Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Millionaire Yoga – Full Program

$35.00 $147.00 Sale

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Dr. Baskaran Pillai – Millionaire Yoga – Full Program


Sign up for a FREE Millionaire Yoga Meditation Kit

  • A Guided Video 3rd Eye Meditation led by Dr. Pillai
  • The Full Meditation Audio Download
  • Advanced Millionare Yoga Techniques from Dr. Pillai



Millionaire Yoga is based on secretly guarded esoteric techniques, historically coveted by yogis and Siddha Masters, designed to retrain your brain and change your money karma. Enlightened Master Dr. Pillai now brings it to the world.


“Material needs are not that hard to get. It’s only a matter of knowing what has gone wrong. So the program is about empowering the brain through sound frequencies, mantras that I will personally initiate you in during the program, and also identifying the brain parts that are responsible for creating the passion and also the wisdom to be affluent.”


Dr. Pillai is a spiritual scientist, academic scholar, philanthropist, world thought leader as a speaker at the United Nations Conference of World Religions and has been referred to as “one of the most enlightened beings on the planet”, by Dr. Wayne Dyer.


#1 New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Wayne Dyer has featured his methods in “I Can See Clearly” and lovingly dedicated his breakthrough book “Manifest Your Destiny” to Dr. Pillai, a.k.a. Guruji. wayne-book



Do any of these beliefs sound familiar?

  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • To maintain a pure spiritual life, it is essential that I avoid all material wants & possessions.
  • The amount of money I make is directly related to my education and intelligence.
  • Even if I am able to attract money, I will always find a way to self-sabotage my own prosperity.
Becoming a millionaire is a matter of creating positive money karma. This is a process of defusing these negative attitudes that have become our belief system caused by genetic, religious, cultural, or parental conditionings. No matter how long you have had this belief system, your brain can be positively re-programmed via these miracle brain changing techniques of the Yogis.

The 5 Steps Dr. Pillai Will Teach You

To Attain The Millionaire’s Brain

Roll over the 5 steps to find out more…


Unlock Your Brain’s Power Center, And Access Your Unlimited Potential, With A Pineal Gland Activation.


Discover An Ancient Technique, Using Yogic Sound Waves, That Can Allow You To Think And Manifest Effortlessly.


Clear Problematic Neuropathways, And Erase Negative Conditioning, With A Technique To Vibrationally Cleanse The Neo Cortex.


Channel Your Emotional Energy To Transform Any Goal Into A 3 Dimensional Reality, With A Meditation To Tap Into Your Brain’s Emotional Center.


Receive The Energy To Establish The Neurology & Thought Patterns Of A Millionaire From An Energetic Transmission, And Initiation From A Master.

What is Included in the Millionaire Yoga Program?

5 all-inclusive, fully downloadable Millionaire Yoga sessions with over 3 hours of content designed exclusively to activate your Millionaire Brain.

5 powerful webinars to reinforce, enhance and accelerate your new Millionaire’s brain.

  • The Technology of Time
  • Financial Planning for Future Wealth
  • The Art of Commitment
  • Your Millionaire Makeover
  • Medical Basis of the Third Eye

Through the combination of modern neuroscience and ancient esoteric knowledge, Enlightened Master Dr. Pillai has discovered exactly how to raise the vibration of your brain frequency to activate the Millionaire’s Brain in anyone through the Millionaire Yoga series.


What People Are Saying

I found Dr. Pillai’s introduction to the Initiation really set the stage for me. There seems to be much more internal openness and a feeling of expectancy after each practice session. Many Thanks to the Entire Millionaire Team!


The result has been heightened intuition, increased intelligence and creativity, greater awareness, and the ability to see some of my manifestations come to life. The sounds given by Dr. Pillai are transforming my life in every way.


Ryan this course is amazing! This was my “first introduction” to Dr. Pillai’s teachings. I had no prior experience or knowledge with meditation, mantras or Guru’s. I listened to the initation for pineal gland activation and three weeks later took a trip to Egypt. The activation took place while I was in the temple in Aswan, Egypt. This was last March, and nothing has been the same since. I spent a few months trying to figure things out on my own and then joined The Ultimate Teachings class. Karma busting and mantras are the way to change everything in your life. My finances have changed for the better and special blessings have been coming my way. I thank God for Dr. Pillai everday. Namaste

Lori Searles Grasing


We are committed to your abundance.

Dr. Pillai is committed to sharing his teachings and undeniably powerful vibration raising technologies with the world. His methods have successfully changed the lives of many people, allowing them to not only increase their own prosperity but also give back to the world around them in ways they could only once imagine. If the technologies in the Millionaire Yoga program don’t work for you, we invite you to contact us within 30-days of your original purchase for a refund so that you may continue your search to find the program that brings you the abundance that is the birthright for all beings on this planet.

Change your Money Karma. Change

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Sale Page: https://academy.pillaicenter.com/course/millionaire-yoga-program/

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