Joann Lutz – Bringing Trauma-Informed Yoga into Mental Health Clinical Practice
Joann Lutz – Bringing Trauma-Informed Yoga into Mental Health Clinical Practice
- Faculty:
- Joann Lutz
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 44 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Apr 22, 2020
Discover yoga-based interventions that can help regulate the autonomic nervous system and learn how to incorporate these interventions for effective outcomes.
Watch Joann Lutz, MSW, LICSW, E-RYT, for an in-depth training on the principles and practices of trauma-informed yoga, with a special focus on chair yoga practices, yogic breathing exercises, and yoga nidra, the yogic sleep.
This program also incorporates techniques and theory from trauma studies, somatic psychotherapy and Ayurveda. Throughout the day, you will learn the importance of nervous-system regulation to the process of psychological healing.
Learn first-hand why organizations as diverse as the U.S. Army and the U.S. prison system have embraced yoga as an evidence-based approach to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression.
You will finish this recording with the background and tools you need to evaluate the benefits of adding trauma-informed yogic interventions to whatever style of therapy you currently practice.
Manual – Bringing Trauma- Informed Yoga into Mental Health Clinical Practice (18.05 MB) | 80 Pages | Available after Purchase |
The Yoga Tradition and Neuropsychology
- Yoga, Patanjali and MRI’s
- The importance of heart rate variability (HRV)
Embodied Psychotherapy
- The Triune Brain: left out of traditional psychotherapy?
- Regulating the brain’s trauma center
- Tracking body sensation and breathing deeply
- A frame of reference from Somatic Psychotherapy
- Neuroplasticity and interpersonal neurobiology
Trauma-Informed Yoga postures in the Psychotherapy Session for PTSD, Anxiety and Depression
- The evidence in evidence-based yoga practice
- Yoga and polarities
- Guided script for chair yoga:
- 5 trauma-informed chair yoga postures
- Guiding and integrating the poses into your existing treatment modality (EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, etc.)
- Chair trauma-yoga
- Tracking body sensation
- Gaining self-mastery
- Increasing self-regulation
- Expanding present-moment awareness
- Experience a chair yoga warm up and posture sequence*
Yoga and the Breath
- Respiration and the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- Breathing techniques to regulate the ANS and calm symptoms of trauma, anxiety and depression
- Experience the three-part deep breath and script*
Structure of the Embodied Psychotherapy Session or Group
- Evaluating the client
- Opening the session
- Healing polarities:
- Inner/outer
- Sympathetic/parasympathetic activation
- Sensing/action
- Cognitive/somatic
- Healthy symptoms of trauma discharge
- Key points in making referrals to yoga classes
Therapeutic Value of Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep)
- The benefits of sleeping while awake
- Varieties of Yoga Nidra
- Guided experience of Satchidananda’s Yoga Nidra*
- Discussion of Yoga Nidra script
Using Meditation
- The relaxation response
- Mindfulness meditation: open-focused meditation
- A guided experience of both styles of meditation*
- The benefits of meditation in the trauma psychotherapy session
Case Study
*Social workers: Please note that ACE credit is not available for yoga instruction/guided experience activities.
Joann Lutz, MSW, LICSW, E-RYT, C-IAYT Related seminars and products: 1
Joann Lutz, MSW, LICSW, E-RYT, C-IAYT, is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists, an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance, and a Certified Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist.
She is also certified in EMDR and Psychosynthesis. She had a private practice in Northampton, Massachusetts, where she incorporated trauma-informed yoga into groups for combat veterans, clients recovering from psychiatric disorders, and others. She has practiced and taught Integral Yoga for over 35 years, and was a guest teacher at Omega Institute; Harbin Hot Springs; Rowe Conference Center and Sivananda Yoga Retreat, Bahamas, among other venues.
Joann completed 40 hours of trauma-sensitive yoga training with The Trauma Center in Boston, MA. She has been training mental health professionals to bring trauma-informed yoga into their practices nationally and internationally for the past 7 years, bringing this work to universities, conferences, hospitals, ashrams and yoga centers. Her CEU course, “Bringing Yoga into Social Work Practice,” was published by the National Association of Social Workers, Ma. Chapter, in 2014.
Her paper, “Classical Yoga Postures as a Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Autonomic Nervous System Regulation” was published in Proceedings of the Yoga and Psyche Conference (2014), by Cambridge Scholars Press. Her book, Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone, is forthcoming from Handspring Publishers.
Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Joanne Lutz is in private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Joanne Lutz has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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