Lynn Waldrop – Gut Health Series

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Lynn Waldrop - Gut Health Series

Lynn Waldrop – Gut Health Series

Lynn designed this series for EVERYONE because it provides both Preventative energies and Remedial energies for all things Gut Health which in turn benefits Total Body Wellness!

Did you know that your body is talking to you in the form of physical symptoms every day? Think back to the last time you had a breakout, a headache, acid reflux, achy muscles, or even a panic attack

Most of the time these symptoms are telling you something else in your body is imbalanced or awry. Meaning, sometimes a breakout isn’t a skin problem or the anxiety that you are feeling isn’t due to stress in your life.

Often, it’s due to an unhealthy GUT – The Gut is connected to EVERYTHING!
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

Leaky Gut
Irritable bowel syndrome
Food sensitivities
Stomach pain or cramps
Chronic constipation or diarrhea
Skin conditions
Joint issues

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then the Gut Health Series is for you!

The Gut can be the problem!  Lynn will be focusing on..

Because the Gut affects so many other areas of YOUR body!

Who knew your Gut could be the source of AutoImmune Diseases, Joint Pain, Mood Swings, Skin Conditions and so much more!

In this dynamic series, Lynn

breaks down the common and chronic ailments caused by problems in the gut
focuses on your gut’s relationship with other systems in the body
creates better communication within your body leading to optimal health.
Also, in this series Lynn will be doing physical processes and powerful TFE (thoughts, feelings and emotions) clearings surrounding your gut.

So many of you have been asking for more energy work on this topic –

AND the Gut Health Series is for YOU!
Clear Past Lives and Familial Patterns Related to your Gut Health

In this Series, Lynn will clear the Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions (TFE’s) around all things gut health as well.

We know that our thoughts, feelings and emotions create our physical body. You have an opportunity to change the effects of those decisions in any environment or situation.

“I can’t stomach this anymore”
“I’m embarrassed by all of the trips to the bathroom.”
“I hate having to monitor every little thing that I eat.”
“I’m sick of feeling so sick all of the time.”
“I feel that others are judging me.”
“I’m afraid these problems will not go away.”

Join Lynn as you listen to her Gut Detox MP3 where she will be preparing the bodies for the Gut Health Remote Remedy Energy Work

The Body Channel Community has LOVED the Remote Remedy Series and asked for more because of the DAILY DOSE the participants receive + these have never been done before with Gut Health inspired energies.

Here’s what you need to know about Lynn’s Internationally-Acclaimed Remote Remedies:

Remote Remedies will be 7–10-minute mini-MP3s on a Gut Health specific hormones & TFEs (and Lynn gets these topics from YOUR bodies)
Your body will receive the amazing energy that is group synergy. Group work creates synergy because everyone is trying to achieve the same goal and same target areas!
All of Lynn’s work including the Remote Remedies use the consciousness of your body and the knowledge of how long to run before turning them off! So, they may run for minutes or even hours throughout your day!!

Here are just some of the specific topics that Lynn will be addressing in these Remote Remedies:

Energies included:

Gut-Brain Axis
Gut & Endocrine System Connection
Gut & Immune System Connection
The Gut Has Its Own Nervous System
Gut & Your Mood
Microbiome vs. Microbiota
Babies Microbiome
Bloating & Gas
Good Bacteria vs. Bad Bacteria in the Gut (Probiotics + Bacteria Balance)
Food Sensitivity
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Gut & Your Skin
Ulcers, Bleeding & Colitis
TFE’s (Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions) surround your Gut Health
& Much More!

Total Body Cleanse 5.0

This MP3 addresses Yeast, Fungus, Parasites, Bacteria, Viruses, Chemicals, Radiation, and Heavy Metals! Now upgraded to include Epstein Barr Virus, Microscopic Mites, Vaccine Reversal, Tapeworms and more! The overgrowth of yeast or bacteria and the presence of these other materials or properties can show up many ways, such as feeling fatigued and always worn down because the body is constantly fighting them. Many of the mysterious symptoms from such diagnoses as arthritis, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia — I have found from the thousands of sessions I have done — can be attributed to one of the items listed above. We have expanded the list of toxins to add the 13 most common Hormone Disruptors, more medications, and more chemicals, such as Fluoride.

NEW: so many new chemicals added such as RoundUp, chemicals used in food processing and containers; much more on microscopic mites and parasites; “designer” bacteria and viruses that have mutated to make your own personal version; pathogens that are from childhood diseases such as chicken pox that have just been hanging out at such low levels yet taxing your immune system constantly; more on hormones in food supply chains; a look at the Zika virus!

Fungal Infection GONE!

“I have downloaded the Body Boost and Total Body Cleanse and use it every day. The Total Body Cleanse has eradicated a fungal infection that I have had on my chest for years. I appreciate the opportunity to have these wonderful tools.” – MICHELLE

Inflammation Elimination 4.0

The best definition of inflammation: immune system response to diet, lifestyle and environment. It affects everything from aging, to joints and organs. This upgraded Inflammation Elimination dives right into Diet, Lifestyle, Environmental Factors as well as Entities that are causing Inflammation in your body — time to start the healing!

Inflammation is Immune System response to Diet, Lifestyle and Environment so we added in inflammatory responses to foods, stress, toxins and some TFEs (thoughts, feelings and emotions) inflaming your world including inappropriate histamine responses making it appear that you have allergies!

