Margaret Paul – The Power to Heal Yourself
Margaret Paul – The Power to Heal Yourself
What You’ll Learn in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part intensive, Dr. Margaret will teach you how to transform your life through a self-healing process that creates a shift into true self-love and establishes a daily personal connection and dialogue with a loving source of higher guidance.
Each teaching, inquiry and practice session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to love yourself and share your love with others.
Module One: Beginning Your Inner Journey
In this first session, we will explore how at the deepest level only two paths in life are available to us: “the path of fear” and “the path of courage and love.” Underlying the choice between these two paths is the moment-by-moment choice of one of two intentions. You will explore four different aspects of yourself that need to be understood and eventually integrated. Subjects include:
- Understanding the intent to learn about loving yourself, and the intent to avoid pain through some form of controlling behavior
- Understanding the various forms of controlling behavior that stem from self-rejection/self-abandonment
- Integrating your essence, your ego-wounded self, your loving adult and your higher Self on another level
- Defining the 6 steps of Inner Bonding
- Becoming aware of the consequences of each intention
Module Two: Getting to Know and Compassionately Accept Your Wounded Self
In this session, we will go deeply into your survival mechanism – the part of you that got you through difficult times as you were growing up. You will become aware of the role modeling that creates this aspect of yourself – the aspect that now needs to heal and transform into a creative ally. Subjects include:
- Understanding the false beliefs of your wounded self
- Becoming aware of where you got your false beliefs and your controlling, addictive behaviors
- Discovering the ways you protect against pain that actually creates more pain
- Seeing how we develop into takers and caretakers – two sides of the wounded self
- Understanding Shame
Module Three: Connecting with Your Higher Guidance and Discovering Your True Core Self
In this module you will discover the beauty of who you really are, and how to develop your loving adult self who can take loving action on your own behalf – and on behalf of others. Through visualization, you will learn to connect with your personal source of spiritual guidance that will then become the role model for loving yourself, and enables you to see who you really are. Subjects include:
- Discovering how to define your true, core self
- Learning to connect with your loving source of spiritual guidance
- Understanding the difference between operating from your wounded self and from your loving adult self
- Accessing your role-model for loving action
Module Four: Becoming Fully Connected to Yourself in This Moment
Step 1 of Inner Bonding
You will receive a mindfulness process for connecting with your physical and emotional feelings, discovering how to move from your head into your body. You will learn how to be fully present in this moment, and find the place within you that wants to evolve from your feelings rather than avoid them. Subjects include:
- Discovering what it means to be “willing,” and the false beliefs in the way of your willingness to feel your feelings and learn from them
- Identifying the wounded feelings that we create and how to open to them
- Understanding the core painful feelings of life that come from others and situations
- Exploring false beliefs about pain, and the difference between pain and suffering
Module Five: Intent and the Loving Adult
Step 2 of Inner Bonding
In this session we go deeply into the intent to learn, rather than the intent to control. We will explore various means of opening to learning and what to do if anger, blame and resentment are in the way of opening your heart to learning and becoming a loving adult. Subjects include:
- Deep inquiry into the powerful intent to learn about love
- Understanding how raise your frequency to connect with your spiritual guidance
- Understanding and applying the “power of compassion”
- Connecting with guidance to become a loving adult
- Going through the “Inner Bonding Anger Process”
Module Six: Your Feelings, False Beliefs and Accessing the Truth
Steps 3 and 4 of Inner Bonding
You will learn dialogue processes with your core self, your wounded self and your spiritual guidance. This is a deep internal dialogue process with your feelings and your belief system – enabling you to uncover false beliefs that may be causing your pain. Subjects include:
- The layers of exploration that enables you to access your unconscious beliefs
- The key questions to ask your core self and your wounded self
- The key questions to ask your spiritual guidance to heal your false beliefs and resulting pain
Module Seven: The Power of Loving Action and Evaluating the Action
Steps 5 and 6 of Inner Bonding
In this module we will explore the various kinds of loving actions – actions for yourself alone, and actions in relationships with others. Taking loving action can tap into deep fears, and these will be explored in precise depth. Then, you will learn how to evaluate whether or not the action you took was loving to you. Subjects include:
- How to really know what exactly are loving actions
- Taking the loving actions that help redefine your own worth
- Loving actions in relationships, and in conflict with others
- Understanding the two healthy choices in conflict
- The results of loving action: relief from guilt, anger, shame, anxiety, and depression – feeling whole, expansive and spacious
The Power to Heal Yourself Bonus Collection
In addition to Dr. Margaret’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course – and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
“Individual Process and Creativity”
Audio dialogue with Alanis Morissette and Dr. Margaret
In this candid 1-hour dialogue, singer/songwriter Alanis Morissette shares how practicing the principles of Inner Bonding helped her shift her relationships with partners, producers and herself – to become a more fully-realized person, mother and performer. Alanis also reveals that when she bonds with her own inner parents through inner conversations, she becomes more responsible and functional in all of her relationships. And, when she nurtures herself – in the same way that she cares for her own son – she thrives, as does her career.
Alanis Morissette is a singer-songwriter, guitarist, record producer and actress. She has won 16 Juno Awards and 7 Grammy Awards, was nominated for 2 Golden Globe Awards. Morissette began her career in Canada, and as a teenager recorded two dance-pop albums, Alanis and Now Is the Time, under MCA Records Canada. Her first international album was the rock-influenced Jagged Little Pill, released in 1995. Jagged has sold more than 33 million units globally. Her following album, Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, was released in 1998. Morissette took up producing duties for her subsequent albums, which include Under Rug Swept, So-Called Chaos and Flavors of Entanglement. Her 8th studio album, Havoc and Bright Lights, was released on August 28, 2012. Morissette has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide. Additionally, she has written articles on parenting and relationships for the Huffington Post and
Dear God, What is Love? E-book
Dr. Margaret and her daughter, Sheryl, collaborated on this succinct e-book about love. Each section explores a different aspect of love and loving. Dr. Margaret accessed the concepts through her spiritual guidance, then Sheryl (author of The Conscious Bride) transformed them into metaphor, beauty and poetry. Margaret drew the mandalas at the beginning of each section.
“Attracting the Love of Your Life”
Audio Teaching Session with Dr. Margaret Paul
In this special bonus session, Dr. Margaret Paul discusses what you need to address within yourself to attract the love of your life, and what you might be doing that is blocking that attraction. She also takes questions from listeners and works with them directly – so you can listen in on the answers that may be just right for you.
Inner Bonding Workshop Workbook
In this special workbook that is used in Dr. Margaret’s Inner Bonding workshops, you’ll receive charts, exercises and other helpful sheets, to support you in your learning and healing process throughout the course journey.
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– The course you purchased will have lifetime access
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