, teachers, coaches, and mentors who I was fortunate to have teach me.
And this curriculum has been proven to be highly-effective, which means it ACTUALLY HELPS people. It’s not only been proven to be effective anecdotally (with the thousands of people who I’ve taught and led through it), but it’s also based on the latest methods, practices, and techniques that have been proven scientifically too.
This curriculum has not only helped me to help thousands of people to become proficient at mindfulness and meditation… and improve and enhance their lives as a result…
…but it’s also made my job as a mindfulness and meditation teacher A LOT EASIER too.
I want YOU to have this same curriculum that I use … so you can use it too… to help your clients, students, or patients learn and use mindfulness and meditation…
…AND so your job as a teacher becomes A LOT EASIER too!
On this page, you can download this curriculum RIGHT NOW… and start using it RIGHT NOW with your clients, students, or patients!
The BIG MISTAKE I made when I first started teaching mindfulness and meditation
When I was starting out as a mindfulness and meditation teacher, I was constantly “winging it.”
I would teach a different lesson and do a different meditation at every session.
I would wait until the last minute to come up with an agenda for sessions, or I would grab some other mindfulness teacher’s lesson, at the last minute.
There was no continuity to what I was doing when I taught mindfulness and meditation to others. I didn’t have a program that I used and led people through. I didn’t have any kind of game plan.
This ended up creating a lot more work for me. I was spending a lot more time than I had to, and I was just stressed a lot of the time, because I had no plan, no program, no curriculum.
Get Jack Kornfield – Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum Package 2022 download
I felt like a hamster running on a wheel… running real fast… but not really getting anywhere.
And my students and clients noticed it too. They could tell that I was just “flying by the seat of my pants.”
And that made them wonder whether I was credible… whether I was professional… whether I was to be trusted or not.
When your students, clients, or patients question your credibility, professionalism, or whether they should trust you… it can make things very difficult for you… and for them.
And, I realized later, after I created a proven, structured curriculum and started using it with my students and clients… that the results they got were MUCH BETTER whenever I used the curriculum, too!
It’s REALLY HARD and it takes a REALLY LONG TIME to create a mindfulness and meditation curriculum
Eventually, I realized that I couldn’t keep reinventing the wheel every time I started teaching someone new. I was exhausted… and I was starting to burn out.
So I decided that I needed to create some kind of program that I could use every time I taught mindfulness and meditation to anyone. I needed a curriculum that would ensure a consistently high-level experience for every one of my students and clients. And I figured, that once I was done creating it, I could follow this same curriculum every time with every student, and this would cut down on my workload and time, and would hopefully make teaching easier for me.
All of those things ended up coming true, but there was something I WASN’T expecting…
When I started creating my curriculum, I found out that it’s REALLY HARD and it takes a REALLY LONG TIME to create a mindfulness and meditation curriculum.
It turns out that developing a 10-week curriculum that combines the lessons and trainings I received from venerable monks, world-class mindfulness teachers, and the coaches and mentors I had, with the conclusions from real scientific research and studies… is a HUGE PROJECT.
So it took me A LOT longer than I expected it to… and it was a lot more difficult too.
You don’t always realize it, but when you’re doing a project like this, you have to make a million tiny decisions about what to create… and what to say… and what not to say… and how to do this part… and that part… etc.
And doubt always seems to creeps in… and makes you rethink everything you’ve done… and every decision you’ve already made…
And this kind of project always takes twice or three times as long as you were expecting it to.
So, it ended up taking me a really long time… and in the end it was a very difficult process for me to create the curriculum I use today to teach mindfulness and meditation.
If you’ve ever tried to create your own mindfulness and meditation curriculum, you probably know what I’m talking about! ?
You don’t need to spend months, OR YEARS creating your own mindfulness and meditation curriculum.
You can just REBRAND mine, and use it as your own… STARTING TODAY!
Get Jack Kornfield – Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum Package 2022 download
I learned the hard way that when you teach mindfulness and meditation without using a proven, structured curriculum, it makes things much more difficult for you AND for your clients, students, or patients… AND the results are almost always disappointing.
Don’t make the mistake I made… of not using a curriculum, and trying to “wing it” or “fly by the seat of your pants” when you teach mindfulness and meditation — it’s definitely the hard way of doing it!
And, you certainly CAN develop your own teaching curriculum, but based on my experience, I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s A LOT harder than most people think… and it takes A LOT LONGER.
After realizing that I definitely needed a curriculum, and after going through the difficult and time-consuming process of developing my own curriculum, I realized that this is one of the hardest things that all mindfulness and meditation teachers face — developing a curriculum for their students, clients, or patients… that actually works.
And one day it dawned on me that I could easily help mindfulness and meditation teachers (like you!) with one of the toughest things they face, by simply allowing them to use my curriculum.
