Steve G Jones – Basic Past Life Regression Hypnosis Certification Course – Dubois Banne..

$14.00 $37.00 Sale

Steve G Jones – Basic Past Life Regression Hypnosis Certification Course

Instructor Dr. Steve G. Jones Will Guide You Through The Advanced Techniques Necessary To Confidently Practice As A PLR Hypnotist With This Advanced Course Covering…

  • How to overcome the most common barriers, problems, and challenges you will face as a PLR hypnotist including conscious intrusion, verbal challenges, and client disbelief…
  • Advanced philosophical, psychological, and scientific answers to the questions you need answered before you can perform sessions in advanced therapeutic settings as a fully certified PLR hypnotist…
  • Step-by-step PLR sessions recorded with and guided by Dr. Steve who will show you exactly how to induce the ideal hypnotic state, what questions to ask, how to address challenges, and how to provide proper guidance…
  • Techniques for client reflection that demonstrate the impact of sessions and will guide your clients to continue turning to you for reflection in their lives in a way that builds trust and enhances every subsequent session…
  • How advanced PLR hypnotists and Dr. Steve handle limiting beliefs, potentially dangerous scenarios, and the toughest regression challenges and the tools you need to do exactly the same…
  • Dozens of advanced techniques, tools, specific strategies, and step-by-step scripts you can follow to advance your career as a PLR hypnotist, establish a new area in your practice, or explore the complete approach to this advanced therapeutic technique…
  • And More!

Complete Your Training And Earn Your Advanced Certificate As A Professional PLR Hypnotist Registration Now Open At An Incredible Discount!

Join Dr. Steve G. Jones for this advanced PLR hypnosis training and certification course!

Worldwide certification will be provided by the American Alliance of Hypnotists upon course completion and testing.

This component to Dr. Steve’s first virtual and 100% online instructional course to train PLR hypnotists is designed for beginner PLR practitioners who are ready to take their practice to the next level.

Learn to apply the exact same advanced techniques that Dr. Steve uses in his own practice while following step-by-step techniques through 20 learning modules, video presentations, and over 10 guided PLR sessions complete with the challenges that all PLR providers face during the practice of PLR.

Course Information And Details:

Location: 100% Online And Self-Guided

Dates: Starting At Your Convenience

Cost: $2997 INTRODUCTORY PRICE: $47 (Introductory Price – Limited Time Only)

Registration Deadline: None

Cancellation Policy: Cancel Within 60 Days For A Full Refund

Instructor: Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Trainer, ALA Board Of Directors Member, American Board of Hypnotherapy Member, National Guild of Hypnotists Member, Professional Practitioner, Educator, Author, And Founder of the American Alliance of Hypnotists

Required Materials (Provided): 20 Video Modules (including 4.5 hours of guided instruction), Accompanying 130 page Workbook Text

Certification Method: Online Multiple-Choice Exam and Essay

Sample Certificate: Click here to see a sample of the certificate.

This Advanced Course Is Designed To Help You Meet The Challenges PLR Hypnotists Face Every Day With Clients

Learn exactly how to…

  • Confront the lack of knowledge, core belief systems, and challenging thought patterns clients will approach you with so that you can successfully guide even the most skeptical client to a therapeutic awakening…
  • Use at-ease dialog to carefully guide clients into a state of belief that will suspend their skepticism and transform pre-talk sessions from challenging conversations of disbelief to successful hypnotic segues…
  • Build the trust and harmony between hypnotist and client before sessions begin essential for creating a clear path to self-hypnosis that will keep clients engaged in past life discovery…
  • Facilitate the sense of experience that brings clear value and eventual understanding to past life regression sessions so that your clients can clearly picture the impact each session has on their understanding…
  • Handle conscious intrusions during regression and the simple to implement once you know strategy for dealing with conscious interference that can and will come from many of your clients…
  • Move past the gateway to regression and into the spiritual nova where your clients will experience the exact point of separation between themselves and the spiritual plane, entering into the spiritual realm of the past…
  • Getting through the death scene challenge that keeps almost 90% of untrained PLR hypnotists convinced that they will be unable to have a successful session with their clients…
  • Navigate the transition and the exploration past the spiritual plane and into the realm of the past where your clients will experience vivid emotional, visual, and even auditory experiences of the past…
  • Transition from the spiritual realm back into conscious reality and reflect upon the client experience to bring about a complete circle of therapeutic value and healing that keeps your clients engaged and interested in learning about themselves…