Ankles Looking Great

“The inflammation mp3 really warmed up my legs and feet. I had better flexibility afterwards. My ankles looked like they used to 30+ years ago.” – TINA

Toxin Detox 4.0

The liver cleans the toxins from the blood, the spleen filters and recycles blood as a part of the immune system, & kidneys filter blood to create urine. All of the following can be signs of toxicity in the body because we are bombarded through our daily life: fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, sinus congestion or excessive sinus problems, headaches, bloating & gas, constipation, diarrhea or foul-smelling stools, heartburn, sleep problems, water retention, trouble losing weight, rashes & skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis or acne, or menstrual disorders. Upgraded to include waste removal — let’s get healthy and toss the toxins!

All new energies to clean out all the waste systems including lungs cellular waste and skin! As well as adding TFEs (thoughts feeling and emotions) related to toxic people and situations around you. We must keep the waste systems functioning properly so that when we detox the medications, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, parasites and more that the body can move them out of the body easily!!!

Days Are No Longer Dragging

“I first started listening to these mp3’s after undergoing chemotherapy last Fall. I was still extremely fatigued once it ended. In a session with Lynn we discussed detoxing my body. I now play the Toxin Detox almost daily and no longer feel like the days are dragging along. I am forever grateful for Lynn’s talent and generosity.” – MARY

Colon Clean-Up 4.0

Most people have pounds and pounds of rotting fecal matter in their colon, overgrowth of yeast and fungus, parasites, and toxin build-up causing chaos in their body. The body goes through autointoxication — the body slowly poisons itself because it cannot rid itself of wastes! Symptoms of colon build-up are as follows: perpetual cycle of colon dysfunction; constant illness due to vitamin deficiencies even if you take vitamins; acne, sores and rashes of the skin; weakened tissues throughout the body due to toxic build-up. We will also look at brain connections to the colon as well as any control issues or other Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions tying up your digestive track!

Added TFEs (thoughts, feelings and emotions) around digestive issues that “run in the family“, clearing any entities from the colon, detoxed overgrowth in the gut and added in so much about the immune system starting in the gut and autoimmune responses in the colon such as IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease).

I Feel the Energy!!

“I have bought the majority of Lynn’s mp3s and love them, they are so easy to listen to while I’m busy at home, and I’m not a fan of meditation because I find it hard to keep still for long periods. I feel the energy from them and they have improved the health issues I have. I would highly recommend Lynn’s work.” – LYNNE

Happy Hormones 4.0

Let’s get all of those hormones in the body working FOR YOU! Hormones are a lot more than just the male/female hormones we all talk about. They are the messengers that deliver the marching orders to the entire body letting each part know it’s job. This affects your metabolism, your periods and menopause, your sex drive, the way your body processes sugar, how well you handle stress, and how well your immune system handles even colds and flus. Time to get the signals straight and balance those hormones!

All-new energies addressing the entire Endocrine System from the Hypothalmus to the Adrenals. More diabetes and hypoglycemia support, thyroid and autoimmune issues, more detoxification and decalcification of the pineal and pituitary since they rule what happens to the rest of the Endocrine System downstream!

Just What I Needed to Get Through Menopause Chaos

“Just what I needed! I was having a tough time going through menopause and it put me in a funk. This is just what I needed to get through the chaos and hot flashes!” – JENN

Brain Balancer

The Brain Balancer MP3 from The Body Channel Monthly Group Call series. The Brain MP3 focuses on deleting the effects of Aging, Improving cognitive function, Motor Skills & Memory, Releasing Painful Memories & Stories that seem to be on an endless loop, Deleting genetic markers for Brain Cancer, Dementia & other Brain Dis-orders. Dive into the thoughts, feelings & emotions that can create dis-ease between you & your Brain.

Released Debilitating Childhood Memories

“I had a rough upbringing with a lot of neglect, abuse and tragedy. The Brain Balancer is just what I needed to help release those debilitating memories from my childhood.: – DON

Autoimmune Basics

Autoimmune Diseases arise from an abnormal immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body. This may be restricted to certain organs or involve a particular tissue. Researchers have identified over 80 different diseases as Autoimmune and an additional 40+ as having an Autoimmune basis.

Allergies Gone… I Can Eat Without Fear

“I worked with Lynn and she found that my allergies were being caused by too much of a specific protein in my blood… Things improved to a degree after that session and re-listening to it often… It has been several weeks now and I was tested again yesterday and still zero food allergies are showing… I can eat without fear now.” – SUSIE

“No matter what I ate or how often I ate, I would always get bloated to the point that I looked pregnant. It was so embarrassing and I constantly had to wear big and flowy clothes to hide it. Something wasn’t right with my digestion and so I came to Lynn for help after the doctors came up empty. My body told Lynn to clear the ascites causing fluid build up in my abdomen and so she did and now I couldn’t be happier with how I feel! I feel lighter, less bloated, slim, and just overall healthy.” -Johanna R

The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors

“Lynn, your energy work has helped my body lift itself into a higher frequency of vibration and out of the throes of Gut Issues. The doctors said I had IBS but all tests showed nothing was wrong with me – Yet I had diarrhea, constipation, horrible gas pains & colon spasms. I feel so much better now after working with you. The best I have felt in over a year. It is also helping to wan some of the food allergies that are triggering reactions. Thank you so much, Lynn!” –Alamar F

The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors

“I used Lynn’s MP3’s last night after I got food poisoning, I played it quietly throughout the night and it helped to move everything quickly through my body. I’m feeling good this morning!” -Brenda H

The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors

“Only minutes after I privately worked with Lynn, I felt the need to rush to the restroom. I don’t want to get too graphic, but I felt years of overgrowth of candida and fungus was released.  I have never felt better!” -Stephen M.

The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors

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– If you can’t find the download link, please don’t worry about it. This course is usually available and shipped within one day
– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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