What’s great about my curriculum is…
My curriculum is already done, so you won’t have to go through the grueling process of developing your own curriculum, that can take months, or even years. You can just put your name, your brand, and your logo on every piece of my curriculum, and then start using it immediately with your clients, students, or patients.
I know my curriculum is highly-effective, because I’ve seen the results that thousands of people have gotten from using it… AND because I developed my curriculum using the wisdom I learned from monks, researchers, teachers, coaches, and mentors that have taught me… AND using conclusions and evidence from the latest scientific research and studies on mindfulness and meditation.
I spent A LOT of time making sure that this curriculum would be easy for you to use, and that it would be crystal clear to you exactly what you need to do and say at every moment, to give your clients, students, or patients the best possible learning experience. As you’ll see below, I’ve included extensive materials for you, as a teacher, that give you specific, detailed instructions about exactly what to do and say when you’re teaching this curriculum. This is what makes this so easy for you to use.
This curriculum works for in-person teaching, as well as online, remote teaching. It’s also equally effective for teaching individuals or groups.
Another great thing is, I actually have two different curriculums — one designed specifically for teaching mindfulness and meditation to adults, and one designed specifically for teaching mindfulness and meditation to teenagers. So if you only teach adults, you can get the adult curriculum. If you only teach teenagers, you can get the curriculum designed to teach teenagers. And if you teach both, you can get both curriculums, right now!
Having a comprehensive 10-Week, Brandable Curriculum is an amazing tool for any mindfulness and meditation teacher…
But, an evidence-based, highly-effective curriculum ISN’T ENOUGH.
If you don’t ALSO have the right attitude, and the right understanding, and the ability to handle conflict when it arises, and a full understanding of teaching dynamics, and the ability to gently guide and encourage people when they experience difficult emotions…
Then you won’t be an effective mindfulness and meditation teacher, and your clients, students, and patients won’t get the most out of their time with you.
This is why I created the Mindfulness Teacher Training Deep Dives.
These Deep Dives will…
ALL of this is NECESSARY if you want to be a highly-effective mindfulness and meditation teacher… if you want your clients, students, or patients to get the most from their time with you… and actually improve and enhance their lives.
If you order now, you’ll get these Mindfulness Teacher Training Deep Dives as a BONUS, FOR FREE.
Here’s an example of a Mindfulness Teacher Training Deep Dive:
This one is designed to be used with the Teenager Curriculum. (We have other Deep Dives designed specifically for the Adult Curriculum as well).
(Click the images below to make them larger.)
Depending on which Curriculum(s) you order, you will receive Deep Dives that are designed for either teaching Adults, Teens, or both.
The Curriculum you’re getting here is an amazing tool because it allows you to immediately start using a completely systemized, and evidence-based 10-week program for teaching mindfulness and mediation that ACTUALLY WORKS.
But, as you probably know, a big part of teaching mindfulness and meditation is regularly guiding your clients, students, or patients in meditation.
And guiding people in meditation can actually be quite tricky…
This is why I want to give you this online course How To Guide Mindfulness Meditations For Well-Being And Resilience, as a bonus, for free… because I want to make sure you have this, because it’s that important.
This online course includes 6 in-depth videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact.
Here’s just a small sample of what you’re going to learn in this course:
What if, in addition to having a 10-Week, Brandable Curriculum, you could also IMMEDIATELY have, at your fingertips, 200 different guided meditation scripts, that are evidenced-based and proven to be highly-effective?
Just imagine being able to use any of these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts at any time with your clients, students, or patients…
Get Jack Kornfield – Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum Package 2022 download
Imagine being able to do all of that.
If you order right now, you’re going to get these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts as a BONUS… FOR FREE.
Watch this short video to learn more about these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts:
And, here is an example of just 1 of the more than 200 guided meditation scripts that you’re going to get when you join the program. (Click the images below to make them larger):
Click here to see a full list of every meditation script you will get. (A pop-up window will open when you click the link.)
What if, in addition to having a 10-Week, Brandable Curriculum, you could also IMMEDIATELY have, at your fingertips, 300 different mindfulness worksheets, that are evidenced-based and proven to be highly-effective?
Just imagine being able to use any of these 300 Mindfulness Worksheets at any time, with your clients, students, or patients…
Imagine being able to do all of that.
If you order right now, you’re going to get these 300 Mindfulness Worksheets as a BONUS… FOR FREE.
Watch this short video to learn more about these 300 Mindfulness Worksheets:
And, here is an example of just 1 of the more than 300 mindfulness worksheets that you’re going to get when you join the program. (Click the images below to make them larger):
Click here to see a full list of every mindfulness worksheet you will get. (A pop-up window will open when you click the link.)
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Shipping method
– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!