Let Dr. Steve G. Jones Show You Exactly How To Specifically Handle The Common Pre-Talk And Pre-Regression Challenges That He Faces In Private Practice…

You’ll learn…

  • The “unique to you” approach to keeping the mind open and embracing the abundance of signs and symbols of regressions sessions to successfully bring unresolved issues in present life to the surface…
  • Reasons why “speeding things up” and making direct suggestions that impact client experience should not be a priority and the difference between “speed” and “suggestion” and why this distinction is a vital part of your role…
  • Which wise choices that almost all beginners make that are actually vital errors that can hinder understanding for your clients and render the emotional value of PLR sessions useless if you don’t know how to react…
  • Specific examples of a conscious intrusion response that make guiding through the hypnotic process and understanding PLR experience easier for you and your clients (just take and apply the exact scripts!)…

Watch The Included Regression Scripts Work In Practice And Then Borrow The Exact Same Scripts And Discover…

  • 3 precise signs that show you clients are experiencing genuine past life memories and how to differentiate between these 3 signs and commonly confused conscious intrusions that actually ruin PLR sessions…
  • “Death scene” analysis techniques and strategies designed to help you guide clients through the common regression gateway that can block the transfer of their consciousness across the spiritual plane of the past…
  • Advanced discussion and practical application of lessons learned from the death experience gateway that many clients experience before moving into a regression state and how to practically address this frequent barrier…
  • The right and completely wrong questions to ask during this stage of the regression experience and over one dozen therapeutic tools you can add to your arsenal to help clients past this specific point of entry into the realm of the past…

Finally Learn To Break Through The Gateway To The Spiritual Plane Of The Past PLUS Get Exclusive Access To…

  • The exact script that Dr. Steve uses to guide clients past the spiritual plane and into the spiritual realm of the past, and how you can follow this script to amplify the power of your spoken word over 10 times during this phase of regression…
  • Dr. Steve’s list of specific patterns, stories, and experiences that clients will relay upon entering the realm of the past and the replies you can copy directly from his experience to prepare clients for a spiritual nova…
  • A complete list of challenge statements and corresponding counter statements to use during the transition past entry into the spiritual plane of the past and step-by-step demonstration of how to use these challenges..
  • Complete step-by-step demonstration of a PLR session as conducted by Dr. Steve with both conscious and spiritual interference. These guided sessions will show you exactly how to put your newly learned tools into action…

With Over 4 Hours Of Instruction, 10+ Specific Demonstrations, And Dozens Of Never Before Released Scripts, Tools, And Teachings From Decades Of PLR Practice…

Included with registration is complete access to the over 130-page workbook, 20 video modules, specific tools, scripts, discussions, and examples, and demonstrations of PLR sessions presented by Dr. Steve.

The tools and techniques that you’re about to get access to will give you an advanced level education worthy of Ivy League instruction standards without an “Ivy League price tag.” Plus, you’ll receive the professional certification from the American Alliance of Hypnotists that you need to be recognized as an advanced regressionist and PLR hypnotist.

…This Course Gives You A Complete Approach To Past Life Regression Hypnosis Never Before Taught Online

Other options for certification as an advanced PLR Hypnotist are intensive week-long workshops, semester-based certification courses, and private one-on-one instruction…

With all of these methods you’ll pay upwards of $3,000 to get an advanced certification.

For the first time the American Alliance of Hypnotists is bringing this course and a series of regressionist certification courses 100% online to help new students and experienced practitioners gain the certification needed to practice this always-in-demand and constantly expanding therapeutic practice.

Cancel Your Course Registration Within 60 Days For Full Refund. Registration Today Is 100% RISK FREE

Dr. Steve G. Jones has never sold a single course, service, or offer without a guarantee and would not allow the American Alliance of Hypnotists to open course registration without one.

Bottom line: You have 60 days to try this 100% online, self-paced instructional certification program to determine if you can understand the concepts, embrace the real-world examples right from Dr. Steve’s own practice, and apply the principles of advanced verification as a regressionist in your life, business or practice.

At any time in the first 60 days after registration we will give you 100% of your registration fee back. All you have to do is ask.

Shipping method

– After making a purchase, you will see a View your order link to the Downloads page. Here you can download all the files related to your order.
– In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend a new download link.
– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
– Our support staff is the best by far! Please contact us at email: [email protected] and we will be happy to help!